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Everything posted by calti

  1. study it well before making the move...if you do it right it could be blissfull...if not you could be making 200k a year and barely able to pay your bills and be stuck in traffic half your life.
  2. beautiful country down there........i somehow ended up in wackadoo california
  3. lotta buffalonians and other northerners down there
  4. carolina looked better the whole game..altho it was close
  5. tainted....exciting play though
  6. not impressed with evander kane
  7. a fraud cuz his team lost a 7 game series to a great team. its just a game u psycho fans
  8. woww what a game...a TOUGH team bounces back..unlike the sabres
  9. i love donuts ehhh
  10. theres gonna be a nasty reaction to this......maybe worse than when the saints got jobbed
  11. weirdest thing i have seen in hockey in quite a while
  12. what the sabres need is toughening up.add larry playfair to the staff as well
  13. hahaha...not sure why that cracked me up..but it did a maitre di?
  14. Ted Nolan w/Schoney and Craig Ramsay as assistants.Get the sabres to play like men.Schoney will hold dive in front of the puck drills for these fat pigs.
  15. Its hard to win in the nhl. ask the vegas knights
  16. Buffalo ..generalizing here..has an inferiority complex .And of course it hasnt been able to ameliorate that with any sports success since TP showed up. Buffalo was better than Toronto in hockey for almost 40 straight years.And now that has all changed. Most people wont cheer that on. Not in Buffalo.
  17. yep not over.....
  18. I mentioned cleveland as a slight exception there--but you are correct i shoulda emphasized that more. KC had 2 good years and look at the horrific fall they took cuz they couldnt afford anyone.They are consistently poor. TB isnt small market...they have a third of FL. Milwaukee is great right now....thatll last a year or two.last 30 they have been downright mediocre.Which is my point.
  19. not really. you have to incl rochester in there. pitts includes that big of an area when doing their metro...so does cleveland and so does st louis. either way they are all small market teams.
  20. i remember that fiasco...and knew a guy who worked on that supposed project.That mighta given little Buffalo FOUR major league teams.Crazy.
  21. yep its tough for smaller market teams .only st louis comes to mind as a small market team that has had great success in the past 30 yrs in baseball. kc,balt,cleve,pitt,minn,milw,colorado,cincy,...all sketchy--short trips toward the top followed by mediocrity.altho id give cleveland decent marks for staying competitive
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