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Everything posted by Neo

  1. Anybody think Sulzer's having a solid game?
  2. This is really cool. We're discussing whether or not Sabres won fights, and whether or not certain players should be getting credit for goals scored.
  3. When I'm thinking like you, I'm happy.
  4. I haven't liked Stafford that much since he took on Chris Neil post Drury .... GOOD for him!
  5. I dig the correction ... Khachaturian lives ... old school lives.
  6. Someone else wanna take this one? I'm makin' omelettes.
  7. A fitting and classy tribute. May he rest in peace.
  8. "The one thing in Russia that consistently felt more or less like home was the hockey. I was there for the World Junior Hockey Championship, an international showcase for the world's top players under 20, and with the exception of the meat pies being sold at the arena's concession stands and the particularly large pom-poms used by the cheerleaders dancing to Ra Ra Rasputin and the crisp fur hats perched upon all the police officers' heads, it was no different from what I was used to. There were grandfathers with their grandsons, and puck bunnies, and overserved bros face-planted on the floor of the lobby." What a wonderful article. It's a beautiful world. Heros are humans. Ra Ra Rasputin and puck bunnies!
  9. I am old school. Orr and Howe are the best ever, etc. That said, today's Major Junior teams would beat the 75 Sabres. I sometimes think I could play goal in '75. I'd love x and o experts, and this board has plenty, to comment, ignoring the obvious of equipment. I remember seeing Perreault and Larry Mickey, walking the hallways of the Aud before a practice, smoking cigarettes.
  10. I watched that game on my grandmother's sofa. I was 12. I consider it the greatest game in Sabres history. Thank you for posting. That game, 12-6 Buffalo, and the Bills 51-3 AFC Championship victory over Oakland, were each great games that were not as close as the scores would indicate!
  11. I signed in just to say .... classic.
  12. I'm in! I am seeing conflicting start times. 3 30 and 4 00. Nice tournament for the Swiss, by the way. For the record, I agree with the "once you're a pro sentiment".
  13. Swados was an interesting cat. Equal parts intellect (obvious), training (Harvard Law), and force of personality (over the top assertiveness and confidence). You wanted him on your side. Think James Carville. Conversely, even when he was on your side, there were times you did not want him in the room. He'd make points and assume his arguement would carry the day. He had little use for opposing views. This could break a negotiation open. It could also bring it to a halt. I got the impression he arrived at every meeting with things figured out, his way, and he was prepared to tell you the result. Case closed. Not surprising for a man who'd accomplished so much. My view? He learned early in life that he was smarter than the rest. He honed the intellect at law school and in private practice, and he was, therefore, finished. It was up to you to catch up. He'd tell you in front of people and leave, giving you time to understand. His frustration was obvious when you stuck to your view. Again, my opinion. He wasn't always right because issues aren't always right or wrong, not because he failed at an analysis. Two rights didn't occur to him, at least in his public persona. I thought of him as "Oz"; he was bluster, smoke and fire. It took a patient Dorothy to withstand the heat, continue the arguement, and find common ground. It seemed to annoy him. Robert Swados did not suffer fools. He was one of several people most responsible for the Sabres coming to Buffalo. We know that. He was also one of several people most responsible for them remaining. In a bit of curious timing, David Rutecki passed away this week. He, too, went a long way toward keeping the team in Buffalo. Rutecki was Swados' opposite. Brilliant, as well, but all about your side of the story, his side of the story, and common ground. God rest both men.
  14. I'm no prognosticator, generally .. But because I respect everyone's passion and time, over weeks, on this matter ... and because we're talking trend, not policy, I will weigh in ... Romney 51%, Obama 47% ... 285 electoral votes for Romney. Trajectory changed with the first debate. The demonized Romney turned out to be human and a master of economics. Obama took a nap ... how that happened will be debated for years. The door opened for the scared and the frustrated and the disappointed. Momentum, trend, flow to the right. Money and energy, to the right. Women, to the right. Economy, post debates, solidly in the forefront. One more unemployment number to be released, and its not likely to be better (I won't say good until it's 6%). Obama voters in 2008 who talk of changing, a hefty handful. McCain voters in 2008 who talk of changing .... none I can find. Best wishes to whomever prevails, my President. Again, I claim no insight, but I do have a gut ... and I feel really "out there" on the interweb with this post! Please vote, all youse guys and gals.
  15. I'm a "suit". Together, I think our posters have covered it all. Jos. A. Bank gives me the highest quality at the lowest price. Its material and tailoring beats Men's Warehouse considerably. I have custom made Tom James suits. I love them. They're noticeably finer (soft) and fit the way you'd expect custom made to fit. They're expensive. I'd not go this route unless you'll need a top end suit regularly or unless you have a trust fund. The savings at JC Penny don't overcome the lesser quality. Cheapest, yes. Value, no. I have met Laura, Barbara and Jeb Bush. "Met" as in large function. They don't know me from Adam. I, however, know them to be as down to earth, loving, and gracious as any family I've met. Enjoy, remember, and snap pictures. They won't care if you're burlap sack or Savile Row.
  16. Life is funny. In a few weeks, two men will debate just this before a nation at a tipping point. Lame? No sir. Simple, well framed, and fundamental.
  17. The schedule and the lockout aren't friendly this year, but I would absolutely love to host a party in Tampa for whomever would visit Florida for a game. It would be a blast. Now, my daughter and I are off to watch the Bills with Tampa's Bills Backers.
  18. This post inspired me to google "poor man's aud club". I discovered my Sabrespace post on this topic is the number two result, behind a YELP advertisement. For an interweb nincompoop, I am inexplicably warmed. The intersection of days that cannot be forgotten with a world that could not be imagined moves me. Forgive my OT self indulgence.
  19. Missed your first post, shame on me. My post captured dollars:value, and yours dollars:value:situation. I agree with you and enjoy finer distinctions.
  20. Johnson's contract is to football as Miller's contract is to hockey.
  21. Home run clever!
  22. Serve ... VOLLEY!
  23. I don't want player agents thinking they can ask Buffalo for the Shane Doan premium for the next ten years.
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