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Ghost of Dwight Drane

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Everything posted by Ghost of Dwight Drane

  1. Forgive me for attempting to influence your decision....... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xyvXlNJ9Wmc
  2. OK....here is a more relaxed version of the guy.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkmcFFiKInw I can't find a video of him on his own, other than a formal post game presser. He is always with the Mrs.....always in a house, and he at least wears socks in one of them, but she is barefoot for the whole shebang. Seriously, God Bless them.
  3. I'll be honest..... If I understand Tim Murray like I think I do, there is almost zero chance Richardson gets hired. I'm glad you are presenting him here. Heck, i voted Babcock wouldn't come to Buffalo and Richardson would be hired. I have now learned enough that I feel he won't be. There is a lot more than barefoot going on here. Lindy Ruff had a similar situation or two, and I have a better vibe. I will always give Lindy a real life pass for his coaching faults because I think he has a good heart. I need to see more on Richardson.....I feel a huge darkness. Lindy was just mad....this might be different.
  4. If it is a tribute....then God Bless them.... Please relax.....you have work ethic....don't let your brain go barefoot..... There's no way for me to do this without backlash.....so fine.....God Bless.......
  5. Actually....it is..... They hired Ron Rolston, and then Pat LaFontaine who in turn hired Tim Murray and Ted Nolan. This WAS the first rodeo for all of them....
  6. Thomas for a few years was the closest to Hasek I've seen. In reliability and style.
  7. Seriously... I'm one of the most business casual guys you will meet. The parents are doing a feature about the most serious subject you could think of, and they are both barefoot? God bless them....but.....
  8. Julien isn't available as of now....and that Boston team had more overall talent than Pittsburgh when they won their cups. Tim Thomas alone at the time was maybe the best in the league. I think Bylsma can relate better because of his age. Who does Boston hire if they fire him? Does he happen to have the numbers for the changes when Bylsma took over, and when he left? Also, what are Bylsma's numbers in the general regard? If the whole point is that someone plays different in protecting a lead, and you value that difference....then how can you blast a guy who was up 3-1 in a conference final series on one hand, yet praise someone else for not squeaking out analytics while riding a lead on the other hand?
  9. In bizzaro world, you and I have been pretty lockstep on this whole process. It was a huge red flag with the reports come out Monday the Sabres were upping the package. It didn't make sense if he really wanted to return to Detroit. The cash play was on.You follow the heart or the wallet. You get both if you are lucky, but given the thousands that read these message boards from Atlanta, NC, Florida, Texas, etc.....we know that is not usually the case. Babcock was honest up front....he stressed the importance of what his wife wanted....praised having an Original 6 team as an employer...he's the Canadian national coach.....it really was a clever play. I partially am in an old school industry. The big players are all lawyered up and such, and contracts go out for the top end deals.....but it is pretty much a word and a handshake most of the time with me. I've been burned once, but when you sign a ticket in your own name and are on the hook for real cash, or send a horse 1500 miles away on pure trust, and others do the same because it's me, it's a good feeling. Like you, I've also seen every scenario in the finance world which makes me cynical as F. We should be glad he is in Toronto. 4-5 years from now we are right on cue to beat him in the 2nd round to go to the conference finals.
  10. I didn't listen to the interview, but Craig Custance said the GR morning guys asked him the same question (I'm sure they really thought of it on their own given the 3 week Babcock fest), and he thought it to be a good one.
  11. Good work also. If he becomes available he would be my #2. They dumped Seguin for a reason.....they have Bergeron and Krejci. They won the Cup with a team i admire. The two I mentioned....Lucic, Chara, Rechhi, Marchand, Ference, Boychuk, Thornton.......they were heavy but balanced. I think Murray is building this exact same team concept so he would make tons of sense.
  12. Like I said in the other thread, good work at getting it going. I did not know the subject matter of the video. Heavy stuff. Given the content my observation is trivial, but......why would you do an interview in bare feet? Any interview let alone THIS one?
  13. Thanks Hoss. Now some of that makes sense, and at least later on I got a video of a nice blonde canuckian girl to check of if Richardson is a dud. I liked Richardson as a player......he has a lot of Buffalo in his game. Good hustle.
  14. Yeah.....I think that was my entire point about starting the Bylsma thread. Everyone is running around with catch phrases and champagne popping in the front office...the AP is reporting a Mighty Taco wrapper in Pegula's SUV........they stop working.....meanwhile Mclellan is gone, Bylsma is interviewing elsewhere, Boston has hired their GM.......and almost everyone got their PP slapped.
  15. Well if it wasn't the Glee DVD like I said.....maybe they were watching an ESPN Ocho recap of Blair Thomas getting drafted by the Jets?
  16. I have not gotten to know ANY coach candidate on this site....or more than a 30 word blip in the local media, other than Babcock worship. People said I was a meanie for disecting Babcock, so I presented a thread with information on my choice, Dan Bylsma. Feel free to disect Bylsma, but unless you present a better alternative with more than recycled garbage......I won't really care. I presented this yearning for information close to a week ago. You can post 1 thing a day if time is a factor. I'm sorry...OVER a week ago....
  17. Who WOULD you like.....and tell me why he is any good, with references, let alone better than Bylsma? I'm just saying.....let's not be lazy here. Ted Nolan was fired hours after the regular season. If you want to trumpet a guy or bash a guy....at least let me see some real reasons other than garble. MacLean got fired...the Sens cut salary...they made a nice run into the playoffs. Dave Semenko was on the ice with Wayne Gretzky......
  18. You just spent 10 minutes in this thread.....
  19. You can do it....it took me probably 90 real minutes to view video, look at stats, read articles........like Sy Syms said...."An educated consumer is our best customer"......
  20. Seriously though....every reporter in the world has $50 million on the table for your 1st choice, and he turned it down. Now you are going to sign an AHL guy for $4 million over 3?????? What happened to DeBoer? I thought that was your guy if Babcock was a no go?
  21. No... They hire Bylsma....and I am getting season tickets. Anyone else and no-go....but the bet would be on if you want. I think the Sabres are poised for a giant springboard improvement under the right conditions.
  22. I understand. If I was understood I'd probably be married to some broad and posting on a slow pitch softball board..... You can be hot and cold....which I appreciate, because it shows that someone is using their senses and not their greed. The honest fans are the theromstat of my soul. And someone could have just :rolleyes: .......and still be an honest fan. That's the point.
  23. Would you like to make a friendly charity wager that if the Sabres don't hire Dan Bylsma as coach.....I say the Leafs will have more points in the standings than the Sabres for the next 2 years? I mean...more points next year......more points in '16-'17........ Here's where the rubber meets the road. I never said Babcock was a bad coach....I was just looking at the person. If the Sabres hire Bylsma, I want no part of the wager. Anyone else....Toronto is the better option and I am in. If the Sabres hired Torts....I'd take the hit just to win the Cup next year. :) Serious proposition.......
  24. I've said that from the begining. Nobody took on the challenge of making a case for any other coach. There was the regurgitated Babcock talk....and when that was questioned, you were a jerk, pushing an agenda, yadda yadda. I want to know more about DeBoer and Richardson........and anyone else someone feels excited about. It ain't coming from here, and it ain't coming from the $$$ Paid Media. It's easier to cash a check and cahoot about a band or a sitcom..... (GoDD Disclaimer....sarcastic joke not aimed at message board but clowns making money to "cover" the team)
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