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Ghost of Dwight Drane

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Everything posted by Ghost of Dwight Drane

  1. Woohoo! Welcome Back. So a Sabres choice of 2016 2nd round picks it is! Has the ink dried?
  2. Welcome John. You are a very good writer and have the opportunity to add insight to the board. I'm all in favor. GoDD
  3. Teddy! I miss Anna. She was strong, yet fragile at the same time. I felt I could help. Yuri....I don't think he needs any help.....
  4. Never underestimate the possible dysfunction just around the corner. I think I was prozac posting for about 3 weeks when they hired LaFontaine. ;)
  5. OK....I like the GM.....I like the coach.....I like Rex Ryan.......I'm running out of things to complain about. Terry.....you're worth $4 billion......please, can you give Gibby a new set of polos? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PzZ4i8aWs_s The pipes...the pipes........
  6. He's been called Disco Dan for 20+ years. If I'm going to coin a nickname for someone, it's probably going to be a little more less subtle...like..Weasel !!!
  7. LTS....you are missing the 180 of my post. Think about it. If someone would like to give me the power of the PA Atty. Gnl. then I will gladly honor your request.
  8. I saw an interview where Bylsma said that even though you can make a point for possesion, the hardest thing to do as a defender was to have to turn your back to a play and go retrieve a puck. If you are a smart defenseman and a team wants to try to gain the blueline with the puck, you can read the play and make the coreect response. If you have to turn your back, you are half blind and risk physical punishment on top of a poor decision. Now...that's more of an offensive philosophy....but as far as Bogosian and Gorges go, those are the guys you want reading the play. If there is a league trend to possesion.....perfect. They will read and react. If a team is going to dump.....bring it on.....they will wreck you in the corner before you do, them. That is why I pointed out Bylsma's defense when he won the Cup. You have to trust your guys to read the play, and smarts and grit is better than speed and skill. It is the Belichick way of doing things. I am SO pumped if he actually gets hired. We will finally get to watch TRUE hockey. OK DS.....you are a hard worker and smart guy. If you put your effort into finding the steak instead of the sizzle......you have a shot. There are a lot of fairly young posters on this board who are an asset...including yourself. Do the 5 minutes of research first.....not trying to insult, just help.
  9. Why couldn't that junior player let it go? I mean....it took him 23 years to come forward to claim a known satan molested him....
  10. Physics? Where are you Physics? Show this guy how to do it right! I've seen more rats scramble the past week than I did after shining a light in the back alley of a Chinatown eatery during the 1968 NYC garbage strike.............
  11. I will admit, thanks to Hoss, every time I think of Richardson......I think of..... Da Feet.........
  12. So who are you defending? This story is about a 17 year old at the highest level of his sport at the time who took 23 years to come to authorities to tell his sad tale about someone who was already in jail. So how tough do you think it is for a bunch of 8-13 year olds from inner city broken homes, who are fosters, who get lost in the system and they feel nobody cares about them anyway? Those children who get violated in the worst possible way, and not in some small Canadian town, but at a school with a multi-billion dollar sports program, a program that receives billions from state politicians, a program that has 6x as many current students in their population than that Canadian town has? How long should those kids get to tell their story? Are you familiar with "the lullaby", "Hush Little Baby"? May the good Lord judge me with the same critical eye as I do others at times. May he see my heart for what it is, and others for what their heart is. I Believe. May the good Lord, Never....."Let it go"......
  13. I won't defile the "Beautiful Game" thread, and put this here. http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/05/27/us-soccer-fifa-arrests-idUSKBN0OC0B020150527 Take special notice of the sports media and PR executives arrested as well for working hand in hand with the FIFA execs. They say they come in 3's. I'm gonna hafta run me out to Walmart and get me a 3 pack of Reynolds Wrap, because this next tinfolier should be a doozy!
  14. :) Wasn't everyone popping champagne in the front office a few days ago? How much would Babcock have gotten from Toronto if Buffalo didn't get involved? Now......you don't want to give rightful compensation (which y'all misreadin' anyway), to the waddlin' birds? That's OK.....feel free to keep your draft pick. The coaching budget just went from $50 million to $4 million.......but at least you will get a guy who is 2 years older than Bylsma to come aboard who has lead the Baby Sens to one playoff game victory in his 3 years of coaching in the AHL. If God cast out angels from actual Heaven.........isn't it a possibility that some need to be cast out of, Hockey Heaven???........
  15. Be careful my good man, you don't want to get bannned.
  16. You gotta love a woman that can sing tenor....... What a chord on "free"........that's the kind of sh#t that gives a spark.
  17. This is going on my tombstone.....
  18. :) I am SO....in! I will be at the clydesdale barn, then make my entrance ala Lady Godiva....eating a powder sugared funnel cake.
  19. ATTN: TED BLACK http://theworldslargestdisco.com/ You need to work on this when Disco Dan is hired. It's for the kids. Get the alumni to come, maybe the Hanson Brothers show up again.......I smell synergy. If Ted and Tim Murray show up in a leisure suit, I'm willing to wear a Bruins shirt and they can dump nacho cheese on me or shoot off a fire extinguisher or whatever strikes Ted's fancy. They can even do it in private.
  20. I actually respect Physics when he attempts a tangential insult. He's can at least hide a beef behind some humor. Physics.....where are you??? If you show up the day after a coach is hired, I will be very disappointed. I missed your commentary during the previous hiring/firing phase.
  21. If they had a set, the Sabres would let Dunleavy call a game this way. I think he has the appreciation for it. And THAT....would be an awesome goal call in OT.
  22. I will tell you it was not a worthless war. I agree I can't wrap my mind around how those heroes got treated by a faction of the population back then.....I think the stink of that has a lot to do with the political divide going forward here. I have Vietnamese neighbors and friends who came over as children, and their parents lived it. Today, they took a trip 2 hours away to take part in a ceremony, and they are some of the most patriotic people I know. They've thrown 4th of July block parties for everyone, and just for fun I sometimes try and get my friend going on a rant about the communist. It may not have made a big difference in land and policies at the time, but a whole group of people remember the attempt, and appreciate what America has to offer. It is a perpetual reminder to me that those kids didn't go there there for no reason.
  23. Thanks a lot. I just checked my wallet and I'm missing 2 20's and a dozen singles........
  24. I wasn't in a reflective enough of a mood to read it again tonight and do it service. It really is a smooth read. I think I was serving my own time in the penalty box and couldn't do a review on the board.
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