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    Allentown, PA
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    Hockey, Baseball, Football

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  1. I guess my generation is hoping Eakin gets hot.
  2. AHL has always had bad ref. L.V. has been having a bad year - so hopefully this will come out well. (I go to Hershey games as well (both here and in Hershey - I enjoyed wearing the chocolate and white when the bears beat the fantums. (My jersey is the throw back to early/mid 80's when Edwards was in net for the Bears...) Aside from a Ranger fan, I think everyone else I work with is a pumpkin head
  3. Really hoping they play well tonight. I only get to see them once a year - and the bragging rights would be nice! Hate the Fantums
  4. Wow - I remember Adirondack being the red wings affiliate - mid 80's maybe? I just root against everything Philly - The local coverage is so awful it actually turned me against them years ago.
  5. Many years ago I was helped by members of this forum when I would take my kids to Buffalo for games. Places to eat, Stay, park etc..If anyone is making the trip to see the Amerks game 1/18, and needs/wants any info - please let me know. I would like to return the favor if I can. As well as know my daughter and I won't be the only ones in the arena rooting against the pumkins.
  6. In Allentown (PA) - we would only get national games, Phlyer, Ranger and Islander games in the '80s. I used to record them. The Ranger game right after the Challenger blew up, Sue Britton did God Bless America. Showed it to my daughters a little while ago. Still gives goose bumps.
  7. I visit often, but I guess I am the quiet guy that only enters the conversation when I have something unique to offer. Looking forward to next week. Hope your son's game goes well.
  8. I think I come to this team in a very unique way. I became a Sabres fan in the 70's when Hershey was Buffalo's farm team. As an 11 year old I met Don Edwards, and from then on Hershey and by extension Buffalo, were my teams. Growing up I could watch Buffalo when they played the Phlyers, the Rangers and the Islanders (about half a dozen games a year). I followed through the Hockey news, and the regular news paper. I was the first in my neighborhood with directv and it was just for Sabre games. I had to order my Sabres jerseys from Great Skate, because they weren't sold anywhere around here. No one that I went to school with was a Sabres fan (and my graduating class was 714). The book "Swashbucklers on the Ice" was my favorite book. I am driving the 300 + miles next Sunday just to see the game because my wife couldn't think of anything else to get me for Christmas (sec 109, row 3 a pretty good gift I think). So yeah, I think I like following this team. I always have. My family calls it my obsession.
  9. Took daughter last night for her birthday - Wife going with me for tonight's game. It is, for the most part a nice arena. Just not in the best part of Lehigh Valley. I am minutes from this arena but I still go to Giant Center for more games (I am originally from Hershey). Best part is I can break out my "Vaive" Sabres jersey from 1990 and really confuse the people here in Allentown! We were the only two Sabres shirts in the arena last night, and I think I had to explain to 5 different people why we were wearing them.
  10. Now that there are AHL games in my back yard (I am close to Hershey, but live 10 minutes away from the Allentown/Lehigh Valley arena) I thought I'd see if any of you travel for Amerks games. I know there are a few others on here from PA, but not sure if any of you are near the Lehigh Valley. If there are, or if anyone is coming here for either game this weekend, let me know. A few years ago I was given great info on dining places in Buffalo from this board and I would gladly repay the favor. I also would strongly suggest that there are areas to avoid, especially in the area around the PPL center.
  11. I hope Karlsson bought Dunleavy dinner for all the loving he is getting back!
  12. My whole point was that it may not have been a decision made by the police that did the intake - If all he did was walk in, it would not have happened here. I was asking if he had to be transported somewhere, in which case I would have understood it. Every dept. / state is different. For a mis. 3, in my county, it wouldn't have been done. But in PA, we don't arrest for non-criminal offences, either.
  13. I have never heard of someone surrendering at a police station being handcuffed outside the station for the "arrest". Does anyone know if Buffalo has its own booking/processing at their headquarters, or if it is done in a "central/county" booking center (In Lehigh County, PA, ALL booking is done at the central booking center). If someone surrenders and is transported to booking, they would be cuffed for transport - policy, no exceptions, for us. The only time someone rides in the back for a "courtesy transport" (victim/parent etc...) the cabin camera must be on. We are very strict that way, so I could understand if they needed to abide by procedures. This may even be "walking him" to specific area of the station. All of that being said, from the booking/arrest sheets shown in the article (it says read police reports, but I didn't see any report) it looks like tres. is the highest charge. If one of the lawyers can clarify, does New York have a mis. Dis Con charge? We have both summary (ticket) dis con and mis dis con. (in PA). We wouldn't use tres. for what was described - bouncer asking him to leave, he refused. We do have summary har. charges (similar to what was described) but that would still be criminal charges, not "violations". And no booking sheet is generated (in PA) for summary charges - they are equal to traffic tickets.
  14. Original jerseys A series of 3 "carnivals" that promote player/fan interaction, so that those that travel more than five hours can make a mini vacation with their families and create fans out of the young ones (I have two daughters that attended a carnival with me in 2001 and have been fans ever since) Own sports channel. Tired of knick commercials. Oh, and ban orange from everything in the arena. Color makes me sick
  15. I would like to know if the police report says,"after viewing the tape it appears the subject grabbed...",or read s" witness/complainant/victim states..." normally, a police report is not a statement of fact, but a REPORT of what was told to our shown to the officer. I have no idea what happened (wasn't there), but what is in a police report is not meant to be taken as fact. Now if it were an affidavit of probable cause then the officer would be swearing to his beliefs in fact it is different
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