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Ghost of Dwight Drane

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Everything posted by Ghost of Dwight Drane

  1. Not only that!......but he adopted a litter of Boston Terrier puppies from the local shelter just to lick him dry!!! (Usually it's the other way around here, i know).
  2. Did you bother to read your links? Most of them are sarcastic trolling posts aimed at people who have actually suggested in the past that Battista was in an elevated position. Now we have media reports saying Battista is a major reason the team didn't get their holy grail of coaches. If some people here spent as much time thinking and researching as they do bitching about those who actually do.....it might actually be a productive little place.....
  3. Dude!!! Pat LaFontaine was gone in a matter of weeks because of the dysfunction...one way or another......there is a reporter saying cronies played a role in Babcock not coming. WTF????!!!!! That's the point!!! If people here want to give zero credibility to any media......then that is fine with me. So basically it is a Madd Max world and anything should go. Each person for themself. I have sources that say PA took a bath last night in canned chili made out of baby seals...... There you go. Look at it....it's from 2013.....you got it from a search engine. If you go to the current Sabres site, Battista has no bio.
  4. That bio is from 2013.......his role has changed according to his own Linkedin, and the Sabres currently have no bio for him on their website. This is why I wanted to clarify I think Battista is a good guy. If Joe Sabres Fan went up to Quinn at a local watering hole, he'd be counting the seconds until he could flick you away like the bug you are. If you went up to Battista, he'd probably hang for 2 beers and be genuinely excited to talk about the team with you. Bottom line, there are a lot of old fashioned Alpha Males in the decision making roles of NHL teams. The Southern California yoga circle of decision making is a HUGE turnoff for people who would otherwise look at Buffalo as a great destination because of the owner's deep pockets, hockey tradition, and upward trajectory.
  5. For the record....I like Joe Battista. I said it when he first came on....he tackled the Penn State molestation and coverup stuff head on. I think he is a good guy who just has a lot of fan in him. He's not rubbing his hands together thinking how he is going to take someone down, or screw someone over. He honestly wants to help. It's just a question of how much that help interferes with the rest of the structure and guys who traditionally make the decisions.
  6. Well....this is straight off Battista's Linkedin profile...... Vice President of Hockey and Business Administration Buffalo Sabres and East Management Services, LP November 2013– Present (1 year 7 months)buffalo, new york Joe Battista serves as vice president of hockey and business administration for the Buffalo Sabres. He is responsible for overseeing hockey department administration, budgets, personnel, and technology, and serves as the hockey department’s liaison to the Sabres business operations, Harbor Center, and Pegula Sports and Entertainment. In April of 2014 Battista received The Lou Lamoriello Award from the American Hockey Coaches Association’s in recognition of his work in growing collegiate hockey. Hired in November 2013, Battista joined the Sabres after serving in several capacities at Penn State University for 26 years (1987-2013), the most recent being associate athletic director for ice arena & hockey operations.
  7. I actually find that term demaeaning to women......... ;)
  8. Not really...he needs cash, is staying relevant, and really hasn't done anything but get a little botox and grow his hair out. He can let me know when he gets his nuts sawed off under local, by a Resident at Roswell.......then maybe I'll give a moment.
  9. I hope Bruce Jenner figures this out in time......
  10. And yet.....I'd show up to every game he coached at the time.....with 10% my income from the 2000's...... Funny how some people value different things.......
  11. The funny thing is......a nose ring is a sign of absolute submission. It's pretty much a signal that says, "dominate me". A nosering was used since the days of Moses to make livestock easier to control. Probably explains why UB is constantly a controlled b###h.....
  12. BREAKING NEWS!!!!! If the Sabres hire Bylsma, I will encourage Battista to take a selfie with him, as well as any kids or pets with him. They are Pitt people........they deserve it.
  13. I never claim to have inside sources, or loiter at Prior Aviation.... I never promote an outside website, blog, tweet, or agenda..... I'm just a Watchman, on the Wall of the City for the Good People of Buffalo......... OK GR.....go for it.....I'd use this out of break...... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AyZ6DJaHNM Let's just get this done, win some Cups........and let Mrs. Babcock enjoy her cubic zirconia at Zale's........
  14. I think the fans have spoken on the prospect of Richardson.
  15. Just trying to add a little levity.......
  16. If the water guy's name was Lenny....this needs to be moved to the awesome thread.....
  17. The funny part about him bopping is that I don't even think it was to keep the bench loose.....I think he just went rogue Disco Mode.......
  18. I've got Yuri ready to fold too....Bylsma has written fiction sports novels....... Oh...and NS is a double fold.....check out 1:23 of this video..... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neK7nI5Esk0
  19. Qwk....this is probably a good time for a horse racing comparison. If you have 30 horses....and you have a main trainer who gets 15-20 of them, then maybe you throw Luke a horse or 3 if you really like the guy. They just tried to give Babcock $50 million. You can't go to Richardson.....it's going to get them both fired in 2 years. If Bylsma was a 10 on your Librarian scale.....this guy has to be a 40......
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