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Everything posted by inkman

  1. They need to change the roster completely. I don’t think you have enough changes. Tage, Rasmus aren’t part of the solution either. If they were, last night wouldn’t have happened.
  2. There are 82 games a season. I feel the same way about this team as I did on October 1st, November 1st and December 1st. Bums. Smol D energy.
  3. Timing is bizarre
  4. He’s not reading this, just like me
  5. If I would a player, I would laugh at the media and tell them to go on a diet. Or what?
  6. Point taken but people need to recalibrate their lives. Why on Earth does anyone want to listen to millionaire athletes say a bunch of meaningless drivel before going home to bang their supermodel wives? It mean nothing. Why do you care? He is ripping them a new one via video. The coach pointing to you on the ice and saying this is unacceptable seems more worthwhile than skating them into the ground.
  7. Because media questioning is the problem? Did you want to listen to the media brow beat the players and coaches a second time? What’s the incessant need to hear miserable people be miserable?
  8. I don’t view this team any differently than yesterday. They’ve proven to us who they are. Spineless losers.
  9. Enough with the hyperbole
  10. They have lost almost every big game they’ve had the last 3 seasons unless the Golden Knights are in town. Whatever the opposite of clutch is these guys have in droves. Like serious Small D Energy.
  11. Or it could be the same players who sucked under previous coaches. I have no idea if Lindy is currently a good coach. I can tell you that many of our current players are not suited for the NHL. I’ll start with Rasmus Dahlin.
  12. If that’s the case on both accounts (he meddles and he likes grit), why hasn’t it materialized?
  13. Go Bills!
  14. You are just a beautiful product of today’s society construct. Your gift to me is you. (Yes I’ve smoked a loooot of weed).
  15. This one has always bothered me. It lost its origin almost the second it became popular. Much like durag. It’s a rag that covers you hairdo. No one under 50 knows what the ***** I’m talking about. I could probably use that statement in all aspects of life.
  16. They miss him desperately. They need to infuse the roster with more Greenways, less Quinn’s.
  17. You can thank the wonderful NHL stupidity and their ambiguous day to day week to week nonsense. If they just went with 4-8 weeks from the start, we wouldn’t be having this discussion.
  18. Or…hear me out here…they can an actual point or two because of the challenge. 👍
  19. That’s offside. They won’t get it right. But it’s offside.
  20. Neuchev the only scorer in a 4 man shootout.
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