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Ghost of Dwight Drane

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Everything posted by Ghost of Dwight Drane

  1. His actual name. He was throwing out favorites and retweets to hockey fans tonight like condoms at a pride parade.......
  2. Maybe Pegula can trade Jacobs a completed Harbor Place and roster for roster????
  3. It's the most sportsmanlike move in the game. No F'n Clue.... When Darcy gets fired finally, he will make a great league exec.
  4. Nice guy....spearheaded an iconic show....RIP I'm gonna have some Gabigol in honor......
  5. They want to get rid of disrespectful head shots and board plays....yet maybe the most respectful move in the game......and they want to give a penalty for it?
  6. The NHL is the crappiest run of the 4 major sports.....time after time they prove it. They have no clue......
  7. Something tells me Rene Rancourt's boxer shorts would crack in half like a matzo.....
  8. That's why Boston is built so well....5 of their 6 guys can clear the net...and 4 of them have a mean streak. Meanwhile, 5 of 6 can move the puck as well...... I guess I'm glad the Sabres aren't in this thing. The weather has been so nice, my liver would probably be done for good with all the partying.
  9. I've really gotten to like Rask as a leader in all of this. He comes across as smart, confident, but clever and loose. He is more like a CEO than a goalie. A lot of goalies can be philosophers...but he does it without the seeming cookoo gene that we all know too well. I'm going with Boston again tonight on Rask alone.....i trust this SOB....
  10. In all honesty....at this point I don't care who is making what decisions....it's like letting your wife and kids pick a horse to bet at the track based on name or color or because it just pooped. We can't get any worse than we have been under Darcy. And staying on the horse theme....there was a hall of fame trainer that wouldn't train for people if they told him what to do. Leave him the horse and leave him alone. A lot of people will "put up" with novice owners if they want to be involved in decisions on the track, but aren't happy about it. Usually the ones who put on the shine-show and welcome it are just out to get as much cash out of the guy before he moves on. This at least has been my experience in what I have seen. Some really good people and they just wish they could be left alone to do their thing. It is a distraction...... I bet Lindy hated having to put on the smile all the time.....that's one thing I'm sure he doesn't miss.
  11. I love MacLean....he's just saying that so Pegula hires him once he finally fires Darcy.... :P
  12. Or....if there was a flat decision making process....maybe almost every good idea came from someone else and his bank account exploded on the talent of others????
  13. There's a reason why he points to you when he says "Brave"..........
  14. Is that Ted Black between Putin and Obama?
  15. I agree...his opening line would be with a wry smile.."If you can't beat'em...join'em" Book It.
  16. Made mine a little darker.....
  17. Best yet! And we'd be sure to get an ad-lib from Gottfried......"Mis-ter...Pe-gu-la..........you rich....crazy..bastard.......can you and Cliff..PLEASE...come out of that orphanage bedroom for just one moment.....and hear this.....Cold Fusion....is..a...reality. Much like the reality of this sh!tty organisation winning a Stanley Cup.....but I digress....."
  18. I don't feel bad at all as this was the concern when Pegula came in.....if he could be a weasel and lie to the fans with a straight face under Golisano/Quinn....he certainly could accept being a puppet to someone who has an open checkbook and gave him the best resources of anyone in the league. Even with that we are still a bottom of the barrel organisation. After today, I feel bad for Ted Black. I like him, and I know he has to look himself in the mirror and ask himself if it's really worth it on a regular basis. I'm sure pegula is a supportive boss and pretty much nice guy, but it's tough being the good samaratin and entertaining him 24/7. It's like when you get stuck next to the crazy, nice person on the subway....you can be cordial and make them feel good about themselves for the length of the ride because you know you only have to be there for 5-10 minutes. When that ride is 5-10 years....it can make you go crazy yourself.
  19. So....some questions answered... 1) Darcy was a puppet for the previous ownership, or as Pegula said, "Sometimes someone is holding the painter's hand" 2) Pegula admitted he talks to Darcy more than his wife and that decisions are made as a group 3) The Sabres have thrown tons of money at top FA's but people don't want to come to Buffalo 4) The Sabres did not have an extensive search for coach as Pegula felt Rolston did well and had his roster gutted so he deserves a fair shot 5) Pegula wants Miller/Vanek here but sounds as if they don't want to be here On a positive note he said they will focus on hard workers #1. He also seems to enjoy being able to spend money and doesn't care what others think....that bodes well for buyouts, trades, etc. He really takes a combative, defensive, and excuse ridden tone almost every time he talks about the team. He loosened up as the interview went on....but it is a trend for sure.
  20. I'm an $8 bid for season tickets in the 300's, $30 in the 200's...... Another answer for us all....."We set the standard in the FA market but they didn't want to come to Buffalo...these players have brains...."
  21. I predict a lost phone signal in t-minus 2 minutes..... "I probably talk to Darcy more than I talk to my wife.....that's a fact." "We make group decisions....everyone has a say in it..." PA......you get a gold star!!!
  22. You're supposed to be the voice of reason...not the one to encourage a trainwreck....... :angel: Maybe I'll drop by and try to order a personalised jersey with the number 00 and "SUFFER" for the nameplate
  23. Vlad is the man!...... Don't worry about energy. The world is 70% oversubscribed and will eventually find it's way to balance.
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