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Everything posted by Neo

  1. Who, then, is the core audience that finds the press release sufficient?
  2. Slake! Well done. I don't feel we're milking a story, however. We've not learned it. After it's told, I'll resist the urge to slake.
  3. Sixteen pages of posts asking "why" in less than 18 hours, and headlines throughout the hockey world, suggests to me that it's not sufficient to your core audience.
  4. I'm looking at this as follows. This was either a one off, solely LaFontaine issue, and there will be no domino effect with Nolan, Murray and Patrick. In that case, the hockey product survives and life goes on. Not ideal, but management changes are part of business. If other dominos fall, all bets are off and we're back to a bad product without a vision and direction. In either case, the handling can only be described as amateurish and bungled. Contrast fanfare and press conferences with leaks and terse statements. Consider the timing. This happened hours after the trade of an iconic player and in the midst of a seven day trading period that the franchise has pointed to as critical in order to climb out of the cellar. I can get over LaFontaine leaving. The lingering concern is the management of the franchise. Competent professionals making considered decisions, mutually respecting one another, would have staged this to occur post trade deadline and held a cordial joint press conference. Twitter leaks, radio silence, terse three paragraph announcements after the news is already out all point to a fire drill. We may or may not learn what the issues were or who made what decisions. I do believe one thing, though. For the past twenty four hours, everyone in the organization was scrambling to respond to something no one in the organization was guiding or managing. That's not usually a successful strategy. What I know: The Sabres have passionate fans and an owner with tremendous financial resources. What I don't know: Anything else.
  5. "What's all the fuss about?"@HaroldBallard
  6. Coolest first post ever.
  7. If the issue is Nolan, who I like and respect, I still go with Murray's call. The team is his to build. I've seen enough to be onboard. The die is cast. Nolan's awesome. I'm sure Murray considered that. Sometime's awesome isn't enough. Continuing my speculation. If La Fontaine's stepping down because his choice as GM then made HIS choice for coach, then HOF'er La Fontaine isn't suited for executive responsibilities. I love 'me all. I hope we're all giggling sheepishly at our overreaction tomorrow.
  8. Lots of experience, expertise, history and talent in the management chain. Also, a lot of the buck stops here personalities. That's not necessarily bad, but it's tricky. Add tight time frames, decisions that involve judgment, and the need to communicate, and fruit can be bruised. Boss's boss, who supports who, who called who, etc., all come in to play. Bruised fruit, options, and egos (no pejorative). Three obvious rub spots, in my mind. 1) Miller / Ott trade 2) Trade on the table 3) Nolan's future. I see Murray as in charge with all three. Speculation (mine): La Fontaine disagrees with one or more choices, Pegula intervenes on behalf of Murray, and the historically willing to leave La Fontaine does just that. Add up to the second (at the expense of thoughtful) twitter, media competition, and you get all of us (me included) glued to a message board.
  9. Dead Souls. Spectacular. Anna Karenina exposed me to Russian literature (must read), and brought me to Gogol. There is a fine arts majesty about Russia. The program was thrilling. Interesting to me is how a country tells its own story in the opening. "This is how we see ourselves". Rite of Spring, another highlight.
  10. Starbuck: Leino is just Leino. An animal, doing what it does without intent. Stoicism. Ahab: Leino represents a force and an evil one at that. Vengeance. I love your post.
  11. Eleven, did you have any idea, 25 months ago, that you were creating such a sublime metaphor for all things Sabre when you created this post? We're stuck in mediocrity mud, trying to squirm out. Stafford must go, tank, suffer, rebuild, draft, trade, UFA, RFA, core, new core .... I'm not complaining - it just screams at me!
  12. Sounds like Great Aunt Emma is making fruit cake with the recipe she learned in the sixties.
  13. This place is special, exhibit 37a. I listened to that in my car, driving home, late last night.
  14. I'd argue that's exactly what it is.
  15. Update ... I'm reading none of your posts. On August fourth I said I'm in. I am now caught up through season five, episode 8. That's with two weeks in Paris! Only this season to go. Awesome ...
  16. Ok, I'm in. I bought seasons 1 and 2 on iTunes. I've watched all of season 1. Awesome. I've got a "Falling Down" vibe.
  17. No, no, I won't. I start at beginnings!
  18. I arrive late to some parties, it seems. Two years ago, my kids gave me the complete "The Sopranos" collection. I devoured it. I am now half way through "Game of Thrones". A colleague loaned it to me. I'm hooked. I have put off "Breaking Bad", in large part because my kids call me Heisenberg. When I ask if that's good or bad, they say "you'll see". Soon, very soon ...
  19. Good topic. I just posted my nutritional conviction in "What are you eating ...". I started at the beginning of June. I bought a treadmill and do 40 minutes at 3.0 / 3.5 mph every day. Two ACLs on my left knee, no meniscus, and a high ankle sprain have me cautious. Twenty five pound dumbell, 2x10 reps. Fifty pound handgrips, 4x10 reps. Lots of stretching. So far, so good. Pulse at 135 when walking. SWEAT and feel great. Down 19 pounds, eating like a madman, sleeping less ... and singing. All I need is a Stanley Cup parade. My football, hockey and lacrosse days are over. Small victories!
  20. Mayo Clinic Diet. I've tried 'em all. Whole grains, lean meat, low-fat, and veggies/fruit galore. Measure servings, read the label, cheat when you need to. I've lost 19 pounds in 35 days, I'm stuffed constantly, and I feel great.
  21. "This is a heist ...." I agree. Jones was superb in the WJC.
  22. Thurman's agent just called Jones.
  23. I can't help but remember our April road to nowhere as I consider the price of moving from 8 to 5 in the various posts.
  24. fixed
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