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Everything posted by Neo

  1. Let me tell you, that was one slick and smooth presentation. There may have been twenty homes, 40 performers, and an orchestra, all at different places. it was seamless. Kudos! I listen to The Met on Sirius and attend a couple of The Met HDs in local theaters. I am no poser. It takes work to know and enjoy. Unlike 200 years ago, it’s probably not for the masses. It is beautiful, however. I read the history and the libretto for weeks in preparation. I download the opera and listen a few times. Nice work to your brother.
  2. He will be on a rookie contract!
  3. To 0.ay with my favorites, Gronk and Brady.
  4. Extraordinary. I’ll read, later. IMG_6364.MOV
  5. I’m in ... I discovered it late in life. I’ve attended maybe ... 15. Sarasota and Tampa. The Met is a bucket list item. What does your brother do?
  6. Or, Lindy Buff, but you said first names. Was Ew Krupp was an Islander!
  7. I was going to say Uff Samuelsson, but he never played for the Sabres.
  8. How dare you put analysis in quotes?!
  9. Well, then, I am glad you find my choices interesting, even while I remain uninteresting. I’m doing my best here! Just let me be glad, man! Leave Mrs. Swamp, and be mine, forever!
  10. I’m glad to make you curious and to have my thoughts described as interesting, even when I am not ...
  11. Is it a cease fire, or am I surrendering unilaterally? I want to see a list of signatories... Well, I’m glad to be thought provoking.
  12. Oh, for heaven’s sake ... the premise of the whole thread is class and status, competency and leadership.
  13. Yeah, it was a moment ... it’s passed.
  14. He, he, he ... No, seriously, he’s really good.
  15. I’m already practicing ...
  16. I am waiting for this to replace folding table dives ...
  17. Tyler Johnson .... I am not a CapFriendly / Talent guru. However, the contract looks a little too good at $5 million for four more years.
  18. Not a bad thing ... I saw Phil Hansen in the films.
  19. I keep reading Big Nickle, flexibility, what coach likes, athlete, and scouted many times ... Kyle Dugger. Looking forward to living room Sean and some clapping.
  20. I was indulging darker instincts and being snarky. Candid self assessment.
  21. So well written. You capture a joy that is here. I like it when you do show up ... being a fellow man of few words, myself ... ?
  22. I COMPLETELY get what you’re saying. I don’t like guys I like going to the Dolphins, Jets or Pats. My peers are Texans, Louisianans, Mississippians, Alabamans and Floridians. My former peers are Georgians and Carolinians. These boys LIKE their football!
  23. Good for Tua. Reason 3,891 I’m not a GM ... I would’ve played that one safely. Seems to me, some guys are just “injured” often. For those interested ... YouTube Tightrope Surgery. Fascinating.
  24. This is weirdly interesting.
  25. California and New York have the first and second most billionaires in the country with 276. Kentucky has one. Obviously, it’s compassionate that privileged New York pays its fair share and that humble, working class, Kentucky declares bankruptcy.
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