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Everything posted by respk

  1. Murray was a little slow on that Edm-Pit trade. Would've like to have seen Stafford/Stewart sent that way for that 2015 1st. Just hope Murray has something better in the works.
  2. Of Of course Moulson does everything he can to score. The tank is not about the players intentionally making bad plays it's about the GM manipulating the roster to facilitate the tank. The coaches and the players are not in on it.
  3. Agree the current team doesn't seem to be able to secure last place but the team can change. Murray should be doing what's best for the long term prospects of the team not just this year. I'd like to see him start trading assets until the team comes back to the top of the standings.
  4. Really need to secure one of the top two picks ensuring McEichel. The dropoff from McEichel to the second tier forwards makes finishing last well worth it. Yes the second tier will most likely be good but what is the difference between drafting first/second and third or below? And sure we could draft Hanifin but that leaves us without a top line forward, which is a much bigger need, or the option of a trade. I don't like the thought of settling for Hanafin or even more so the second tier of forwards after two years of losing. We most likely won't get a top line player the quality of McEichel in any trade. This leaves us with the best option for the franchise as finishing last and drafting McEichel. Finish last, keep all of our assets (no reason to make a trade for a forward) and get McEichel. The rebuild would be on with the best possible start we can reasonably hope for.
  5. Time for Murray to pull the plug. Finishing out of the top 2 drafting positions just doesn't make any sense for this franchise. After reading and hearing about McEichel and the Sabres prospect pool I'm even more convinced that McEichel is needed. The Sabres have lots of 2nd and 3rd line players and some of them will be NHL players. They're missing the top line players that can score at critical times and are difficult to get via trade or FA.
  6. I'd be fine if the Sabres did similar for the rest of the season to ensure they draft no lower than 2nd overall. After reading and hearing about the current Sabres prospects I'm even more convinced that they need McEichel.
  7. So what do we think the point total would be to get 30th? What is the number of points that we need to finish last?
  8. I wouldn't have a problem trading Pysyk, but I wouldn't trade Grigorenko just yet. He is one of only two or 3 players/prospects that have top 3 natural ability. I'd wait some more to see if he can put that natural talent to full use. I'd consider trading Myers and Ennis if someone is willing to overpay. They might be worth more in a trade than on the roster long term. I'm hoping Murray can get the Sabres back in the race to the top pick. Stewart, Stafford, and Enroth should go. I'd resign Neuvirth. Zemgus, Moulson, Gionta, and Gorges are virtually untradeable due to their circumstances and leadership, Risto, Zadorov, Grigorenko, Reinhart and Armia because of their potential. Everyone else is available especially if someone wants to get silly with 1st round picks this year.
  9. media is measured by the number of viewers, readers and listeners not the number of choices.
  10. For the sake of discussion what is the flaw in the system? Until the media changes from its opinion based liberal tendencies and returns to a more balanced actual reporting type position never going to happen.
  11. 10 points back. The tank appears to be running off the tracks. 4 teams to pass to get back to the top might be too many to climb over even this early in the season. Come on Murray! Pull the plug on this and let's get back into the race!
  12. With such a small difference in results needed in getting McEichel vs Strome and the apparent big difference in their prospective play, I hope Murray does whatever is necessary for the Sabres to get McEichel. It may be impossible now, given that Edm and some others have tasted 30th or the near it, but I still hold out hope that the Sabres can make it happen.
  13. If we weren't so close to being able to get McEichel, I wouldn't be a proponent of the tank. But since we are, there's only a difference of a few games between finishing 30th and possibly out of the top ten, tank on. Those few wins are not worth losing a chance at McEichel. Any rebuilding plan that includes the tank as one of its facets has the chance to be a much deeper and quicker rebuild than a rebuilding plan that doesn't include the tank. It provides the most options to rebuild with little or no negatives. No matter if Murray screws the tank up or not, it's over after this season. The day after the season ends the rebuild should be full on.
  14. Interesting that cigar smoking, a known cancer causing activity, is considered an "appealing" activity while fracking is not. Things that just make you say "Hmmmmmm..."
  15. Looks like someone will be traded from the big club for a draft pick and this guy will be brought up. Sounds like a prototypical Nolan guy. :-)
  16. I kind of hope Murray leaves Edmonton alone. Given the dysfunction and perennial losing of the franchise I would be concerned about the players coming out of there. With that many 1st round draft choices i would have thought that they would be able to stay out of the bottom just by talent alone. Hall maybe very talented but I wonder if he's a head case and would be toxic in the locker room.
  17. As to the bolded above. Yes this is a very deep draft. But McEichel are clearly ahead of the rest of the forwards. Why settle for the second tier of forwards when just a few points less would get the team into the top tier of draft picks. You said don't fall out of the top 7 and preferably not bottom 4. I'm just saying don't fall out of the top 2. The top 2 appear to be significantly better than the rest and they all cost the same, 1 draft pick.
  18. I really hope Harrington is wrong. What a wasted opportunity if the Sabres don't win the CHL.
  19. And would be a complete waste of time and draft choice. That result would be far worse than finishing at the bottom last year. Come on Murray pull the plug on this and ensure the Sabres draft 1st or 2nd or let's make a deal to improve the team and win a first round playoff series. No reason to be mediocre and finish any place in between.
  20. There appear to be two players in the organization that have the natural skill and ability to be top line, or first line, players. Grigs and Reinhart. maybe Armia as he has improved greatly. Everybody currently on the roster are 2nd line or lower. They may play on the 1st line for the Sabres but on a good team they would be good 2nd or 3rd line players. Of everything I've read on the current prospects none of them are expected to be more than 2nd or 3rd liners. Granted that can change as they mature. That's one of the reasons I think the tank is important. If the prognosticators are correct, McEichel should be a top line player.
  21. If a team finishes last this year, they are guaranteed to pick no lower than 2nd. Therefore they are guaranteed to have a shot at no worse than the 2nd player in the draft (McDavid or Eichel whichever one doesn't go first.) The tank really isn't about getting McDavid. It's about having the chance to get either McDavid or Eichel. Both of which are said to be "generational" type players. Both of which should be something the Sabres have only two of, first line players.
  22. This should happen this summer and during next season, but not this year. It's one season too soon. Complete the tank, walk away with either McDavid or Eichel, maybe trade the STL and NYI picks for bodies and the rebuild is on. If they screw it up and don't get McEichel and end up picking 3rd - 10th I'm not sure you trade one or both of those picks.
  23. I really hope Murray doesn't abandon the tank for a few meaningless wins or even the chance to lose a first round playoff. It just isn't worth it to miss out on a chance at McEichel and an improved rebuild. As a semi famous man once said "Sometimes, you have to pass on the good things to achieve the greater things." :-)
  24. I'm hoping Murray gets going soon on the trades for prospects or draft picks. I'm not willing to trade the number of wins between finishing last and being the last playoff team for the opportunity to draft McEichel. McEichel is one third of the rebuild plan. I'm concerned about Edmonton though. They may not have to do any trades to out Tank us as they seem to be that bad/disorganized. Tank on! And soon!
  25. Really hope Murray executes a trade or two shortly. He needs to take the steam out of these wins and get them back to the top of the standings. One or both of the goalies, Stewart, Myers and Stafford would be a start and then see where the team is in mid January. I sure hope they don't screw this up. I'd like to see Myers and a goalie sent to Edmonton. Helps the Sabres and hurts Edmonton tank efforts.
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