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Everything posted by inkman

  1. Then there is this 🤣. I am nothing if not entertained.
  2. I’m thrilled. To gain all the assets and still get their guy would be great. If they want ThaHonky at 33, I’m good. Cooper DeJean has McDermott written all over him though.
  3. Ideally they would get just as much ice time, on a different team.
  4. He’s not quite as water buggy but his hockey IQ and guile are off the charts.
  5. I still don’t think telling these guys to go to areas they clearly are averse in going to will make them turn into Brendan Shanahan.
  6. Unfortunately, they paid all those guys to play in Buffalo. Thankfully, whomever realized they aren’t NHL players and sent them down. This might be the weirdest take I’ve seen on this site and @PASabreFan posts here on the reg.
  7. It’s the NHL, rules are optional. Mere guidelines to their actual “code” where only prescribed players can murder people on the ice, how much the other teams complain about it and last but not least, if you just commit 10 penalties every shift, they can’t call them all, right? Also, please post more. Your handle makes me think of Jordan Norkus, who quite frankly, I can’t get enough of. I’d consider moving to Buffalo just to watch the news. My lawd.
  8. Would have been nice if the source I got the info from included that. I suppose that’s the interwebs for ya.
  9. Mute is your friend. Put on some music you enjoy instead.
  10. Most of them indicating it was a trope given to them by Adams. Embarrassingly transparent and alarming. Like did they expect to get a spanking or something. Yikes.
  11. Have you been banging the Adam Oates drum for like 2 decades or was it a collective effort.
  12. I banged this drum all season. No one wanted to hear it. The players are the problem. Lindy needs to weed out the passengers. Skinner being atop that list but don’t be surprised if another big name or two that people really like are also a problem.
  13. Right. Hammered Thursday night, sleep in Friday. When you have to get up at 5am for work, you have to plan. IIt’s never about the day of, only the dreadful consequences on the day after. The draft starts at what 8pm. Unless I start pregaming in the afternoon, I don’t see what work on Thursday has to do with anything.
  14. Finally someone of like mind
  15. Kevyn mention Ellis having a different role in the org at the Granato conference.
  16. Honestly all the playersin attendance minus Bryson (maybe I’m selling him short, pun intended) are the exact types to elevate their game under Lindy. Very interesting to note who wasn’t there. I’m sure it was just logistics with players having some commitments now.
  17. My wife after talking sexy to me all day, then gets the final result.
  18. Need more answers. As im not in love with the choice but it’s way better tan any yahoo they’ve hired since Owen Power was in diapers.
  19. And my point was more to TP yet again not understanding life and fumbling all over him self to the media. I like Thorny’s response. A whimsical quip to subtly tell your boss you are speaking out of your depths.
  20. But that’s about a rule in a league with nonsensical rules abound. It’s not, “do you know how you busted your ass for years to finally achieve the ultimate goal, well that doesn’t mean ***** because of Jay McKee’s stef infection”.
  21. So Adams just laid there and took it. I guess that’s how things work. Your boss pays you millions, you better learn to be emasculated and embarrassed on the reg.
  22. Quite frankly, he should just stop with the public speaking. He is clearly in way over his head in any scenario that requires him to do so. Fans and their demands to hear this dude speak. To what end? So we can hear him say something idiotic or completely tone deaf…again.
  23. NFW I’m watching that video. Did Pegula really mention injuries as the reason they lost to Carolina in 2006 whilst standing next to his GM, a player on said winning team?
  24. I like the kid as much as anyone but if he can fetch a cost controlled top line player, I’m willing to listen.
  25. GTFOH with ThaHonky!
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