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Everything posted by Mbossy

  1. waiting, always waiting...

  2. Into my fourth week with a torn achilles. Really missing the summer sports, gained 10 lbs too. :death:
  3. You wanna know what sucks? Tearing a few fibers of your Achilles tendon. Summer sports are here and I'm in a friggin cam walking boot for at least a month. :death:
  4. Having to sit through training on our new system at work. We just upgraded from DOS. Like people really need 'training' on the new system. HELLO NUMBNUTS ITS BEEN OUT FOR YEARS!!!!!!!! Now can I get back to work?
  5. Cell phones. The greatest pain in the ass invention of all time. Especially when it comes time to pick out a phone. So my parents rarely use their cell phones so they quit Verizon and we're adding them on our ATT plan for 10 bucks (obvious reasons they need one). But now I'm put in charge of getting them some "free or free after rebate" phones that: 1) Have big buttons 2) Could be used by someone who can dial and send, that's it. 3) don't dial accidentally 4) you get the idea I go to the mall store, guy tells me this phone and that phone and this one are all free. Nice phones. I go to the ATT store. Guy tells me nope, not free, not free, not free. $50 and you need to activate a data plan $20/mth. Really? Like my parents text? They can barely read the screen. So now I'm on ATT online looking at flip phone this, upgrade that, sucking all my day, and soul, away.
  6. I won't say his name but his initials are DR.
  7. I spit out my coffee and then wondered if you were talking about a boy or girl. :ph34r:
  8. Thursday already? Not sure if I'm happy or sad about that. Having this thread reopened is like the feeling after an awe-inspiring dump. :D
  9. Not being in the top ten complainers. shrader 249 Bmwolf21 204 inkman 199 LabattBlue 166 Crosschecking 157 d4rksabre 149 spndnchz 113 PASabreFan 107 McJeff215 94 Buffalo Wings 85
  10. People who post every thought in their head at the time, just so they can remember it later. ;)
  11. Not having decided what to wear for the Halloween party.
  12. Breaking in a new wallet. Feels like I've got a brick in my back pocket.
  13. Looks like the cooling towers of a nuclear plant. They really shouldn't be growing produce so close.
  14. Got mine in the mail today. Anyone want a ride on the Zamboni for $250? How about sitting with RJ and HN in the pressbox for a game? Cost ya $1,000 Sabrebucks.
  15. Going to BK to get fries. I overhear the employees talking about how brown the fries are. "Oh, that means the oil is dirty, we'll have to clean it over the weekend" and "how long have these fries been sitting here?" just after I order. They proceed to dispense my fries, half filling up the "cup" because that's all that's left. I get to the table, only to taste a cold, squishy fry. Yes I went back and got the new ones that just came out of the fryer. But seriously, couldn't they have said "wait 30 seconds we've got new ones coming out"? My complaint: COLD Squishy FRIES. The taste never leaves.
  16. I'm picturing all the 'kids' heads down clearing cache's.
  17. get you're friggin act together and give me a team!!!!!

  18. People who don't realize you can hit the little yellow box next to the thread title to go straight to this Thursday complaints.
  19. A carefully placed small animal trap should do the trick. (wiping off fingerprints and checking for cameras, of course). Oh, and pay cash for the trap.
  20. Speaking of computers... The other day we had a killer thunderstorm, lightning everywhere. Don't ask me how it happened but, I got zapped through my keyboard. Flash of lightning outside, the lights blink on and off quick and my hands go numb and tingly. WTF was that? Aren't these things somehow grounded?
  21. Mods sleeping in again?
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