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Everything posted by calti

  1. while Thomas is a great player...I think he is too old to throw money at. Job 1 here is to get rid of Rex. Job 2 is get a DC. Job 3 is develop TT and get a real backup QB. Hard to make too many player decisions when a talented squad is peforming like one of the worst teams in the league.
  2. can I answer in the negative? yes? ok then.. McDavid is not a surprise. The 18 yr old is scoring every game. Already one of the top players in the league.
  3. this team reminds me of early 70s sabres...loaded with young talent --and ready to do some damage w/in a year or two.
  4. just as an advisor....but if not him then someone else with a proven record. Marrone was pretty smart not to re-up with Whaley still there screwing everything up. Id say Marrone looks pretty smart now
  5. before personnel moves(exc for getting rid of EJ) are made we really need to get some smart football people in this organization. GM and head coach are needed as this team looks horribly disorganized.Polian or someone like that as an advisor...kinda like Jerry West is in Golden state. Lets not throw the baby out with the bathwater. You give Harbaugh or Belichek or Fisher or Coughlin or Carrol this same group of players you have a definite playoff team no doubt. While this may seem to support Whaley somewhat--I still think there is no excuse for his handling of the QB situation.
  6. because they expected an nfl qb not to throw a poof pass that was also way late? petty accurate..but lacking the evermore sickening and ironic aspects of this horrible ordeal.
  7. the problem with an awful organization like this(its still ralphs crew to a great extent) is that it cant recognize what people with basic common sense realize right away. EJ had awful football instincts from the start...and FS fans knew it--and most of us knew--but this horrible organization always realizes it tears and years later.Which is exactly why we haven't been a decent team in 16 years.Its a very very difficult task to miss the playoffs for that many consecutive years.Takes extraordinary incompetence. Tpeg will hopefull wash away any remnants of the ralph regime very quickly.
  8. .................... good point in theory---but given Hughes history I highly doubt that he intended that. ...he went over the line before zero hit. And then he was pointing at the clock-.Any movement by the O line at that point COULD HAVE been construed as encroachment even though the ball wasn't snapped.That play is kinda on the official's mood at the time unfortunately. The point I was making was that Hughes almost screwed that up.
  9. the Bills fan song should be Everyones a Loser by hot chocolate
  10. look again
  11. anyone notice Hughes on that delay of game?. It should have been encroachment by Hughes saving the Jags---.Hughes then starts pointing up to the play clock.
  12. takes Tpegs a while to catch on----but eventually he gets it. Despite the Sabes losing record they are def on the right track with some great young talent and a good GM and coach
  13. its started for me in 1964---we had season tickets.....all was right with the world. I had a bright future. Now look what ralph has wrought. Sorry but the $2million to the red cross or whatever doesn't make up for it.
  14. to be fair that roughing the passer on jax was a bs call as well not dissimilar
  15. is being a bills fan even somewhat close to entertainment?? or is it just a weird addiction not unlike the mentality of the loser gambler or other type of addict?
  16. hopefully Tpegs or his wife will get this mess straightened out soon
  17. a SCREEN???? EJ cant throw a screen
  18. that is a good point. not like a win here would have done anything other than give us false hope
  19. everyone in florida watching ej in college were mystified as to why we took ej anywhere near the 1st round. But of course Whaley knew better---and whaley still knew better because here we are again. A very basic game by cassel wins us this game by 14 points.
  20. yeah glad we did that...smooth
  21. Jacksonville is a horrible team--congrats guys
  22. nice ridiculous poof pass EJ...........for Gods sake can we please get rid of this guy...what a nightmare. Whaley-------please fire him while we are at it
  23. oh dear.....nice interference call by the way
  24. he whiffed
  25. ok----bash him now have to give him credit
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