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Everything posted by calti

  1. Is it an insult to compare women hockey players to bad nhl hockey players? "Which wouldn't be insulting unless you are insinuating that women are inferior and as such the men are acting like inferior women in their ability to cover the slot."--yes i am insinuating that women are inferior hockey players to men. An insult to the guys not the women.
  2. any town with as crappy a performing team as the sabres will have fans and press all over you. there would be something seriously wrong with the fans and press if they just put happy faces on almost 10 straight years of crap.
  3. i was insulted by the tape as well. i say ban the guy
  4. i was insulting the guys not the girls.....obviously------o wait--maybe what you said was really funny...in that case good one and my apologies..
  5. those girls dont have good defensive fundamentals
  6. its completely impossible. i am not 100% sure pegula is awful yet or just unlucky/average....jerry j and little danny come to mind....Come on Pegs turn it around.
  7. i think u have on slightly rose colored glasses. i agree about eichel and dahlin and skinner...but they are already playing well. reinhardt isnt a 70 point player and is waaaaay too soft. The other guys havent proven a damn thing.But of course we dont really know how bad the players on this team are unless we get a different coach in here to coach them. Still a mystery how any collection of players can fall off the cliff so quickly. Its never been done before--esp without any major key injuries.
  8. well---UB is gonna have to start spending some money if they want to become a big time program. The best WNY basketball ever was the little 3 days of Bob Lanier and Calvin Murphy. This UB team is as good as the Bonnies team about 7 yrs ago. Spending money on a great well known coach is gonna pay for itself in no time .Dont be cheap UB. Buffalo pro sports suck so lets get a real NCAA powerhouse going. It'll make 100s of millions for the uni in the long run.
  9. yeah..6.9 mil including moose
  10. i want to chuckle but i hope thats not true. altho we are still in the midst of the end;less pegula rebuilds.year after year after year after year of disappointments. All I can say is Josh Allen better be good this year. Or else just throw away another 5 years of autumns on the same hopeless crap we have seen since 2000.
  11. thats how real intellects measure metro areas....not fly by nights like wikipedia
  12. he had the sabres winning before hasek gave him the boot. he had the islanders playing great hockey when he coached for them. he had our tank team playing with pride. he was never given a real chance. he always had his teams playing hard and with the pride instilled in him by his native ancestors.
  13. this team is tied with edmonton as the worst team in hockey. both teams have 3 excellent players and a bunch of softies.
  14. agree on that.You cant compare people to Orr,Gretzky Lemieux.There is no one on the league now even close to those guys.(all due respect to Crosby-still a great player but not what he was since the concussions)
  15. I'd like to see Ted Nolan. Most underrated coach in nhl history.
  16. yep u r correct sir. with losers like the bills and sabres its always this play here or that play there or that penalty here and there. its not about that at all. its the minute by minute toughness and execution that counts
  17. The Gayle Sayers of hockey. Watching Orr in his prime(and unfortunately Im old enough to remember)..It was like watching a 17 yr old kid playing against a bunch of 12 yr olds on the backyard pond.
  18. the real midwest is west of Buffalo--where the humidity is waay higher and the summers hotter and the winters colder. just distinguishing KC,St Louis,Chicago from pittsburgh,Buffalo etc. I lived in iowa for a while--and that weather sucked.Both sumer and winter. The people were GREAT though.Loved them.
  19. that is a good point. More celebrities and bright lights for sure.==PS--slight correction---Toronto is more like 6.4 million and Buffalo's actual metro area is about 1.6 incl its contiguous southern ontario NF and St Catherines....-But most of the people I know from toronto arent all that impressed with Toronto.Big cities are a dime a dozen and are mostly a pain in the butt. I am thankful I live a bit outside the SF bay area. Now that area really has over 7 million people and its a trafficky overpriced nightmare. I lived there for years.Even when I was young it never seemed that wonderful.
  20. Glam factor??? what>??? accidentally running into a canadian rapper??? Yonge street just oozes with so much excitement?--its a myth those poor athletes not having their museum and vegan restaurant choices....--one thing--and its a big thing that does give toronto an advantage is the larger 'press'....But in this age that is becoming less important because of alternatives.
  21. right on. hitch proves it at least re edmonton
  22. You ever lived in the real midwest? I have. And while I love the people the summers are brutally humid and the winters brutally cold. I live in Cali now and am spoiled--But I think Buffalo summers are much better and the winters only slightly worse because of the lake effect snow.
  23. What can you do in Toronto that you cant do in Buffalo? They dont have concerts in Buffalo?? Dont have festivals? Dont have a symphony orchestra?(ok ok i realize we are talking young pro atletes here),,Dont have great restaurants? Dont have a nightlife? Dont have the same crappy weather?
  24. We need tough veteran players at this point. This will never work out just adding skill guys to a team with a foundation of weaklings. Even the 80s Oilers had a bunch of very very tough players to go with their freakish amt of skill guys. Its OK to sign players in their 30s...then while we go out there and are competitive and hit people and dont back away in the defensive zone we can wait for Dahlin to keep improving and for Middlestadt to learn to do a pullup -Hiring some coach to improve the play of this roster isnt gonna help that much.Its a roster problem not a coaching problem.
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