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Everything posted by Neo

  1. This is a great article. I agree on The Athletic. 5). The guy who came over in a recent trade. Hudson Fasching, for me. Oh man, you love this guy. Sure, it was sad to see a veteran head out the door. But you have to give something to get something and when that trade went down you got a prospect who’s going to be a big part of the future. I’m still waiting for Juri Dudacek
  2. Manchurian Posters! That is special work ...
  3. The Pegulas are Greek Myth, Religion and Tragedy. They arrived, Deus ex machina. They acted and influenced, the Colossus of Rhodes. They’ve conquered energy, real estate, hospitality, football and blundered hockey, Achilles with his heel.
  4. Yeah, I’m not sure where I am on this. I guess, given our status, I moved to “season over” quickly. Maybe not rightly, but quickly.
  5. One, the informed view I was referring to had to do with character. You called them toxic and suggested they don’t give enough. You may have a character judge gene I do not. Toxic is quite a term. You also asked if any billionaire has ever done so little, referenced a $102 million gift, and then wrote you have no idea what else they’ve done. I can’t even follow that reasoning unless it’s connected to some “every gift must be publicly recorded for me to judge against some philanthropy standard only I possess” chart. So, to answer your direct question, I can’t see you as having an informed view about a subject about which you indicate you lack information. Here’s an uninformed view. “The toxic rich never do enough, no matter what they do”. I’ll let you decide what view is best supported by your posts and the evidence you did or didn’t present. Superyacht! Lifestyle! Evil!
  6. I think you’re being told you have a choice. Confusing choice with an invoice takes you down the confrontational path you’re paving.
  7. I believe there’s enough to talk about in terms of approach, leadership and competence, where we can all have an informed view. I won’t wade into the virtue pit, where none of us can.
  8. Esa Tikkanen ... excellent. And some real insight in the observation.
  9. They got the three point slide correct. They got a whole lotta other stuff wrong. There’s nothing unusual about the mission. There is something unusual about the lack of commitment from the generals and the foot soldiers. There’s also something unusual if the three point slide is “news” to anyone. These families succeed when the foot soldiers want to deliver the mission. They fail when those same soldiers are surprised when they hear it. And now, I will speculate about things I do not know. I will speculate from experience, which all by itself is weak sauce out of the bottle. I am not fair to the Pegulas without this disclosure. The Pegulas appear over their heads with a conglomerate of businesses new to them. They don’t have the one and two generations of leadership that builds loyalty, or equity in tough times, among the troops. Some of their moves won’t get them that loyalty. They don’t need loyalty, of course. They can just be business excellent, hire and fire, and get results from whomever they bring in. Possible. Difficult. The Knox family’s employees loved them. Frankly, they didn’t run the most compelling business model. They were stewards of a community asset. Simpler times, simpler business model. The Pegulas are closer to the Jacobs in their reach. DNC is one, sharp, steely business machine. Everyone knows the standards. It’s also three generations (nearly four), old. It doesn’t suffer fools, but it’s experienced enough to recognize fools before putting them into positions where they’ll fail. The Pegulas lack Knox Family love and loyalty and Jacobs family acumen. This is quick fortune, expanded beyond its expertise, without long time loyal employees that serve wealth creators and the everyday slides one, two and three. Edit to add ... illiquidity is real and it’s freakin’ a lot of people out. Entertainment, food, beverage and ENERGY? oh, boy ...
  10. These are wonderful threads. I got one of the two. I would’ve never guessed the third.
  11. I hope I don’t regret this.
  12. BRB, I've got some chips that need attention ...
  13. I am gaining weight. Five pounds, home for five weeks. I’m am work at home full time. I’ve become snack at home all day.
  14. I called you a hero because of your commitment and role in the pandemic. After reading 14 one way flights, I’m adding lifestyle! Go, man, go .... you’ll get it back. Well, I’ve not done one of these in forty or fifty years.
  15. My wife learned (yesterday, Friday night?) that Florida schools are closed the remainder of the year. The state may be working a re-opening plan, concurrently. Our shelter in place guidelines go through April 30. Her kindergarten Zoom classes have brought me so much joy, day after day. They will continue. Twenty or so total goofy goobers, having fun and learning. The adaptability! We are a resilient species. The economic toll will grow this week. The most vulnerable began to bleed three or four weeks ago. I see financial distress is moving well into previously stable and employed individuals and families. We have an important patient who needs the ER and ICU.
  16. I still say BUFFALO, New York. I find I’m greeted more warmly that way.
  17. Just said to Eleven ... I disagree with that as much as I do Florida paying for FEMA / Hurricanes. I have my view on FEMA and hurricanes, by the way.
  18. I don’t believe NY should repay if a version of “COVID FEMA” goes its way. Correct. Except I’d say New Yorkers, not New York. States are people, too.
  19. Yes, Florida can’t pay Federal Taxes. Floridians can and do. So, Floridians are all square for the hurricanes.
  20. Well, they were ... um .... 38 to 40 years ago, too!
  21. I did my Spring Breaks in Keene while my friends went to Daytona. They came home with great stories. I came home with Mrs. Neo. Live Free or Die, Baby ...
  22. Florida can’t.
  23. If it were you, dining with me, no bill would arrive at the table.
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