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Ghost of Dwight Drane

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Everything posted by Ghost of Dwight Drane

  1. Congratulations on your pending nuptials...........
  2. Since you brought it up.....remember how I was an a-hole for stating the whole Kaleta thing didn't make sense? Remember how I wasn't pleased they were raising money in the name of crippled children to build a multi-million hockey rink? Remember how everyone said it was great that they were building it in Podunk southern tier so kids would get ice time? Well....groundbreaking was supposed to be in 2011. It's now mid-2013.....and the Kaletas suddenly shifted their focus to Hamburg of all places, which already has one of the biggest ice rinks for youth hockey in the area. They are now bringing a lawsuit against the town.....I'm sure with their own money of course, not the foundation's. Not a pebble has been turned. Who is managing the money and at what fee? Who are the lawyers? Why does Hamburg need a rink? Why would a "charity" bring a lawsuit? Do the board members of the charity draw a salary as these millions of doallrs have sat idle for 3 years when we were promised a southern tier ice rink in 2011? Questions....questions...questions......at least for those of us who don't have sticky tonsils.
  3. What's happened to you the past few years? I want innocent, sweet, homer Chz back......not capitalist, cynic, cronie identifying Chz. ;)
  4. The Devils are the 4H girls though. Them broads are strong.
  5. Don't include Kassian...we all know he sucks!
  6. So 76% of NHL players are North American........Darcy has made 20 1st round draft picks. 60% are from Europe and 40% are North American. Obviously that has spelled success.......
  7. If I went to the dentist and my teeth were colored "Zimmerman", he'd pull'em all......
  8. By the way......If you or anyone had to describe Zimmerman to someone if say you were sending someone to meet him to deliver a package...how would you? The guy is half Hispanic and looks Hispanic. How does he "tone down" to white, yet the President is half white and people claim racism because he is "black"? This is why I take none of the racism charges seriously.
  9. Florida law is scary. Not only don't you need a permit, but in early 2000's, they passed the law that pretty much set Zimmerman free. By the letter of the law, he is not guilty. I was not happy when it passed. Pretty much if you feel you are in imminent danger of serious bodily harm, you can pull a trigger. I had a scenario a few years before when someone put their car into reverse and plowed into me in a parking ramp. I saw it coming, laid on the horn, and they still cracked me. I jumped out of the car in a huff 'n puff, and the 2 got out of the car. Turns out to be a 19 year old girl with her dad's car and a fella with her not her boyfriend. I calmed down when I saw it was a girl driving.....she was not in a sober state, and I let her go on her own after getting her insurance. I let her take care of it away from insurance, and she said "when you got out of the car, I thought you were going to kill us." I remembered that moment when the law passed, because pretty much, she could have shot me dead and been in the right. I'm an imposing figure to most, and probably have 15 inches and 150 lbs on the average Floridian. When that law passed.......I seriously considered carrying myself everywhere.
  10. Everybody loves Raymond.
  11. Thanks guys for all the help. So does SabreSpace meet the requirements, and is anyone there representing in any way?
  12. So you are saying if I, Ghost of Dwight Drane, had a Sabres blog.....that I would have full access to the press box and interview room after games? There is no way. I would be gone after asking 3 real questions.
  13. I believe this is Garth's page... http://www.youtube.com/user/MyPegula?feature=watch I'm sure the blogs have to pucker up with plenty of lip balm to get any access. I'd give $1k to charity to have access to the interview room for 5 games any of the last few years. I'm sure Gibby would call the henchmen, but I have a few pals around myself.
  14. So they let them in the press box and the locker room. He has credentials then.
  15. If you read the release, the Devils were made aware he was looking to retire back to the lockout. He hung out the extra year.
  16. Does Garth not have a press pass? If not, the Sabres have the shittiest security on the face of the earth.
  17. Rolston was 1-1 in OT and 6-4 in the shootout. He was 8-11 in regulation. And the Sabres have been playing that style the past 16 years........their holes have been revealed and only 50% have been potentially plugged. For every 1 year of Chicago or Pittsburgh winning the Cup by getting multiple top draft picks.....there is 10 years of the Florida Panthers....or 6 years of the Edmonton Oilers....or 10 years of the NY Islanders....or 7 years of the Columbus Blue Jackets....or 10 years of the Atlanta Thrashers/ Winnipeg Jets..........How are those 35 top 10 picks doing for them????
  18. Hockey Offseason is still 8 1/2 month away.
  19. I have no idea why people keep making fun of these contracts. When you have a real hockey player, you pay them like it. Vanek signed for $7 million per when the cap was $50 million. Miller signed for $6 per when it was $56 million.
  20. It's official...she's a female....
  21. Congrats on "working it out"
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