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Everything posted by inkman

  1. I thought we didn't want the owners meddling? ?
  2. What if you spend the day at a pool or body of water? Or doing yardwork? Stupid question, do you have darker skin?
  3. The name alone fills me with rage
  4. Peel and eat, just like my women
  5. Fun fact, whilst drunk in college, I would eat ramen like a candy bar. Uncooked, just a giant mass of crunchy noodles. Enjoyed it just the same. ?
  6. I knew her when she was Kim Kerr. She went to my high school. ?
  7. I read someone on Twitter calling it SPF and was wondering if this was a regional thing, a cultural thing or just what the youts of today are calling it.
  8. A few certainly would but only other department managers for the most part.
  9. So I had to come in early this morning and terminate an employee who didn't pass his 90 day review. I noticed 5 minutes after that my Willy Wonka was catching a breeze. I stood at the employee entrance while dozens of employees walked by with my bean bag exposed to the world.
  10. They may have more info, which I could argue they don't, but even if they do have more info, they sure as hell don't know what to do with it. And insulting your fanbase isn't gonna win over any fan.
  11. Basketball has prep schools. I assume the diversity of the rosters pretty much squashes any inherent racism. Hard to drop the n word when ten 6'8" guys who would pound your ass are staring you in the face.
  12. I think that time has come. I've never heard of seen as much discourse about the Sabres as I do at this very moment.
  13. You want to see Tage's Cornhole?
  14. I think you are being naive if you don't think Victor being on the Sabres didn't have something to do with this signing. As for Victor's contract, he doesn't have the track record Skinner did, so he has much less leverage.
  15. Mitts gets traded for a legit NHL player?
  16. Well that's despicable, and I don't offend easily (like it needed to be said)
  17. I kinda hated everything about him
  18. I can't believe the amount of hooking and interference that occurs. It is constant and over whelming.
  19. A nice Red Dog Beer ad on the boards. Back when every beer needed to have the word Red, Dog or Ice in the name.
  20. Dean Melanson blasts Richard Zednik who's down on the ice. Zednik was a rookie at the time.
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