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Everything posted by inkman

  1. Sobotka is not worthy of a nickname We need less lightwieghts in this org not more
  2. Ideally, JBOT brings in a player that can fill the 2C role until Casey is ready. Probably a 50 pt guy who's good in his own zone on a two year deal. Not sure who that'd be.
  3. If they are better than the Bills this year, I may try sobriety.
  4. Have you watched 'Of mics and men" yet? It's some shoalin *****. ?
  5. Rex Ryan would have gotten ***** faced and plowed through 50 chicken wings. Rex is a mental midget compared to RKru. Rex was a good ol boy who used favoritism and gimmicky defensive schemes to blunder his was to success. I don't think Ralph resembles Rex in any way whatsoever.
  6. Clearly the pelicans have shied away from paying AD. I wonder if trading him for #4 plus, draft two Duke kids and build around them and whatever you fleece the Knicks for is something they are toying with.
  7. Those Chapelle Charlie Murphy Rick James skits may just be the funniest thing ever created.
  8. So we'll need a pro Freddy cheering section. The Kru Fighters or Kru-tang Klan Jack rules everything around me, Dahlin gonna make Dolla Dolla bills yall
  9. I kinda read this is as "The Amerks fell flat on their faces in the playoffs. Let's see what Tails does to rectify that."
  10. I can't tell if I love this or hate it. Also what my wife says anytime we're intimate.
  11. Totally love that. Get immersed with the community and see what the hockey culture feels like. I understand not loving the hire (although I'm really starting to) but the flat out outrage over his hire is just knee jerk reactions because they didn't hire "your guy".
  12. At this rate, they may need Will in the bigs.
  13. I wonder if the injury is what made him avoid contact like the plague. He would literally jump out of the way of oncoming forecheckers.
  14. I wouldn't hold any of that past against Keefe but man has he gone through some *****. He has to carry a lot of baggage from that period of his life, a very formative time for sure. As a human, I have to wonder how it impacts his day to day actions.
  15. It feels like there is a lot of info out there but it doesn't seem as if anyone ever surmized it in one place. The OP makes it seem as if Keefe is some sort of criminal or bad guy but nothing I've read really details anything he did. Scratch that. The Reddit piece covers it all. It would have been nice had the OP understood SDS's request and not post the entire article rather than abandoning it all together .
  16. Yeah they're gonna get work but is it going to be 6 figure salaries? https://stylecaster.com/game-of-thrones-cast-salary-2019/
  17. Outside of Kit and Emilia, will any of them get pay checks like this again?
  18. I feel this article is a little more coherent. https://www.thestar.com/sports/hockey/2015/03/27/sheldon-keefe-builds-second-career-out-of-second-chance.html
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