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Ghost of Dwight Drane

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Everything posted by Ghost of Dwight Drane

  1. No clue who would be on the table from the Sabres side. Just doing a little profiling. I saw the cupboard of a person who bakes apple pies. There were 3 dozen apples and some flour and sugar....and then 2 cucumbers. Just questioning why the cucumbers are there. My guess is not for decoration. Could be wrong......
  2. Sorry man....seriously.....we joke, but they are wired differently. This is enough to send anyone off. Did you talk about moving it up?
  3. They may not be (Ryan and LeCavalier on radar), but someone got a little loosey goosey today in talking, and in follow up, those are the 2 names that stuck out like sore thumbs to me. It may be nothing, but my guess is that there is at least some interest.
  4. 2 names.... Bobby Ryan....Vinny LaCavalier.... I will tell you why I think they are on the radar later. Just a Drane thought process.......
  5. If he truly leads along the lines of Francis, even though he is Jesuit, that may be the only thing to get many to return to the church. I think Benedict is a very neat guy. If you read his books, he questions everything.....including his own belief system. This is a chance however to lead through humility, which is what it really is all about anyway. It seems as if Francis may be setting up a policy of guiding instead of ordering.......although everything I have seen says he is a social conservative.
  6. If Generous wore 69 instead of 62.....I'm a bidder.....
  7. As long as his name isn't Peter.....
  8. Gerbe is actually one of the best built, if not THEE best built player on the roster. With his effort, and if he was 6'......he'd probably be an All Star. Winnipeg has the most upside in my opinion when it comes to conformation in players. They can actually afford to give up some size for skill. They would make a great trade target for Buffalo. Miller and either Vanek or Pominville could actually vault them to favorites in the division.
  9. You can look at all the stats you want. I take stats very seriously.....I am actually a numbers guy by nature. What I don't take seriously are a set of parameters pushed together by someone which fit their mold of what they would deem to be positive. Is there a listing of historical Corsi numbers from decades past? Something tells me Scott Stevens would have a horrible number. He was probably the most coveted defenseman for a period of years if you were looking to build a team. Advanced stats work much better in a one-on-one game like baseball. It is much easier to validate performance and compartmentalise scenarios. Hockey is 60 minutes of a team oriented, effort driven game. Can you show me stats on how many skating strides each player takes in different scenarios? You know....like the guys who won't backcheck hard, or loaf to the bench, yet skate like their hair is on fire to get to a puck when they have an empty net to shoot on? Or how about average distance traveled to physically engage an opponent? Are those stats out there? I'm sure if you looked at some of those, then corrolated them to team performance or even some bits of what goes into Corsi numbers....you can paint an entirely different picture. Corsi rewards lack of effort........they are faulty numbers in my opinion.
  10. I think it moved!......
  11. Yes sir...they did.
  12. Yes sir......they did.
  13. Your goaltender coach...who sits next to Darcy every game....who built this albatross of a team....who has 5 playoff wins in 6 years.......DEVELOPED THESE STATS!!!!!! Hence you see $4 million a year going to Stafford....and Hecht back in the day getting $3.5 million....and Connolly $3 million...etc.
  14. Because these are Ya-Ya stats.....You plug in the parameters which fit your mold...then go.."Ya....Ya....my boys be good!"
  15. 1-9 we all have rectal procidentia
  16. Interesting... And why do so many shoot lefty but golf right?
  17. Yes....once again Stafford is a Corsi God!!!
  18. The guy is honest. He said the QB needs to show something but realistically he is a backup at this point. They can cut him and only ate a year. "Dat dere Fitz is Puuuure Gold I tell ya'!!!" No, he told his peer the truth. Darcy would be on the phone with a rival GM...."Oh yeah....Stafford at $4 million will look great in a year or two. Why not send us Del Zotto and your 1st rounder for him?"
  19. Not for this! Like I said, a little creativity can get anyone on the phone. He actually talked to the Tampa GM. If this was the Howard Stern Show posing as him and he chirped....then I could see being freaked.
  20. If the secretary put him through....probably just gave him the number on the caller id. I hear you though.
  21. So Buddy is screwed, but the Tampa GM has recourse! Haha!
  22. I'd get CEO's and CFO's of public companies on the line from time to time with a little bit of creativity. As far as the recording goes, you only need 1 party consent. Since the kids actually made the original call and patched the other 2 in, you can argue that consent to record was given and no issue since the kids MADE the call, and didn't eavesdrop or hack.
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