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Ghost of Dwight Drane

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Everything posted by Ghost of Dwight Drane

  1. Speaking of which......I was excited to watch the Westmister Dog Show.....and who shows up to sing the anthem but that D-Bag....Ronan Tynan. Tonight he pulled....."Gave proof to the night...that our flag....." I swear to God....you let a POS sing our anthem and he butchers it time and time again......seriously.......choke on some corned beef you D-Bag!.....seriously.....
  2. Everyone relax....it's Buffalo. If you add up the salary of every member of the Buffalo News sports department and the guys at GR....there is a good chance Matt Ellis is making more......
  3. I actually thought of Pegula as the "anti-owner". According to St. Malachy....Benedict was supposed to serve a short term and then the last of popes would be installed, ushering in the tribulation and end times. He would be the "anti-pope". Benedict is a clever fella....I'm looking into why he would do this today. There has to be some reason....to throw this curveball 2 days before lent, and have the process play out during it....not cool. There is a message here from him somewhere. Anyway....back to Ruff.....
  4. Fenwick close....Corsi numbers.....I'm going to invent the Drane Formula and send the results to Pegula. Not sure just what to include....but it will probably have something to do with number of players with vajayjays and daddy issues fielded on a team, driven by a negative correlation multiplier of volume of scotch and defensive gamefilm ingested by the coach......
  5. I'd help my son with his golf swing.... Then I'd make some spreadsheets and have a nice hot toddy...and convince myself I am an honorable fella.....and go show my owner said spreadsheets the next morning..... Then I'd take a well deserved nap.... Then I'd do an interview on GR, and head down the road to the Olive Garden aterwards.....
  6. This is great!
  7. Nana used to be on life support.....now she's just been in the home with dimentia since 2007.......
  8. It was between those 2 for me. Callahan is probably a better version of Drury when he was here....and young. His tenacious way of doing things might actually rub off on some of these guys. Crosby or Malkin would be a choice if we had a culture of work ethic and success already in place. We don't though.
  9. What else is there to say really? It is what it is. Over the years, those who were very vocal about their absolute doubt in the Sabres' brass were met with resistance and sometimes even disdain. Now a lot of what had been fought is taken as common knowledge. It makes it a lot easier on the blood pressure and soul for someone like myself who doesn't need to chirp anymore because most of the fans finally see it. The latest GR poll had 88% of fans wanting Ruff and or Regier fired. Even at their worst the past few years...Ruff had at least 50% support. When Pegula originally came here I was excited...and still think there is a chance for this to work....but I issued a warning. The real life business success to sports success doesn't translate efficiently. I have seen it in horse racing time and time again. A guy with tons of cash comes in, and he gets excited. He was once a fan...but now is on "the inside" and gets an absolute kick out of it. Just because he has a pure heart and tons of money....he thinks it will be easy to go out and win the Kentucky Derby, or have easy success. The problem is, there are tons of others out there with the same resources....good people at their side...and with more experience and knowledge, who are competing with you for the same athletes....resources...people....games...etc. The people associated with this new owner want him to have success early to keep him interested and building a potential long term relationship. But when the realities of the sport start to hit....injuries, missing on a prospect who turns out a bum...having a decent horse but not a great one....bad luck.....the novice, excited owner often will be in denial about the situation and overvalue his own prospects. A good trainer and adviser will try and be realistic about situations, but a person who is only worried about milking the gravy train as long as they can will continue to blow hot air up the guy's skirt and rely on excuses. What happens? If the guy has early success....great! You're on the way. If he doesn't, but he is a quick learner who can distance himself emotionally from the situation....there is a good chance to build a solid relationship and become efficient over time. However....if the person remains emotional and does not have good people to advise him....eventually he will burn out and lose all interest....moving on to something else. I've seen it countless times....horsepeople understand that is how the game works. That's what worries me about Pegula. I think almost everyone is in agreement he wants to win and has tried to do things to help that along.....but if he is too emotionally attached to being on "the inside" now, and fans really start to turn on him, since the difference here is that there are hundreds of thousands of people with skin in the game...be it $$ on tickets, time spent, emotions, etc.....he may just flip and lose interest....giving the finger to the fans as he does so. I can't say that is what will happen, but that has been my fear, and we are getting to that dicey grey area right now. The problem seems to be, as more and more people start to question the decisions of the organisation, the more and more we hear Black and Pegula dig in. That is scary....because it is setting up for just the end scenario I fear the most. It is possible we are left with a wreck of a roster, a poor salary cap situation, and an owner who finally throws in the towel on the situation and pulls back....leaving the Sabres truly hamstrung. I hope that isn't the case.....but the longer we go under status quo....the more realistic that scenario becomes.
  10. Thanks PA......this is like making love on your 50th anniversary.....a shell of the peak....but still better than anything else......
  11. Just put this in the NYI gameday thread.....figured I'd put it here. When May comes and none of these 3 sh!ts are in the gate.....feel free to give me grief...... :P On a similar note.......The Kentucky Derby futures are starting this week...at least outside of Vegas. My early picks are either Flashback or Revolutionary.....with a chance by It'smyluckyday. If Flashback isn't injured or cant get the distance on the dirt...that little bugger will be a champ a mile or so on the turf.
  12. :P On a similar note.......The Kentucky Derby futures are starting this week...at least outside of Vegas. My early picks are either Flashback or Revolutionary.....with a chance by It'smyluckyday. If Flashback isn't injured or cant get the distance on the dirt...that little bugger will be a champ a mile or so on the turf.
  13. Brown Shugga is memorialized at my home. 10% of pure morals breakdown.... Lil Sumpin Wild is really good too and not too expensive compared to their others.
  14. I had a friend that worked on the tv production crew. They had a trailer outside where the game was produced, and I'd hang out there for the 1st period until the security guard left his post at the back door. Would sneak in and hang out in the lower golds for the 2nd half of the game. Didn't do it too much, but we were kids and nobody seemed to mind. I also remember the garage that Grumpy does. Went back there after a WWF program and it sucked seeing the bad guys and good guys getting in the same limo together.
  15. He probably hesitated at the last second, thinking, "Lindy's gonna kill me for this"...then whiffed! Naaah.....just kidding. He probably said, "Mr. Ruff is gonna kill me for this".....then whiffed. :P
  16. All I know is that my friend is in Sweden and came home for Christmas, bringing the most awesome f'd up candy I ever had. Black licorice covered in smelling salts. If you are drinking and need to wake up....these do the job.
  17. The line is NYI -120 Buf +100 According to that....the Islanders are supposed to beat the Sabres today.
  18. He has to "turn it around". He has 1 point and is a -9 in 11 games....... Even if he returns to the pace he had in his rookie year....he will end the season with 22 points and a -3........
  19. Oh how I would love Mr. Pegula to pay me $146,341 to sit in a Long Island pressbox for 3 hours.......
  20. Speaking of which....this is awesome. Make sure you are in private and have had a few drinks.....it's a tear jerker.....
  21. Haha!....How a few dozen people didn't die in the oranges...I'll never know. My favorite was the nacho stand with the leaky roof, dripping through the asbestos and onto the counter as they poured the cheese.....
  22. Yeah...but when they got home from work, their woman would have dinner and a martini waiting from them, and when she stepped out of line he'd tell her to shut her piehole and to go prepare herself for ######. Guys these days are whipped and have given up. They don't know true joy. Back in the Aud, the fellas were at ease, and 70% of them probably just got a taste of the secretary, hours before. Now they need to drop the kids off at soccer practice then go pick up some gluten free creamer.
  23. Similarity?
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