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Everything posted by inkman

  1. My biggest problem with the loss is that the Bills took a 1000 foot wave of emotion and crashed it in week one. Might take the whole season to get it back.
  2. Dane Jackson who clearly did not win the CB2 job. After that it’s Taron and Siran both slot kinda guys.
  3. Miami gonna have a big ol chip on their shoulder. We’ll see how that goes with team ego.
  4. This guy is my hero. What a deranged creep.
  5. Said no one ever. 😀
  6. While I’m certainly not glad they lost, I have to look at the outcome this way. Please learn and improve. They should be embarrassed and not show their faces in public until they right the ship. What a disaster.
  7. No one on Gods green Earth can be more pessimistic than Bills fans, especially this one. I don’t need some yahoo Packers fan to tell me Jack shiznit about my team. Right now, all of WNY is getting that “did we make a terrible mistake” feeling creeping into the back of their brains. If Josh somehow pulls off flashing for one year with the season he had, plummeting back to rookie Josh. This fanbase will burn the city to the ground. If Josh becomes Trubisky, hell will hath no fury like a Bills fans scorned. We will hate Josh. We will hate McBean, we will burn 17 jerseys in effigy. The defense looked average. Edmunds continued to underwhelm. CB2 continues to be a problem. Why on Earth did Beane bring back this OL? They sucked balls. Sanders was a UFA for a reason. The RB position needs a major upgrade. The entire D-line was MIA yesterday. Five first or second round picks up front and none of them were anything but doormats yesterday. I don’t need an outsider to tell me how much my team sucks.
  8. I do not own the Buffalo Bills. Nor am I employed by the Buffalo Bills. “They” would need to start giving me paychecks for me to be inclusive with the team.
  9. Until someone on this forum starts getting paychecks from One Bills Drive, it’s they not “you guys”.
  10. I haven’t had to block anyone in a decade or so. Is it still a feature?
  11. https://www.dictionary.com/e/slang/washed/
  12. Given the context where I’ve heard or read the term, there is a zero percent chance the users understand that context.
  13. They have earned shade even when they don’t create the cause of it. I didn’t post it as news. Just my response to a flippant post.
  14. Exactly. No one is bothered by fans not picking the Bills. In fact I relish it. I don’t like my real getting all this hype. It’s the dismissive, disrespectful tone of the words that’s the problem. Share your opinion. Just try not to use words that would get you punched in the face in real life.
  15. The better question is May vs Ray. Brad was a much larger scarier man. Ray, as much as we love him, was always willing, rarely winning. May was a bad dude. Fists the size of tree stumps and quite an athletic guy. Ray had to come up with the jersey schtick to survive in a game with much larger men. Domi, noted psychopath, was the only comparable to Ray size wise. It’s why they were always an intriguing matchup.
  16. Washed - someone lazily decided to drop the “up” from washed up and sheeple decided they were all lazy too. The term incites rage within me. Words mean things. WTF does “washed” mean? At face value, it’s moronic. Is the player clean now? Did they take a bath? Beyond ***** stupid. Don’t get me started with “Stan”. I used to think we were headed toward an idiocracy. Now I’m certain we passed that threshold long ago.
  17. Excellent point Bob or whatever your name might be
  18. *****-a-doodle don’t.
  19. Nothing like waking up to a massive c0ck
  20. I’m encouraged by the direction this thread is taking
  21. I read they have hired a new PR / social media person. Let’s hope we don’t see this garbage moving forward.
  22. The best part is reportedly his best friend’s name is Chili Dog. Kinda changes the whole complexion of Jack and Diane. I found the lost verse of that little ditty. Jack and Diane went up the hill Each with a buck and a quarter Jill came down with two fifty Oooooh!
  23. Petersson and Hughs I’m guessing but I had to think way more than I like to outside of work
  24. You’ll get a lot more respect around here when you stop posting your opinions as fact.
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