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Everything posted by inkman

  1. So you are a fan of clutching, grabbing, holding, interfering and slashing that prevent players like Eichel & Dahlin show their true merit?
  2. Pilut fitting right in...
  3. https://www.cbssports.com/fantasy/hockey/news/sabres-andrew-hammond-gets-the-call/
  4. Gilmour a healthy scratch for the Amerks today.
  5. This game is starting to remind me of what's in my pants. A little testy.
  6. Amerks down 1-0 after 1 to the Marlies. Super prospects John Gilmour and Brett Murray are healthy scratches. ? Dalton Smith just tees off on Marchment. Not exactly sure why. Liked it though.
  7. Right. Because in order to giveth something away, thou need to hasth. /Mike Tyson voice
  8. The Amerks fan base has been dissolved. There are only a few die hards left. I'd say a few hundred. Everyone else is gone. The only way they pack the arena is through promotions. When Brian Gionta came back as an Amerk, the place was packed. Weekend nights fill the arena between 60-75%. It comes down to this: 1) They were a horrible team for a long period of time. It decimated what was a great hockey city. 2) The affiliation nonsense. The dual affiliation with the Panthers and the lone affiliation with the Panthers really disenfranchised the marriage that we really enjoy with the Sabres. 3) All the things Ogre mentioned. The organization doesn't know how to treat fans. They raised all the food and drink prices, brought in their own concession company with all new employees, most of whom have never worked in food service in their life. The Burrito stand ran out of BEANS the first hour they were open and I'm not sure they had more than 20 customers. It took them 40 minutes to get new ones. 4) The ticket prices. Last I checked it was ~ $26 a ticket. That's just a bit steep for minor league hockey. Between that, parking and concessions, it'll run you close to $100 for a night with the family. I'm sure people are rolling their eyes when they drop 3 times that for the Sabres but their is no resale market for the Amerks where you can get tickets for $10.
  9. Sam doesn't lick people's faces or spear them in the nuts, you know, "intangibles". Ask the receivers of said spear how tangible Brad's value is. God I hate talking about him. My mouth...er fingers...feel dirty.
  10. He's getting more playing time than a guy with a footlong at a swingers party
  11. I don't think I can take anymore SR bitching. It's reached a fever pitch. Just trade him already so it ends.
  12. It's. Just. Too. Easy.
  13. In all honesty, I liked them when they came out. I was 25 and all about the black color scheme abound in North American Sports. BTW, that movement was popularized by west coast rap, most notably, N.W.A. Which I was all about at the time. I wonder if everyone would feel as warm and fuzzy about those jerseys if they knew that. Anywho, as I got older and more mature, I realized those jerseys were just a fad and an organizational ploy to enhance revenue through catchy marketing gimmicktry. Just like the slug which became this organization's scarlet letter. So as cool as everyone thought the goat heads were, in my mature mind, they have become a symbol for this organizations lack of identity and overly fluid persona. Stand for something for Christ's sake, don't just jump on whatever passing fad seems cool that might make you a few bucks. Look at the Red Wings. That jersey is ***** iconic. What do we have? Chinese knockoffs shiny gold misspelled sweater Du jour. @PASabreFan
  14. I'd swish that whole branch around my whole mouth.
  15. He's frantically texting that to Kim as I type.
  16. Yep. Love me some twig and berries.
  17. For $5.4 million, I'd ***** Rick Dudley in his prime. Hell, I'd do it right now.
  18. Brandon Montour may be the most overrated Sabre minus Risto (who most have figured out is a fraud) in a long time. He doesn't look like an NHL defenseman, At all.
  19. Yes. It's why we all come here, right. To spout our meaningless opinions with other mouth breathers seeing who drools the most. I've got a big ***** puddle under my feet.
  20. Hes the farthest thing from it. Rayzor has indicated exactly that on several occasions.
  21. He won't. That's the type of "grit" fans are clamoring for. Fake ass, ***** laden grit. He can just leave anytime now. I want my lasting image of him crosschecking everyone in sight whilst the puck is flying into the net behind him. I actually think Risto was mostly responsible for that goal. He had everyone in such a tizzy over his crosscheckathon, that everyone thought whoever he was tackling had to have the puck. Whoooooops!!
  22. Because the goatheads were stupid. Lets be all trendy and COMPLETELY ABANDON THE COLOR SCHEME OF OUR FRANCHISES ENTIRE EXISTENCE. We dont have Buffaslugs without goatheads.
  23. Glad they didn't score there, they were offside.
  24. This team has me in such a foul mood, I'm hate watching them hoping for another Avs like blowout to the worst team in the league. Something, anything that will make them do something with this disaster. I'm completely miserable right now.
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