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Everything posted by inkman

  1. You still have PTSD from RJ’s oragasmic call of the tiniest of plays. RJ always calls the games creating a picture like a radio announcer. Dunleavy has always been a TV guy. Just offering suggestions from this group of pansies.
  2. Lazar, Staal and Miller can drop the gloves
  3. I mean I’m excited about the prospects of Hutton not playing but someone needs to light Gauthier up. I don’t care who was at fault.
  4. This has me like: Yes, I’m trying to drop this in the every thread possible. Ball slapping for everyone.
  5. He does have a great PP slapper
  6. The only place that would do that is a place that specializes in garbage plates or Tom Wahls.
  7. Aww yeah! I’ll be prepping like this for tonight’s game!
  8. I agree but let’s not act like there is another choice on the list that’s acceptable. Yes, the offer that’s 10x better than the other offer is...uh...better.
  9. Everyone getting boners over the LA proposal is funny. It’s like being on a dating app looking at Lena Dunham, Billy Eilish and Rosie O’Donnell and then Kate Upton shows up. Yeah I’m good with Kate too. Sheesh.
  10. Is this a reference to garbage plate meat sauce?
  11. It’s not my personal feelings. Based on the calls to WGR, the majority of the fanbase still feels that way. I would like to see some more courage on the team, regardless of birthplace. I think Dahlin could play that way, if he knows his teammates will have his back. None of the current group instills that confidence.
  12. Well when the core fans catch up, so will I
  13. I have a hard time seeing why Nashville would make the move. I think both of their players are better than the counter parts you listed.
  14. Perfect. Two sissies for two sissies.
  15. The Sabres seem to have cornered the market for cowards, regardless of their native country. Dahlin just happens to be one from Europe.
  16. I know enough. Find a young stud D that actually fits the mold Buffalo fans want to see. Not some cowering Euro.
  17. They have played enough.
  18. Ok Cozens and Quinn can stay.
  19. FIFY Yeah. I’m open to moving anyone outside Will Borgen who undoubtedly will now get traded. I don’t like any other players on this roster. Be gone.
  20. Even Paul Hamilton though he sucked balls who hasn’t said anything disparaging about a Sabre, outside of Sam Reinhart, in his career.
  21. I would fly into a rage every single time. Like yo “If you yocals actually used the English language as intended, we wouldn’t be having this moronic conversation right now”.
  22. Can they just cancel the remaining Sabres games? There is no value to these games. This team desperately needs an overhaul and it’s not going to happen meandering through the doldrums of another wasted season. ***** teams get good by accident once a decade. This team finds new ways to get worse. I really want to blame Ralph for their current woes but something about this team is rotten. Identify the players worth keeping, my list is less than 5, and start over.
  23. Sure. List the other 10,000 insurance salesmen that were 6th round picks.
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