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Ghost of Dwight Drane

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Everything posted by Ghost of Dwight Drane

  1. Roy and Vanek then everyone's flavor de jour Ennis and Foligno? Stafford, Roy and Vanek was a $15 million line.
  2. Simmonds.... 3 years younger Only used on the powerplay regularly last year as opposed to Stafford who has all 4 Has missed a total of 6 games in 4 seasons Has outhit Stafford 3 to 1 Has 27 regular season fights compared to Stafford's 4 Stafford outweighs him by 25 lbs He probably can play the guitar better as well, but now I'm just stereotyping.......
  3. Considering he is 23, and LA didn't use him on the powerplay...... Look at him compared to Stafford. Similar offense, but the guy is 3 years younger, plays with an edge and will drop the gloves. If Stafford and Lieno are worth $4 million, this kid is closer to $6. I guess since he is still a RFA to a point they got a deal. I'd trade them Ennis for him in a heartbeat....and for those saying Sekera for him.....no way they come close to taking it. Sekera and McNabb maybe and throw a 3rd our way. If Darcy Regier was God, he would have built man with a liver, and 19 appendices where the heart, testes, and brain should be. Simmonds is a heart.
  4. I predict someone from the Sabres organization will be wearing Bright Orange in the state of Pennsylvania by the end of the year. ;)
  5. Oddly enough, both malaria and having to watch the Sabres all season, produce the same set of symptoms.
  6. The Obama one is cheaper because it's hollow, subsidized, and was made in Kenya.
  7. Mosquitoes can irritate you, draw some blood, buzz in your ear, and leave you with a few raised bumps as a reminder of their impact for a week or so.......but when it's all said and done, the lifespan of the mosquito is 10-20 days.......and you may itch a little, but you will go on to fight the next battle as you find those mosquitoes piled up at your doorstep and spiders feeding on their carcasses. People that have been happy with this team are hoping that this group of mosquitoes carries West Nile, or dinghui fever.......but you have just as great a chance as being struck down by lightning.
  8. So what you really mean to say is.....the coaching sucked. :P She's Italian? Haha! Well then divorce is out of the question........except you already have a bum knee if I recall.....so they'll probably just take a few fingers and put your nads in a vice. Enjoy the pizzelles at the reception.
  9. Fair enough....just as wings go, there are probably 100 places in the area that are just as viable. You can buy the Swis Chalet dipping sauce packets online.
  10. Well sir...I'se usually stands to their lefts, 'cause I reckon their reaction time won'ts be as swift after I pinch their ripe fanny and make a run for it.
  11. Actually the fries are good....never had fingers
  12. :sick: :censored: I'm not putting out any links as people have already bashed me enough.
  13. Thank you for the Fort Erie tip.....although being 1/2 mile from a track that boasts cheap claimers, might explain the abundance of meat in the "steak" sub. I will try it nonetheless. I agree that Duffs is the real overrated place. I never hear people boasting how great Anchor Bar is....so I don't get how it can be overrated. It is famous because Mama Theresa invented the thing to shut up a bunch of drunken relatives at 2 AM. That is greatness in itself. The wings are fine.....it's just expensive and you have to put up with the novelty crowd aspect. I guess by some logic, Orville and WIlbur Wright are overrated because their plane went down after 500 feet.
  14. Afraid of the "Lindy can't coach for the first 55 games of the year" syndrome? :P Play it by ear I guess
  15. Speaking of which....what do we do with Hodgson/Kassian if there is a lockout? I think we said they each had to play 60. Should we amend it to at least 75% of the regular season games? You still have a $30 credit at the House of Drane.
  16. He was for 15 games.....but 1 man can't fight "The System". My guess is Ott makes a good go of it for 20-25....then his buddy Weber will be riding the pine, and it will be 18 degrees and snowing.....and he will think about taking the gas pipe. No Doan or Iginla type in here = muddle muddle muddle
  17. I checked out the whole shebang. My aunt had a cat that was a wobbler. Took him 2 minutes to get down the driveway and he was dizzy, but he got there.
  18. It all makes sense now....
  19. Bettman drinks White Zinfandel.
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