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Everything posted by calti

  1. yes..in the extreme
  2. phewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
  3. I'm not sure if this is more on the O coordinator or on TT effing joke
  4. TT needs to sharpen it up.And McCoy--its not a loaf of bread. hehe
  5. TT needs to work on that aspect. No reason to throw that ball. He just looks like a track star who doesn't understand the game very well. Its like he never played as a kid.Didnt develop good instincts.
  6. this D plan is laughable.
  7. Very poor defensive plan so far. But then again look at our coach. subtle cuisine
  8. the jets will probably sign him...or another dumb franchise. hopefully we don't give him a contract.
  9. Dick Stockton--reminding us of Curt Gowdy late in his career
  10. looks like the jets game
  11. True. And I am optimistic.They have excellent young players.And this is NEW construction.
  12. nightmare flashbacks of jauron. I loved when..out of contention for the season--and waay behind in a game he would punt on 4th down from the opposition 40 yd line. The Bills franchise=(equaled) a mental institution. Watch him become the next Bettis. When you have an extremely talented player its worth hanging on to him. All he has to do is get in shape. Im sure he didn't forget how to play football.
  13. gotta learn to win when everything isn't pristine.-sign of a real team
  14. shame on you...only one of the most explosive running backs in nfl history. 4.7 yds per attempt. Rams then niners agree. but with a better coach this is a 10-6 or an 11-5 team.
  15. wendell tyler working out this week
  16. Hacksaw Reynolds had a good game today.
  17. love the vikes
  18. the bills are the kings of situational unawareness. its called dumb coach and low IQ players
  19. He was 11-5 there one year...with a God awful organization. Of course that organization got rid of him.Just like ralph would have gotten rid of him if he were the Buffalo head coach.
  20. I dont think luck has anything to do with it. Otherwise you are spot on. and new topic after seeing the pats pants the Texans----While Brady is certainly an excellent QB....Hoodie's astounding success with run of the mill QBs casts severe doubt about claims that Brady is the best or near the best of all time QBs. I doubt that Brady could have carried a mediocre team on his back like Elway did in the 80s early 90s...or that he would have done as well as Marino did with his very average teams and very average coaching. I admire Brady's football intellect and his good(not great) arm. I just think a lot of his success is due to the brilliance of Hoodie.
  21. I agree.BUT it doesn't show extreme confidence in Rex.-Which is good because only a crazy person or Ralph or Little Danny would have extreme confidence in Rex. While we are at it I propose a permanent ban for those calling on EJ to play or for Captain Checkdown to unretire .
  22. Marrone did a good job with the garbage he had to work with. I don't think he can be judged fully unless he had a real QB to work with. Whatsisface had a decent arm but was shockingly unathletic.I mean--Marino and Brady are also unathletic-but this guy took it to another universe. Wade was another unique situation. He was a good coach.Good game planner(before the game).Good teacher.Good at having guys in the right positions on the field. Wade was NOT a good head coach because he could not game manage on the field. He got every damn replay wrong.He wouldn't fire the worst STs coach in the history of football.-Couldn't think well on his feet.--A shame because the 99 SB was winnable.
  23. I certainly hope thats not true.Or else we may have a little Danny on our hands. The Bills certainly are crappy crap players. I really don't think picking QBs is much of a crap shoot at all. EJ was a known quantity that everyone who watched FSU could have told you was not starting QB material. Yet the geniuses at OBD draft him in the 1st round.--And they played him and played him lonnnnnng after even the most casual of fans were screaming for them to stop. Yes--there are few guarantees but it is not purely some gamble. By good scouting by talented scouts you don't need to go 17 yrs without a decent QB. PS--TT could be an average starting QB if he is well coached and allowed to do what he can do---which is run and pass it way down field.Why not emhasize his strengths? History is littered with failed attempts at turning running college QBs into NFL pocket passers.
  24. Things look very bright for the sabres. Young talent abounds and great talent betw ages 19-21. 6 seed is a very legit goal.
  25. Right on. Ted is a hall of Famer in my opinion. Being a completely immovable object who was also surprisingly quick;Ted was perhaps the greatest run stopper the league has ever seen. You could drive a truck into that guy and you wouldn't move him back from his stance.
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