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Everything posted by inkman

  1. Coincidentally, immediately after the Donnie Meatballs hire, the Sabres announced they have a new goal song as well.
  2. Just wait until nighttime…or…not.
  3. Meh. I didn’t like cake much for a majority of my life.
  4. I prefer this one:
  5. Don’t know exactly where to put this so I’ll leave it in a couple spots:
  6. I find it refreshing, invigorating and a sign of hope. I don’t think Jack was ever going to be the hero we wanted. He’s the hero we deserved. He tried to play the role but i never got the feeling his heart was in it.
  7. I was watching Ron Jeremy when you were in diapers. I’m just saying that dude looks like a teenager. He may be. Someone in his life needs to tell him the stash ain’t it. I think the age requirement for going stash only is 50+.
  8. I feel like it’s an absolute refusal to accept the Latino origin of Las Vegas. Like words must be pronounced 100% at face value only using grammatical rules familiar to them. Hence; Pro-cess, organ-eye-zation, etc.
  9. He looks 14 to me.
  10. I still need an answer as to why Canadians say Vegas differently.
  11. They discussed this on WGR yesterday. Bulldog was emphatic that this is the case. The injury is just a vehicle to get Jack outta here, for both sides apparently.
  12. It’s the Stanley Cup Final, no “s”. Says it right in the tweet.
  13. Outside of being the head of a gambling ring that sent people to prison and had ties to the mob? He also had very mediocre results in AZ.
  14. Nice use of buttressed.
  15. I feel this does not align with Warrow’s suspect timeline.
  16. And here I thought the shout out would be for Eichel’s package. Yes I am Anchorman.
  17. The Sabres don’t have exclusive rights to stupidity
  18. Krebs does not seem like a guy Buffalo fans would embrace. They like *****. Give the Buffalo fans what they want. More *****. Guys that opposing fans hate. Guys that hit, guys that fight. If Adams is true to his word, he will bring in ***** because he knows that is what Buffalo fans crave. *****.
  19. Sounds like you are in this for the long haul. Terry's involvement is documented. He will continue to be unless he is no longer affiliated with the team.
  20. GMKA stated they are more interested in selecting a player that’s going to develop into the best player. Is that Hughs? IDK. I’m prepared for it to be a terrible pick that everyone hates.
  21. But don’t worry, the Sabres know more about this draft class with less scouting and staff than they’ve had since the Pegulas bought the team. No worries at all.
  22. It was settled five years ago. Move on.
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