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Everything posted by Sabresince70
Making SabreSpace more friendly to new posters
Sabresince70 replied to nfreeman's topic in The Aud Club
I don't know if I can speak for "new comers" but for me, when I joined (in 2005), it was for hoping to get help in learning about the Buffalo area for trips I took my family on - we would go for a game and spend a few days in the area. I never expected to get caught up in the forums as a daily thing. The help I got was fantastic - my daughters loved Chef's, Anchor bar wings, etc..and I appreciated all the help. I liked "hearing" other Sabre fans talk about the team because there are very few in my area. As far as posting, short of being able to offer something new to a conversation, or a viewpoint that didn't seem to be represented, I stay out of it. My sense of the board is that most of you know each other. (I did meet Taro before a game once, that was nice to put a face and person to someone you had been reading. If my take or opinion is the same as someone else who has already posted I don't see the point in posting. Outside of Police related topics (too many of those lately by the way - though they have become entertaining) I don't see myself having much to add. I hope I don't offend anyone by getting a daily "Sabre fix" by reading the forum. Never felt unwanted or hassled though by the "regulars". -
One quick fix - it is "presumed" innocent until proven guilty. ex. someone walks into a mini mart, steals a pack of gum. That person is guilty, but should be "presumed" innocent by jury (and public) until after trial. By the way, no one is actually found "innocent" at trial - it is either guilty or not guilty. This was only a response to the wording and not to anyone's opinion about Kane. One other observation from a different view point. How the original report was written (from the interview of the victim when she walked into the PD) tends to have a large impact that the direction of the investigation goes. I would hope that whichever department originally handled the interview would have specific officers that handle those cases, but they may not. Some departments do nothing more than the original intake due to their size (we have 9 officers total in the dept.), in which case (here in PA) it gets handed over to the DA and they have detectives that specialize. My point is if I write (in the narrative of the report) "victim states...." as opposed to "victim alleges..." it can be seen as two different meanings. it is unfortunate, but it is true. The actions taken immediately after the victim walks in (contacts the police, whatever) matters. Oh, besides working for a municipality, I also work for a college PD - (free tuition for my daughters). Been around many of these type cases (substitute too much alcohol/drugs to give consent for age). Some victims come in tears and some come in almost laughing. You would be surprised how people (especially young people) act/react to being a victim or to falsely accusing someone.
http://www.dui.ca/ontario.phpdon't know if this helps explain anything or not ( was bored last night, called a Canadian officer that I had training with years ago and he suggested this sight). Can I go to Jail?First offenders serve no jail time; however, a second impaired driving conviction will result in a 30 day jail sentence, and all subsequent offenses will merit a 120 day sentence. For leaving the scene: Officer has two choices (the way I took our conversation, it is the officer's choice at the scene - but I have to believe the Canadian "DA" would be the final decision). The first choice is "Failure to Remain" - this is a crimes code that is province specific (Ontario Crimes Code) and carries a fine from $400 to $2,000 - a 6 month prison sent. or both. second option - "Failure to Stop" is a Canadian Crimes Code and is much worse penalty wise. (Usually) that charge is only brought when there is injury or death - not just minor property damage. So the lowest (and most common) penalty for "failure to remain" - $400 fine, is LESS than underage drinking in PA is - $500 fine, loss of license. I truly believe this will be nothing more than ROR needing to carpool for a while.
Some def. make a killing (Detectives really do well!) Patrol, and I can only speak to my department, don't make as much. Personally, I give about 5 warnings for every ticket I issue, really, we are not all looking to be jerks. And money wise, the boro gets half of the fine - $25 fine for most moving violations = $12.50 to the Boro. If we have to get paid OT for the hearing, Boro loses money (2hrs X 1.5 pay). Trust me, they try to limit it. Yes, the ticket costs $112, but the costs are what raises the total. I appreciate the welcome back, but I am on here about 3/4 days a week - I really do read these often - I just don't have much to add to the Buffalo specific threads - I look to get info from here, in my section of PA , there is not much in our local news. Plenty of Philly crap though - the Phantoms arena is about 5 minutes from my house - went once, beautiful arena, half full. We'll see if it lasts. Thanks to all for the Sabre conversations - I know of only one other Sabres fan in the area outside of my family. I come on here to at least "be among" others.
It is harder and harder (short of working steady night shift) to get court ot - they schedule during shift). And it pays the same if it is for a ticket as it does for misd. Honestly, most would rather not have the DD. There are always the exception, we have a youngin' that just itches for excitement, but most would rather not deal with it. For my dept.specifically, it is a half hour trip to central booking each way. Would rather stay in my boro.
You may well be right with the other groups, but not police. Makes no diff. to the officer how often you have been charged. Paper work does not get any lighter, we do not get a bonus for repeaters, nothing to be gained. And I, too, miss the days of no damage/injury - we take your keys and drop you at home. The people that ruined that are those that wouldn't stay home after being dropped off.
He took the same amount of money for ONE LESS year. He may have wanted to come to Buffalo, but it could not turn down the 5 mil. Never mind - saw the change
Thanks Taro - I read the forum almost daily - just don't usually feel I have much to add (I'm a good listener) - I use these threads for my Sabres info - local paper hardly mentions anything outside of phila crap (especially since we now have the phantoms in town).
For what it is worth... (and I can only speak for Pennsylvania law) In PA, prosecution would need to show he was driving (not just the owner of) the car. Leaving the scene (in PA) of an accident that involves ONLY property damage (hit and run) has much lower punishment than DUI. So it is very common here. Proof that is needed to get a conviction for DUI is control of the car. I can assume that there may be video from TH security cameras, but maybe not. As for .08 (and I stress, this is PA law) at .08 you have no defense to being intoxicated. It does not mean you are not guilty if you are below .08. If it can be proven that you were impaired, and your BAC is below .08 - you can still be guilty. (DUI - narcotics has no "level", but is the "same crime" - driving under the influence). PBTs are a tool used to show probable cause, just like the field sobriety tests, but can not be used as proof at trial. There is a "reasonable" amount of time that an officer has to get a reading - Blood, urine etc..., that is used for proof.
Shooting them would mean a lot of paper work. I stayed way out of the gun control thread - even though I felt that was one thing on this forum I may have had some useful insight on. The new New York state law has hit off duty officers (from other states) hard. I won't go into it here since the other thread locked and I am sure everyone is sick of talking about it, but it has had a wide effect on the LEOSA law.
I know this may be a little late - but for those of you thinking of raising the wiper baldes, I am 4 hrs into my shift and wrote three criminal mischief reports for wiper blades being broken by our wonderful youths. I think leaving the defroster on while cleaning the rest of the car and ending with the windshield is safer. (of course maybe we just have rotten kids in the area) Oh, and we only got a half foot of snow here.
Thanks to all. I gave the list to the kids and will let them pick - it is their gift, anyway. Just a side note, when my one daughter turned 8 I took her to a Sabres game at Philly. It is only an hour away. It was awful. I don't mind hearing words and being called things just because of what shirt I have on - but an 8 yr old girl doesn't need that. She begged me to take her to Buffalo for games from then on. We had made several trips before (and stayed in NF, Canada side with the whole family) and gone to games. When it was just the two of us or with her sister, we stayed at the Hyatt because it was close and easy. When the strike ruined the plans for Christmas vacation, I figured maybe next year. When she came home from college just to watch opening game with me on TV, I bought tickets for March. Thanks again for the help.
Hoping some of you can help (I seldom write on this forum, but have been a member for quite a while). Usually when I make the trip from PA with my daughters we stay at the Hyatt, but they are booked for March 2nd. Can anyone recommend a decent hotel? It can be 10 - 15 miles away, we always stayed downtown because it seemed easier. This was supposed to be a Christmas gift trip to my daughters but the strike ruined it. Now we can only go during spring break. Thanks in advance.
Arsenic and old lace (another w/ Peter Lorre) - Great escape, Marlowe (I think it was pre 70) and Mr. Budwing - great James Garner Movies, and The Hustler
Tallinder looks real comfortable, steps right back in and settles that blue line. McKee's interview after second = total class.
Won't be Drury, he's out with the flu. :cry:
It's hard to judge by listening, how is Biron doing? How is Card? Sounds like Nittymaki is outplaying Marty (just heard that Marty stopped 3 on 0.
This is the one game all year I won't be able to "watch". With directv I can't get Philly's comcast (and it is ofcourse blacked out on CI for me)and I will not watch with 99% Philly fans (if I can't cheer like I want to, it isn't any fun). Thank God for being able to listen to RJ on the computer!
does anyone know if CI will be using MSG feed or will it be HNIC?
Won't we get the MSG feed for the home games? I can't stand the Boston feed. (Only time I purposely miss the anthem singing!) :cry:
Here's hoping I don't have to get the nesn feed!
Living less than an hour away from Philly - I'd love to see the Sabres pound them like they did NYR!
Buddy sent me this, thought I'd pass it on - look under legends #4 section www.lipshawtoys.com
I was curious if the person I was able to get an "original" logo flag from on e-bay was a member of this board, and if he/she has any other merchandise for sale.
This Day in Sabres History :: February 3
Sabresince70 replied to Stoner's topic in This Day in Sabres History
Having a wierd sense of wanting strange things associated with the sabres, I was actually able to buy a copy of the bankruptcy papers, and some of the papers associated with the sale of the sabres, off of e-bay (the seller was/is a reporter from the area and also put in media notes/guides from the 99 cup run). It is hard to imagine that anyone else could have offered what TG was offering and commit to the sabres the way he did. Certainly the new CBA is in his favor, but that was not a guarantee at that time. He also was purchasing a highly underachieving team that, in all likely hood, would not be playing (strike) one year after he got it. As I've said before, if he chooses to keep payroll low, get more revenue from jersey/color changes (even charge an extra 50 cents for dogs/sodas...whatever) I can't blame him, at least there are still Sabres to root for. Appearently that was something the other guys couldn't do. (I'm not putting them down, I'm just very grateful that he did what he did). My then 8 year old daughter sking me who I was going to root for when there was no more Sabres hit home. I remember looking at her and saying it might have to be whoever Hershey's affiliate is (Avs) since that is what started me on the SAabres. I'm glad I didn't have to decide.)