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Everything posted by calti

  1. I dont think its fixed. But they overcorrect a bit;) Bills werent a championship caliber team last year.
  2. Is power gonna be a game changer? (pardon me i dont follow the league very closely)
  3. ticky takkk...but did that make up for the phantom roughing call??...yeah that little RB needed/needs to get the ball a whole lot more
  4. absolutely..unless JA is looking for some league records.. but u dont risk the QB in a game that is friggin over id like to see keenum throw the ball a few times though
  5. i dont know half these guys..as long as they catch the ball
  6. Shakir was a goood find by Beane. Guy will shake and bake and leave the dman behind
  7. Right on the moeny.Agree 100%.
  8. I had concerns about Josh from the beginning BUT sensed that he was a winner . I definitely marvel at the fact that he actually learned how to throw a football in his 20s. Whoever was coaching him is an unsung genius. I didnt think it could be done. Only occasionally does he miss someone wide open or throw a grounder. Worst case scenario I was thinking Josh was gonna be another Philip Rivers. But again I think a lot of us felt that the kid had something special even with the many gaffs and the horrendous inaccuracy he displayed early on.--
  9. PCR test is worthless in detecting specific live viruses. Like the inventor of the test,kary Mullis,said "you can find anything you want on a PCR test if you look hard enough"
  10. Tua needs the year off.Or he is gonna start getting knocked out by minor taps on the head.
  11. True. A step in the right direction on that aspect.
  12. i think they were listening to us.........the pocket was NOT at all working for JA
  13. couple of real dufuses calling this game. The guy completely stops when allen throw the baqll--THEN he goes in and throws him to the ground. Perfectly good call.
  14. Josh needs to avoid the pocket too many tips.
  15. maturity is a big factor. plus our C+ B- head coaching
  16. i think we are trying to spread the ball around too much.Wing it downfield.
  17. Beasley...fired by Pfizer
  18. Bills arent as good as we thought.
  19. this is practically unwatchable.I mean...that 2nd down pass he has the 1st then tries to make a move? Then the crowd in for an obvious run and get stuffed...uggh
  20. did i mention Josh???
  21. The Bills are the most talented team in the league. I agree with all that you wrote...But you left out the Bills W and L in close games and their record in the playoffs. Coaching/time mgmt become awful big when its playoff time.
  22. Yes his response could have been due to heat stroke and dehydration. But even if they thought that they should have taken the 'overly' cautious route. And the fact that he went down so hard just 5 days later makes it unlikely that the heat stroke and dehydration were the only factors.
  23. A lot of speculation on this whole concussion deal. I often deal with concussions as part of my work and its a very very subtle treatment protocol and no two people or two situations are the same.The rule of thumb is to be on the cautious side. Miami obviously wasnt cautious. Most of us who have been around a while have seen the pattern of a guy getting concussed...then returning too soon.And then getting re-concussed after any type of(even fairly soft) contact to the head directly or from a whiplash scenario from the neck. A very sad situation and likely preventable if full healing is allowed..In other words if he is automatically grounded from play for a considerable amt of time. Trent Edwards was a mediocre- avg type QB with a soft arm before the concussion. YES he had one good game after returning but his concussion had not fully healed .Often we see post concussion people who become asymptomatic go out and engage in rigorous activities shortly after...The problem is that the dura around the brain is newly healed but is not yet strong enough to do its job. Many small hits or the constant pounding of jogging or other physical activity can re-damage that protective layer and you are back where you started even after some delay. You could have a nice jog where you felt good.Or you could play a football game where you didnt take any brutal hits. -But damage was still done .And the next activity may bring back moderate to severe symptoms.
  24. that was awful...well the Bills 2 week dynasty is over. time to get back to reality. we are NOT the team to beat.We will be in the mix among 7 or 8 teams at the end. belichek coaches this team they coast to the SB. We cant manage the clock. A junior league team manages the clock better.
  25. We just arent an intelligent football team. Starting with the HC. Same thing as last year nothing has changed.
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