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Ghost of Dwight Drane

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Everything posted by Ghost of Dwight Drane

  1. The vaunted Double Humbucker.
  2. Of course I do. If he's going to move 3500 miles....might as well do it for double the cash.
  3. One place...as in Winnipeg/Phoenix/Quebec? It is sort of romantic....but a lot of it is old guy syndrome on his part. It's a pain to change when you are comfortable.
  4. The other $72 million Pegula is paying out is WORTHLESS without someone like Doan in here to change the feel and culture. Look at it this way......for all the people that thought last year was a good team and a contender........all you are doing is paying $3.5 million for Shane Doan the hockey player......and plugging him into the $4 million on the waste of space Brad Boyes. And the cap has gone up besides. No Doan = SPCA windfall
  5. Go check it out. Used car values are holding well.....especially the low end. They will try to F you somehow.....but if you want a new car....go check it out.
  6. There you go....good work. The 6K probably includes a 3500 "payment up front", then you get 5 years at 8.9% I had a deal done on a Dodge Ram at one point being told I was getting 0%, then they pull the old...."sorry, you just don't qualify for that rate" BS as they put the final finance papers in front of me. That's when I had 6 guys in a room who were about to call the cops after I about choked the manager to get my keys back on my car that they were holding hostage after their inspection on the trade-in. Never have bought a Chrystler product because of it.
  7. So he's only 3.75 times the coach Ruff is................. Why Yeth
  8. I've almost killed 8 people in my lifetime..... 3 were car dealers.
  9. Like Chz on Margareta Night?
  10. Yep.... Which is why people yap, because each year of mediocrity carries forward. It's not like you start from a clean slate. Philly missed the playoffs, made big changes, went to the Cup, still made big changes 2 years later....and now are signing power forwards to deals where the Sabres have had Lieno, Boyes and Stafford slotted. It's an exponential effect when you make decisions........whuch is why Ott on his own is a blip. Doan in here....then you reach some sort of critical mass to rebuild the culture. Still the same couple running the puppy mill for now. Need a pit bull to push back.
  11. You doubt us dear comrade?
  12. How can you be a perennial contender when you max out your payroll, can't make the playoffs, and can't get top guys here for a premium?
  13. With it public, it would really make Hockey Heaven look bad if he moves out east to some other team for 70% of the money. If they get him, great.
  14. We all love figure skaters..... You can have the Buffalo Sabres and I'll take Anna Semenovich and Sasha Cohen in a scissors.
  15. Yeah....but...but.....it's cold in Buffalo, so with all the injuries the Sabres had, it took longer to heal and made their joints and muscles all achey and stuff.
  16. Yeah....but how many 2 months later had to make a bold proclaimation that "This is a playoff team"......then had to backtrack the next morning when asked by the media if he was guaranteeing a playoff berth.....and he says no?
  17. Ruff doesn't suck......he is exquisitely mediocre....yet people build statues to him. Some other comments which are commonly heard from Ruff loyalists...... "My Two Dads.......now that was a hell of a sitcom........." "Some people say George Carlin or Richard Pryor....but for my money...Dane Cook is the funniest man who ever lived......." "You can't get good food where I live.......I can't wait to visit Buffalo so I can get one of those John & Mary's tuna subs........" "I know Meryl Streep is available.....but let's not ruin a good thing......we're going with Bonnie Hunt........" "My back is killing me and I can't get out of bed.......thank God for my doctor....he's calling in a prescription for some Motrin as we speak......." "I wanted a special occasion so she'd always remember when I proposed......that's why we're going to the matinee of the Des Moines Philharmonic......." "It was an amazing night.......we split a nice bottle of Kendall Jackson then fell asleep snuggling on the couch............"
  18. It's a personal decision, and I love animals so I know it is tough. You are making personal choices that most people wouldn't even do for a human relative. That's a lot of love. No matter when the time comes, and what you decide, you can be assured you have already gone above and beyond the call of duty. Sometimes the easiest way for any creature to be fully happy again is to be allowed to be at peace. It sounds like everyone is stressing. There is nothing to feel guilty about in relieving your own stress if it is the direct result of relieving his stress. He would be thankful. It's OK.
  19. Well....that's why you won't see a game anytime soon. There are 3 players on the Sabres I wouldn't trade for him in a 1 on 1. Vanek, Miller, Myers Ehrhoff and Pominville are close.
  20. Who called Stafford's deal a bust? I'm saying if you gave me the choice of the 2.....Simmonds all day. Add in the fact the cap went up by 10% so it's like Stafford is $4.4 per. I just hate it when people dig in for gutless mediocrity I appreciate the troll.....Johnny Carson gets half the laughs without "How hot was it?"
  21. In this market he gets close to $30 for 5. He's young, all heart and soul, and is safely a 20-25 goal scorer with a chance to average 30 going forward.
  22. In their last 4 years..... Simmonds blocked 2x as many shots Has more game winning goals Has a higher and more consistant shooting% Oh yeah.....playoffs Stafford: 3 points in 10 games Simmonds 12 points in 23 games Oh yeah.....again....HE'S 23!!!
  23. I understand the UFA thing.....that is the only reason he is locked down at that price.
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