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Everything posted by inkman

  1. This, is every game he’s ever played for the Sabres. Poverty player. Poverty franchise.
  2. But did you hear about how much he cares about the team? Complete BS. Trade him tomorrow. What difference will it make.
  3. I honestly love this forum, the posters and rooting for this team. No one has ever made it more difficult to do the easiest thing ever. Fall in love.
  4. I’m 4 hayburners in, gonna get home and smoke the biggest dube cheech & Chong have ever seen. What a ***** disaster.
  5. I guess all I can do at this point is get ***** up and laugh my ass off.
  6. I’m done with Pegula. I’m done with Adams. I’m done with Lindy. I’m done with every heartless player on the roster (btw, it’s all of them). Just end this misery for us all. Crash the team plane into the ocean on way home.
  7. Cozens needs to find a new line of work Nope. It’s been over a decade of garbage.
  8. I thought the THC content continuously flowing though my veins would alleviate me of this emotional burden. Nope. The Sabres are going to make sure it hurts every second of every day I’m alive. It’s a wonderful life.
  9. I took a half day to enjoy my favorite sports team. I sacrificed a ton of work for what exactly? To feel the same way I feel about the rest of my life. Ending it would be better than facing the actual problems I have? Like why do I even bother.
  10. Welp. Cancel the ***** season. I don’t want to watch another minute of this ***** disaster.
  11. Great. Maybe he can ***** off and die.
  12. I don’t think Lindy understands the urgency this franchise needs positive results. If the team looks like this 5 games into the season, they’ll lose the dental floss thin grasp that most fans have for hope on the season.
  13. He’s garbage just like every other player on the roster
  14. It defies logic and any rational thought
  15. I’d rather see them shoot directly at their own net. The outcome won’t be much different.
  16. What difference will that make. Couldn’t win with him so….
  17. Firing Adams ain’t gonna move the needle. Poverty franchise. Poverty owner. Poverty GM. Poverty players.
  19. I’m rooting for the season to end
  20. Cozens need to quit hockey and try something he’s good at I don’t. Makes no difference at all
  21. I’m rooting for New Jersey to beat our team up. Hopefully they injure some of our guys indefinitely.
  22. I’m going to lead the charge of getting this franchise to fold. No one and I mean no one wants to root for this bunch of losers any longer. Make them go away.
  23. Maybe the team won’t make it back from Europe. Playing the Amerks in their place wouldn’t be any worse.
  24. I haven’t seen one second of this seasons team that leads me to believe that anything is different than the last decade. This is the worst team in the history of sports.
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