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Everything posted by inkman

  1. They can’t push that toothpaste back into the tube. Yall done ***** up. Gonna have to live with the repercussions.
  2. Yes and yes Queue (Cue?) up a big fat Sabres loss
  3. Problem 1 with the NHL’s disciplinary system, a players health status after a filthy hit should not impact the amount of punishment. Noeson meant to injure Tage. To what extent, who effin cares. He tried to take our guy out. Problem 2 that is Sabres specific. If you let the league handle payback, good ***** luck. They aren’t going to get it right, so no one should ever and I mean ever rely on the worst disciplinary system in the world to handle doling out the punishment. This comes from your homies in the ice.
  4. The guys you mentioned aren’t exactly who’d I’d want to seek retribution. A real time on ice response, I can deal with those guys responding. This roster as a whole still lacks the overall aggression a professional sports team requires. Hockey is a physical game, you need players that enjoy that part of the game. If you just draft a dozen shooters, well guess what you forgot? Anyone who plays with any sort of edge. I’m still lamenting the loss of Borgen. A top 4 D that’ll hammer ya and drop the gloves in requisite fashion. Instead we got 10 guys with lethal slippers. To quote the enigmatic Derek Coleman, “Well whoopty damn do”.
  5. This saying is always a sore spot for me. The dumbest bosses I’ve ever had would drop this phrase multiple times a day and I just can’t take it anymore. It’s a misattributed quote from Einstein that was written in some book in the 80’s and has nothing to do with the actual definition of insanity. https://www.reddit.com/r/PetPeeves/s/fw9oLKdP5E
  6. Someone needs to tell EEE-sock that the beard needs to stay. He looked alien without it. Like almost a different species. A nicely quaffed beard has him looking a little smoldering.
  7. I mean the exact same coach didn’t have to tell Ray, May and Barnaby what to do. Me thinks this lies a heck of a lot more on the players than the coach. Having one or two guys on the bench “wanting to go” isn’t exactly where we need this team. Every player needs to be like that. It’s why you don’t build a roster of figure skaters. You need grown ass men who enjoy taking liberties with other players. Guys that play with snarl and could lay out the opponent at any moment. The Sabres have removed every single player that plays anything like that from their organization.
  8. The fanbase is a tinderbox waiting for anything to light them up. This was the perfect scenario. Team in the midst of another failed season, team identity and toughness have been a question for years. One incident that is normally just shrugged off takes Sabre nation by storm as there hasn’t exactly been anything else to focus on. 💥 Boom.
  9. I think a lot of it is continuing to ice the youngest team in the league. Slow starts to seasons, can’t close out would be victories, no physical response to aggression (that’s more on roster makeup than age).
  10. You and every person alive on gods green earth
  11. If Tage is playing would they want to mess with that line’s chemistry?
  12. If this comes to fruition I may just start rooting for the Kraken. Does anyone remember when Derek “sausage grabber” Roy became out 1C and what a disaster that was? Our problems practically date back to that very era. They drafted Eichel and Reinhart to rectify the issue and we know how that turned out. I can’t with this two bit organization anymore. If there is any inkling that Jiri Kulich is the planned Sabres 1C next season, I’m done. I’ll find a team that’s even remotely concerned with winning, because this team sure as ***** isn’t.
  13. I think it’s absolutely insane that anyone is considering Jiri Kulich a 1C.
  14. I certainly hope so. The barn gets electric in the postseason.
  15. It’s fair. He hasn’t played since thanksgiving or something.
  16. Two games in 3 days You are taking Harrington’s opinion as fact
  17. He cancelled it because of 2 games in 3 days. Not whatever agenda Harrington is alluding to.
  18. Are you referring to the player immediately following the hit? I haven’t seen anything to suggest that is the offending player has to eat a couple of fists after the hit, he’s less likely to do the same thing next time he has the chance. I think dirty players are dirty regardless of repercussions. Maybe the players who don’t engage in that type of behavior regularly, may be dissuaded with some fisticuffs. But your Marchands, Noesons, Kaletas of the world will still do their thing regardless of any on ice retribution.
  19. Lindy mentioned in his post game press conference that he may cancel todays practice.
  20. I’m bummed that this team has made us turn on each other. The team shouldn’t be last in the conference and shouldn’t just stand around on the ice when the other team is practically begging the Sabres to do something.
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