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Everything posted by Neo

  1. I'm 52. Teeth isn't a deal killer.
  2. Discovering one's principal talent is a significant achievement ...
  3. If I were advising TP, I'd tell him to skip the pressers. His error is not letting his staff talk now. His error was being front and center early on. He had the new toy he'd dreamed of for a lifetime. We fawned. That is, for me, understandable. I fawned, too. Gutless is abandoning a foxhole, or leaving the scene of an accident. The term is hyperbole when describing NHL press conferences, in my humble view.
  4. Neo

    RIP Larry Felser

    A bit of all of us died, today. Rest in peace, good man.
  5. carbon copy me, please
  6. Excellent, X. We all know what happened next ... I agree.
  7. What a splash! Awesome. You are a talent. I just left a dinner for the Hermitage Artist Retreat with Ringling students. You're all amazing. I thought of Ringling the moment I saw your work, then read your bio. The world is so small. Ricky Fitts: It was one of those days when it's a minute away from snowing and there's this electricity in the air, you can almost hear it. Right? And this bag was just dancing with me. Like a little kid begging me to play with it. For fifteen minutes. That's the day I realized that there was this entire life behind things, and this incredibly benevolent force that wanted me to know there was no reason to be afraid, ever. Video's a poor excuse, I know. But it helps me remember... I need to remember... Sometimes there's so much beauty in the world, I feel like I can't take it, and my heart is just going to cave in.
  8. Will Myers be back for the finals?
  9. After hours of watching Seth Jones on YouTube ....
  10. Classic: "aww, Lucic was being held when his stick came up".
  11. Tautologies! Exhibit 3,389 - This is the best sports blog around.
  12. I say "heal well" to anyone injured in sport. I say "heal well" to anyone injured playing in my favorite sport. I say "heal well" to anyone injured playing for my favorite team. I say "heal well" to anyone injured doing dirty work in an essentially meaningless game. I cringe when I read speculation about a debilitating disorder without a diagnosis. There will be time enough for criticism around being forthcoming, or due diligence, if and when the disorder is confirmed. Public profile, or not, he is a human being to whom we owe respect.
  13. Where were you on the gun control thread? PS ... can you skate?
  14. Mind your pints and quarts. Don't drink too much or watch how much you drink. Behave. British.
  15. Three games now ... I just think they're having fun. Can you be successful with "just fun" over the long hall, no. Can it chase some demons allowing you to build for the long hall, yes. I like this team better than the tight machine Lindy fielded. More impression than conclusion ....
  16. I love the web. I was there. Every time I hear about what a tough son of a gun Stevens was, I think of that horsehide sucker punch. He was great, no question. But he could be a weasel. Young skaters hustle and fly Old men see, Hecht scores!
  17. I have never watched and hoped we lose. That said, I now walk away with something to feel good about when we lose. That is, an exciting draft and better talent. It's like a consolation prize. Any loss, in theory, brings you a more exciting draft. When the loss gets you closer to 1-4 than it does 8-15, the consolation prize is sweeter. I will cheer for a win. Should we lose, I'll google "youtube and Seth Jones". I admittedly have reached a point where googling is more exciting than hanging on precariously.
  18. Four minutes calls like that drive me nuts.
  19. Kaleta, Hecht, Foligno ... solid shift ...
  20. Let's hope they miss the playoffs completely! Did your smiley face mean that?
  21. I don't think that's fair. 716 made reference to regions and geography. Race didn't enter into his commentary. Reading race into someone's comment is mean, intellectually sloppy, or both.
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