Briere was the most talented of those 3 and magic in the playoffs.Peca was an enforcer type at a scrawny 180.Drury was solid and great in the playoffs.
I would say that they are in the 20-35 range.
a solid 2nd. i think lindy is still in shock from #1
naaah....bills were good in 98 and if u were 10 then you are only 30 now. now if you are talking 'great ' then you are at least 40. If you remember 64 and 65 then you are OLLLLDDDDD
Turgeon was a great scorer...But was also one of those guys that floated around and didnt do much 2 way playing.
I saw him play vs the sharks in the cow palace----looked like he was taking a skate in central park
Looking at this vid reminds me that there is no one in hockey right now who is anywhere close in talent to the 160 LB magician named Wayne Gretzky.
All time maybe Lemieux,Orr.............pre concussion Crosby??...a more motivated perrault??
we need craig ramsays on this team as well as mike pecas...and don luce and daniel briere and chris drury.
none of them big guys but all TOUGH.
ever since briere and drury debacle
yep true with the sexu unis/… But really only tennis is the moneymaker. the Olympics are a short run. And tennis isn't a team sport. So really all womens team sports are non money makers. Not saying its fair...but its reality.
womens team sports(professional).......thats a tough sell. There is tennis......and tennis....and tennis because that is a beautiful sport that is enhanced by the extended volleys and grace of the womens game. College bball can be enjoyable..But as far as actually making money on the professional level that is very limited.