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Ghost of Dwight Drane

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Everything posted by Ghost of Dwight Drane

  1. Well said... And the only way he puts on 30 lbs is through a pituitary tumor..... Again, only 3 games into a goofy season, so everyone needs to hold off on praising and killing these guys. The thing is though, people have treated this kid like the testube baby of Orr/Horton/Chara. In reality it has been the combo of Wooley/Ghandi/Sean Bradley......
  2. Says the guy who just got married.........Live and Learn! :w00t:
  3. Let's see what happens come May/June. I know what I think....but long way to go for everyone. And as always.....I'm tempted to post the video of Lindy Ginzu-ing Luke Adam with a stick and trying to put a bridle and blinkers on Kassian. Just hope Foligno isn't on deck....
  4. Blessing was the perfect straight-man for him. Both of those guys are huge into horseracing and I have chatted with them both over the years, but never together. I'd open up a tab just to get them rolling at the same time if I could.
  5. Bingo. He reminds me of myself. Imagine how critical I would have been the past few years if i relied on the Sabres organization for my salary. He has been frustrated, trust me. That being said, he is older and has gone through a lot of stuff recently. I think he and Ted Darling as a combo were by far the best there was for the Sabres. I swear Roby would be nipping when they went to Boston and he was just the funniest for those games.
  6. Though the forest may be bushy...the tree stands tall and proud..... I'm just bustin on Gary Roberts meme.
  7. The Gary roberts school of manhood must not include faceoff drills.... ;)
  8. So kicking one in and having one go off your ass are Gretzkyesque?
  9. It's a Twitterdom world out there...... I'm impressed so far, but if we went off the first 2 games last year, the Sabres looked unstoppable. The last 12 games will tell the tale.....if the Sabres go better than actual .500 in those, they probably make it. I'm feeling more of a 3-7-2 myself. Hope I'm wrong.
  10. That's a joke. Ask someone standing in a trading pit or sitting behind 6 screens with their job and a few dozen people's financial wellbeing on the line if they need to and can concentrate on something for 10 minutes at a time.....or a soldier....etc..etc......That's why people drink...get ulcers...and off themselves. Ry-Ry needs to grow a set.
  11. Lanny has it right. Scott seems like a good guy, because he got caught with his own medicine. He tried to get a couple rib/kidney shots in on Orr early....which you almost never see....so when Orr had the chance, he just crushed him in the sternum. I think that's why Scott laughed...he knew he started it and got the worst of it.
  12. Father forgive her...for she knows not what she has done....
  13. Now it's a trend....Come'on....we need PA do do some Black Velvet!
  14. Like to see Kevin Adyms smirking....even if we get the 2.
  15. Dude....go drink...or blow out some candles...or get some spankin's.....
  16. What's with this new Twin Village BS? If I wanted to see fleece, I'd go to Knox Farm..... I want to strain and check if there is some 1982 style hygieine poking through those Dasie Dukes....
  17. I love Lindy shifting the bangers......set the tone early this year. Maybe the ol' man has been rejuvinated?????
  18. Am I the only one here who thinks "blood thinner", every time Sylvester tries to sayKulemin?
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