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Everything posted by Neo

  1. I suspect Operating Revenue is Operating Income. I saw no financials. I am glad to see JW post here. PA is a provocative and looney Inglorious Basterd, but he’s my provocative and looney Inglorious Basterd.
  2. A tip of the hat to several of you who’ve quoted me or mentioned me. Respectful, truly. For brevity, and to avoid the point - counter point this medium encourages, fosters, facilitates, etc ... I acknowledge what you just wrote. I can acknowledge your points without asking a physician if he’s comfortable with the death of millions or suggesting he’s a monster. Considering what he’s lived for two months, it’s not a stretch to consider the comments somewhere along the continuum between insensitive and cruel. The comments were wrong as premise and wrong as insinuation, that rare double play that is form and substance, both.
  3. Had you asked him a question about a possible outcome, it would not be a bridge too far. I’m not sure whether or not you see the difference between what you asked originally or what you ask in your re-phrasing. If you don’t, I can’t help. If you do, you don’t want my help.
  4. Those might not be the questions I’d ask if I wanted to know if someone had a limit calculation or methodology around herd immunity. Call me a smooth talkin’ charmer ....
  5. I am afraid we’ve developed herd immunity ... to a voice informed and experienced used courageously to speak rationally in terms of choices, outcomes, costs and benefits. People have died in his hands. We suggested he’s “ok” with it and called him a nut.
  6. Everything bad is double triple bad when it’s “the kids”. My thoughts and prayers, which is everything I got, and all I got, at the same time. I have two daughters that LOVE being Aunts!
  7. Like so many other things ... the pandemic accelerates trends already in motion!
  8. Your friends know more than me. I think a lot less “divorcable” stuff happens during a quarantine.
  9. It's going to be a long time before we're going to be able to "rely on" things in any historic or meaningful sense of the word. I'm not expecting that. It'd be great if it comes, of course. I won't look for it before I venture out because it won't be there. And, to politicians promising or requiring undeliverable certainty, guaranty and safety, I say "a pox on both their houses", pun intended. In the meantime, there's going to be assumption of risk, individually and collectively, in your home and in your legislative hallways. Good luck to all! A return to life with other human beings will require a venturing out amid risk. The virus is no longer a DNA/RNA strand and the organs are no longer lungs and hearts. The body is no longer a 44 year old man, or woman. The virus is now economic calamity and it's spreading and killing. The organs are businesses and other ways of livelihood. The body is our community. Your lives are screwed up, short term. Unrecognizably different, short and intermediate term. Unknown, long term. Now, never underestimate man's ability to fight through something. We could see tests and vaccines tomorrow, or in months. I will dance ten jigs. I'm just not counting on it or expecting it. If one doesn't count on or expect something, what does one do? He makes peace with his circumstances and he acts. Assumption of risk ... I'm ready to walk outside, today. Admittedly, I have a "tear off the band aid if leaving it on will do little good" mentality.
  10. I’d watch Bob McAdoo drift outside to where three point lines are, today ... Cowens’ eyes would groan chasing him out there. Jabbar wouldn’t even bother. ”That’s twooOOooooo ... for MAC A DOOOOOOO”.
  11. Well, they may be ticking 240 and 420 Street Avenue off!
  12. Ever go to The Hippodrome Billiard Academy?
  13. Well done! Neo, BA, Statistics, SUNY Buffalo
  14. Classic ... 30% were Sabres!
  15. Stats are insightful and meaningful. Acknowledged, admired, respected. When you’re finished with them, let’s talk poetry and romance.
  16. Neo

    Don Shula

    Before there was Belicheck and his smug surliness, before there was Johnson and his outsized Texas celebrity, before there was Parcells and his condescending hubris, there was Shula. Arms folded across his chest, hands on his hips, he presided over teams that stood in our way. Often, the obstacle was their fifty being better than our fifty. Occasionally, the obstacle was their one being better than our one. Don Shula went to Canton as Noll and Landry did, granite faced stoics. They walked the sidelines with little animation. Their faces live in my memory like Rushmore busts. There were no sneers or shouts. There were no thrown clipboards. There were only leaders of men. I wonder, from time to time, how we would have known men of that era had there been 24/7/365 multi-media non-stop quotes, quips and film. There wasn’t. And so, I know them as quiet Field Marshalls, masters of the gladiators of my youth. They are who I believed they were, not who they revealed themselves to be. I was a boy. They are Titans.
  17. Thank you, yes. The “good old fashioned interview” was something I was aware of. It’s the cell phone aspect I feel and write about.
  18. Based on cell phone data? Maybe I misunderstand what it is ... i have some research to do. For instance, if i’m in a restaurant that 100 other people visit on May 1, none known to me ... do i get a text based on iPhone location data? Am I required to “come in”? Are MY contacts notified?
  19. Jay McKee and Bruce Smith in the same sentence?
  20. I’m laughing at myself .... the more I read, and the more I remember we’re assembling a roster and not picking best this or that, I change votes. Jay and Jaro .... I liked all of these guys.
  21. Thank you. I am new to the protestor conversation. 1). Drones: I had two thoughts. How could government not be aware that citizens chafe and view drone interaction as uncomfortable, to use a word capturing five or six others? How could that same government then respond and cancel so quickly and graciously? Perhaps it was simply the well intentioned inclined toward action. Good for them being responsive representatives and not lecturing elites. 2). Cell Phones: If I were a member of some deep state group, I’d have canned the guy who suggested we announce “contact tracing”. For heaven’s sake, man, where’s your Newspeak dictionary? Downplay “contact”, something human beings do, and emphasize “spread”, something a virus does. Downplay “tracing”, something unique to individual humans, and emphasize “locations”, things that aren’t individual or human, George Orwell's Big Brother would have announced a Spread Location program using data provided BY hero citizens and their phones. “Contact Tracing”: Unintended candor from those so immersed in the state that they don’t even recognize its rubs with free people. 3). The protests. I’d not looked before @PASabreFan mentioned them directly to me. Oh, I was aware, and had seen them. I mentioned a car-crawl protest of strange bedfellows (for a protest, that is) of soccer moms in minivans and tradesmen in pick up trucks, attorneys in BMWs and office workers in Toyotas. (Note: strange bedfellows is not pejorative). However, I’d NOT seen some of the more recent, gun toting, protests. I believe I’m seeing two things. The first was an organic uprising by a group that came to exist specifically because of the virus. A genuine, we want to go back to work now, crowd. The second was not so organic and was comprised of people who long ago formed their group specifically because of government. A genuine, we protest the government every chance we get, crowd. Respectfully, Neo Day 52 of self quarantine, er, social distancing, er, not going out so much.
  22. Some good names in this tier. Teppo Numinnen, for instance.
  23. Woolley and Lydman .... but I love me som Doug Bodger!
  24. I’m watching The Russian Five ... watch it, everyone. It’s worth it to re-watch Detroit vs Colorado, alone.
  25. Wouldn’t be great to call it The 2020 Championship, and reserve The Cup for full uears?
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