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Everything posted by inkman

  1. We could make sweet sweet music.
  2. Alone, desperate and naked...
  3. Staying safe with their families. Plan for next season.
  4. I think Josh gets an unfair rap nationally but Bills Mafia has more than balanced the ledger with offsetting vitriol. The kid may have hit his ceiling and what we see is what we get. An athletic QB who makes crazy good throws and crazy bad throws. A guy who can hurdle a linebacker and then throw a lateral haphazardly into traffic with way more time on the clock than should be for a play that should only be executed when there is 0:00 on the clock.
  5. Why are they even thinking about playing hockey right now?
  6. They act sooooo cash poor. I'd love to have insight into their finances but me thinks a few of these owners aren't printing $$$ based on hockey revenues.
  7. Bills Mafia (I hate the term) is getting unhinged in their love affair with Josh Allen. I like the kid as much as the next guy but the BM is waiting in the weeds for anyone to slander Josh and they pounce on said person with questionable info. They are only setting themselves up for ridicule, resentment and disappointment. I think fans my age know the pitfalls of talking so much junk but I think the kids are gonna have to learn this lesson themselves. Discretion is the best part of valor.
  8. Going through this ordeal with a young child sucks. We have 5 kids next door to us that are outside all the time. My son would be there constantly. Now he has to watch from the window as they all play, laugh and have fun. The risks are too high especially with their mom being a Nurse at RGH. She's contemplating going to NYC to help (I believe they are providing incentive). I want to tell her for all her kids sake please don't but it's hard to turn away kindness.
  9. I can understand the sentiment. Snyder's Sourdough nuggets and Bachman's thin pretzels are the exception though.
  10. I'm weird. Baked Lays are my jam.
  11. Quite frankly, Marty Biron does all of Paul's job and then some much better.
  12. Could the same argument be made about having a bevy of capable forwards and a good to great goalie? Two things the Sabres are in desperate need of.
  13. Is it due the Pegula's increasingly alarming narrative to be cheap SOBs, acting like cash poor owners?
  14. My job has been deemed necessary (yay booze) so I haven't missed work either. It makes me question a lot of things. I make ok money but we have a lot of employees in the $15-20 range essentially risking their lives to make booze. My moral compass is starting to resemble Marty Byrde's.
  15. Here the third period
  16. Game 7 where the Amerks didn't allow the opposition into the offensive zone for the entire 3rd period of the 96 final comes to mind. Dixon Ward and Brian Holzinger just dominated in the playoffs. The Frawley-Nichol-Metcalf line was absolutely smothering defensively. The entire arena stood and screamed the whole third period. It was amazing.
  17. I'm not sure why any sports platform thinks their sport will resume at all after this. They're most likely going to but people trying to determine when the leagues are starting have no idea what the future holds.
  18. I'd throw in Tage Thompson and Any other Amerk for a 1st for Casey.
  19. See Sam Reinhart. I kid l kid. Although his siblings may be the case in point.
  20. I never thought Brayden was that poor of a skater
  21. I like him. Not flashy. Smart. They had him as the PP QB for the last dozen games or so of the season. He didn't look out of place. I think he's a fringe NHL Prospect.
  22. Maybe we should change his nickname form Ol Sugar Packets to Grim Reaper: https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2020-03-25/billionaires-want-workers-coronavirus The damages of keeping the economy closed as it is could be worse than losing a few more people,” said Golisano Wut? ?
  23. Maybe because they had to? Unless they wanted ECHL stalwarts Justin Bisson or Toby Baudry in their AHL lineup.
  24. Why do you think the Chargers and Steelers will be any good? They lost their franchise QBs (I guess REALLY Big Ben isn't officially done but ?) and don't look to have made many improvements.
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