This thread is about as “I’ve heard of him” as it gets. Anyone suggesting we take a shot at him hasn’t taken a look at his numbers. Stick a fork in him.
I mean I believe he said it and that the number 40 exists. It just sounds like a number someone would throw out without actually knowing how many candidates there are or hasn’t yet bothered to do the work to even determine how many candidates there are.
That was my take as well. Where is the camera in regards to the yard marker? Are we looking from in front of, even with or behind the yard marker.
IMHO, he was stopped at the First Down marker. Should have been measured.
I’m gonna tune out this weeks Bills coverage. It’s going to be official bashing season. I think I have PTSD from when my parents would take me to Anerks games and my dad would scream at the officials for 60 minutes. Louder than anyone in the arena. I couldn’t crawl back into my own skin far enough.
You will never hear me complain about officials. What’s the point? They make some sort of belated announcement “hey we got it wrong”. Team still lost. Like my old man at an Amerks game, I guess it makes y’all feel better to bitch about it.