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  1. Please bring back Doug. His version is so much better than any others they have come up with.
  2. Yes, I'll make sure to tune in. I'm hoping that he becomes the permanent singer again. The Sabres anthems have been terrible, I wonder if they even audition them or just send the singers out. Someone called the Sabres Anthem singers the "Americas Got Talent Auditions", these need to end. I'm sure there are better, but I'm not sure we've seen anyone better in Buffalo since he stopped.
  3. I'm not sure which was worse the Sabres or the america's got talent anthem singers this season. Tonight's audition was especially bad. Bring back Doug.
  4. And they are usually worse than the Sabres play. Bring back Dougie.
  5. That might've been the best rendition of both anthems since Dougie left. No bad AGT audition from this Kramer.
  6. I thought Buffalo had some bad singers. That woman made most of them sound good.
  7. Please, please, please bring back Doug. The warblers that they've replaced him with are just awful.
  8. Please bring Doug back. I tune in to watch a hockey game and a bad episode of Amerca's Got Talent breaks out. Please bring Doug back.
  9. Why can't the Sabres find a anthem singer that good.
  10. Worst announcers ever. I'd listen to the radio but it's too out of sync with the TV. Do they ever stop talking!
  11. She's a warbler that thinks its a America's got talent audition. She tends to add notes and slide up to a note instead of hitting it. Just bring back Dougie!
  12. Might be one of the worst anthems ever. Gold pants and boots were interesting.
  13. I missed the Sabres games, but I don't miss the anthem singers. Just bring back Doug and put them and us out of misery.
  14. Just bring back Doug. Warblers are terrible.
  15. I hope we don't have to listen to that all year. Brutal and long.
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