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Ghost of Dwight Drane

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Everything posted by Ghost of Dwight Drane

  1. Not only that, their first 2 RB's are done, and Kolb is looking like Kolb. I agree....if they can't stop the run and get some pressure, time to man the lifeboats. But it could be pretty funny watching Mario get 3 sacks, the Bills win by double digits, and coming home to be 5 point favorites over Tennessee. People won't know what to do with themselves. If the Bills lose 30-13, then everyone is fair game.
  2. Haha! The Sabres shuffle. Yes....cement ceiling. I guess we can talk properly about it in 2023 when Darcy and Lindy get "the team they wanted" again. Not only do I think they CAN beat Arizona, they should. It's up to them now. That's the difference in the 2 lockerrooms. Chan trusts his guys to lead and Nix brought in a team of responsible players who SHOULD be trusted to get out of this rut on their own. Barnett, Wood, Kyle Williams, Freddy....those are the guys that need to break balls. Kelsay, Wilson, Levitre, Fitz....group 1a who need to show a little more extroverted fire from their bellies.....Byrd, Dareus, Stevie, Spiller....this is the group where maybe Chan can make a difference.....they are young and talented and a little more emotional. Maybe you let them get it bubbled instead of calming them down. There is talent and leadership all over this roster. Again, if Mario put a crimp in the style, this is the week to take back that room and do it the right way. He's had 4 months of asskissing....make a play! I've had horses that either win or are right there at the end, or who pack it in when they know it's not their day. It's actually smart for a racehorse to protect itself, but it looks like crap when testosterone laden men do it. Don't confuse the scoreboard with the ability of the team going into a fresh scenario. They need to get over the huge momentum shifts and a lot of that is on coaching. If you just look at the paper, you may think it is hopeless....if you understand the makeup of the whole thing, you might think differently. Vice-versa for the Sabres. Since our Hodgson/Kassian thingie is shot, I'll take the 4 1/2 points if you want to let it whirl. Even better....I owe you 30.....I'll say if the Bills lose, I owe you 50.....they win, we're even. This way it is on them winning and not covering, since that is what was suggested I have no faith in.
  3. Very true.....but we're going on 500 games without a playoff victory and nary a thought to fall on the sword. I was just replying to drnkirish saying I am like the Sabres appologists. If offering up my keister after game 5 because I said there are no excuses for the attitude of that team is being an appologist, I'd hate to see what happens when I am a realist.
  4. There are still supposedly multiple federal investigations ongoing. There was an article with leaked information about 2 months ago that looked like they were doing some digging. I didn't post it here because some of the descriptions hit a little too close to home and I already got enough grief for towing a tight line.
  5. The day I see Chz say "Put me over a Pommel Horse and go to town" after 5 Sabres games is the day I jump on it! No...Bellicheck coached that game with ultimate respect. He has blown smoke up Buffalo's ass in the past, but that first half he made 4 non-traditional calls. I don't know Harbaugh as well so that may not have meant a hill of beans.
  6. Absolutely....Fitz has been bad. He has shown however that if the D played anywhere near expectations, he could at least smartly Dilfer this team. The Bills have no other option at this time, and while I can't argue they could have done something about it earlier...and probably should do something moving forward, Gailey is probably like me and hanging onto that last 30% of faith in him. He really has no choice at this point. They built this team to succeed.....so far the $200 million front 4 has been pedestrian at best, and Mr. Harvard is playing like Mr. UB. The leaders need to grab some jocks and say "Let's Go!"
  7. Biggest issue right now. And the losses were identical almost. The defense bent but didn't break in the 1st half. Made a huge play and could have gone down at halftime by 7 with momentum and the ball in the 3rd. There was a bad coaching decision....going for a pass on 1st down when SF had 2 TOs at your own redzone. Marv Levy had a basic call there.....run the draw, if you get a first, go on attack....if it falls short either you go to the locker or let SF take the 2 TO and kneel on 3rd. That was horrible and I went ape. If you believe in your guys, you don't get desperate there. 2 weeks in a row opposing quality coaches of top teams have given the Bills tons of respect. SF could have very easily gone for it on 4th early in the game. Bellicheck I have seen coach close to 2 dozen against the Bills and he was legitimately nervous to face them. The talent is there......the scheme should be there if some of these numbnuts showed a sack. I like Spiller's attitude, even though he seems to choke at timely situations. He made a statement by dipping that injured shoulder and charging yesterday. Wood is probably the leader of that offense. The only guy talented, smart enough and with enough balls to call guys out. It's fair game to call out the coaching now. The synergies built here need to work though. They don't, it looks ugly. They do, they can play with anyone. Again, the limiting factors of the Sabres have been so much more obvious than the Bills team that has been built over the past 3 years. I tryly believe the Bills have what it takes to win in all aspects. They keep showing pussiotic tendencies and I will pull that thought. The Sabres have a cement ceiling with their philosophies at GM and coach. Gailey if he has a fault, trusts too much. Lindy trusts zero. It's easier to correct in the first case but neither is preferable. They win in Arizona and they are still on par for expectations. Setting records for horrible play is not encouraging however.
  8. Actually, the Bills are pretty much on par with the Sabres, which is why I am so depressed. They have talent on the field, but they are acting like pussies. I didn't expect a team with Wood, Jackson, Levitre, Fitzpatrick, Barnett, K. Williams, Wilson and Kelsay to act like that and roll over, but they did. The first sign was last year in Miami, and now this is 2 weeks in a row. If Mario Williams is a manchild, then guys like Barnett and Williams need to take over that D and tell him to F-off. This isn't a coaching or talent problem right now, it is attitude. I still feel the Bills will win more the next 3 than the Sabres. Nix is not happy right now and you could tell going into SF. I still trust him and Chan over Darcy and Lindy by far. At least they are honest and expect men to act like men. Now is where Gailey earns his pay. He's given an honest and correct commentary, but he needs to push the right buttons. The season is far from lost. Failure is too fresh in everyones' minds though. That's the difference, I'm mad and disappointed when the Bills act like pussies. When the Sabres do, I just smirk.
  9. Where is Taro by the way?
  10. Throw me over a pommel horse and go to town. No excuses...they spit the bit again.
  11. Did you read the article? In the middle of his FA debacle his 7yo girl got her face ripped apart by a dog and was in the hospital and recovering for a week.......blah blah blah.....house flooded and living in hotel....blah blah blah....realised family is only thing that matters....blah blah blah.....wife says stay in Phoenix she supports him.....blah blah blah..... If Lindy went to the SPCA, it was probably to adopt another 20 pussies.
  12. Someone needs to BBQ that dog. The Buffalo curse hits a new low.
  13. The only reason it hasn't is because of accounting gimmicks. Pretty much everyone is insolvent if you marked to market like was required until 4 years ago. It's toast. Banks, pension funds, toast. The debt doesn't even take into account all the SS/Med liabilities. It's a game of musical chairs now. A currency crisis will shock as it takes hold. I thought it would have happened by now, but we have been buffering in revaluation which should accelerate now. But when it goes, it will be violent. Like Patrick Swazee said in Road House, "Be nice, until it's time not to be nice." I'm at a different bar, myself. You remember when people made fun of me on PPP for saying China and Russia would go away from the dollar and set up oil deals with Iran. Now India and China are setting up payment in gold and China is headed to a gold standard. The biggest thing with a war is that it can and probably will be used as cover for a financial collapse. You can blame the $7 gasoline and haywire markets on the big bad evildoers over there. Once it's game-on, it sets up much to easily for China and Russia to take aggressive measures. There are so many inflated values on the books still. Banks are holding so much junk so they don't need to take real loses. The Fed still has to set up support overseas as well. We don't see regular inflation gapping away because funds are being held to offset bad paper, and being converted to other asset classes. The Fed has lied every step of the way as to projected security and recovery. They are just trying to keep a full blown panic away for as long as possible. Once a war goes hot and escalates beyond minimal expectations, or we get a few domestic attacks, it could be the catalyst for a downslide in a hurry. We supported rebellions in Libya where they came and lynched our people and 20% of Quadafi's arms arsenal is MIA. Egypt is less stable. Syria is a proxy for Iran, and there is no doubt we will see them used as the excuse to start the big one over there. You have more radical players now, so when something happens abroad or stateside, we will get the excuse, "Aw shucks, guess we gotta do something about it." Think of it like parking your junker car next to a bonfire, hoping it catches so you can take the insurance money.
  14. I'm freaking laughing like a schoolgirl. That is great. This has so much potential. Even if I piss on my clubfoot because I can't get it up and think my big toe is talking to me.....
  15. Hang tight.... Looks like you have the option of becoming a RedWings fan. Don't backhand the exchange student tonight!
  16. That is good! Between your girlfriends propensity for cartoon art and your voice....you guys could probably get an internet animation going or something. Thank you....if only all my requests went so swell. You know you want the club foot.....don't deny it.
  17. I'll pay you to call Chz and stalk her for me. I need to hear a few test words though.......can you Youtube the following?: Whipped Cream.........Reverse Jackhammer..........Duct Tape............Fuzzy Bunny.........
  18. Yeah....only took $6 trillion in Fed asset purchases, 0% interest rates, and a decline in real wages and median income to keep us there. Next up.....foreign policy debate....and how now having radical muslims in charge of Libya, Egypt, and pretty much every other country surrounding Israel and Saudi Arabia is a good thing.....
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atdrCXxa218 Dizzy at this point might only be the 4th best musician in the band.....
  20. Kolb looked like Kolb tonight. I think there is a better chance the Bills return 4-2 than 2-4.
  21. I am not a Twitter guy. I have few followers and follow racing and a few local sports for the most part. You see my diatribes here. 120 characters is a sprinkle on a hot fudge sundae.
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ytCEuuW2_A
  23. I used to be as much of an Atlanta Braves fan as I was a Bills or Sabres fan. Once they shut the game down, even though they ended up winning the series...it wasn't a real jubilation. It was like...if I may be so crude.....getting an HJ with a condom on. These things kill over time. Maybe one of the reasons I can be so grumpy about the Sabres themselves is the fact we just lost a season not long ago. You are less willing to forgive when your passion gets chopped down by those who obviously have materialistic goals over passion. Seeing the names I am seeing here over the past few weeks, voice their discent.....the NHL better wake the F up. I'm sure we can all think of much better things to do with the $$ not being spent on hockey.....like filling our gas tanks, and feeding our freakin families. Blah!
  24. No...it makes them emotional and mental slot machines with the depth of Verne Troyer's member.
  25. Twitter and such has ruined everything......there are very talented people who have been sucked into being a part of everything, where in the past they would sit back....take a stance...and tell people to shove it untill otherwise proven correct or faulty. This week to week...day to day...minute to minute stuff has ruined us all. Everytime a plane lands now, pretty much the entire group has their heads burried in an Iphone on touchdown. WTF are you missing? Do you have the F'n nuclear codes to the tridents on our subs? Sorry...rant over. It's not your generation's problem.....it's mine for letting distraction happen. OK, and maybe those babyboomers for sticking it in every hole available.
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