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  1. Yeah, but the talking heads during the first intermission, I think, were already saying McJesus ought receive the CS.
  2. If they're going to boo the home team game three of the SCF this could be a sweep.
  3. Skinner needs to be pulled. The Panthers are in his head now.
  4. That is a horrible, uninspired color palette. Maybe the owner is colorblind.
  5. If this game follows the trend, the Panthers take near-total control of the game in the second, frustrating the Oilers, who may smash sticks and engage in goonery during the third. Of course, the Oilers could rally in the second or something but that would buck the trend.
  6. If Girgensons is re-signed, I expect the real Lindy Ruff to be held captive in the arena's basement while the Lindy Ruff clone makes Z the second line center.
  7. It's pretty simple: while watching a game, a player on the enemy team impresses you to the point of asking yourself "what would it take to get a guy like that?" And *poof* the answer to that question is yours during the next commercial break. Team and league engagement rises by several quality points + satisfaction in easily finding the answer + time = NHL fan more committed to the NHL universe and more likely to spend money on said universe.
  8. Is that like saying people who don't appreciate fancy stats and team contract data are like tottering elderly people who don't understand why people can't drive a stick, manage a stringy comb-over with Brylcreem, and don't realize they should probably be grooming their frightfully bushy eyebrows?
  9. You know what will happen if Girgensons is allowed to leave? He'll go on to be a Stanley Cup Final hero just like Erod. And then the usual suspects will spend the following season and half complaining that "we don't keep talent", "we're the development squad for the NHL", and "we're doomed to never win a Cup."
  10. That's not at all what I meant. They were a mess on the bench: the Panthers are in their heads along with the pressure of the situation, they were all going mental at the end of the game.
  11. Channeling my inner @nfreeman, that's obnoxious and totally unnecessary.
  12. Montour: "Remember you owe me money from that night on Chippewa, you bum!" Kane: "I owe you jack squat punk!"
  13. Evan Rodriguez - playoff hero. Who here can pull up a post of theirs from back in the day predicting that?
  14. The Panthers were just screwed on that call. Elbow to head, both feet off the ice. That's a pro-McJesus call.
  15. No one on this board has likely experienced the sustained high level of adrenaline these guys are experiencing right now.
  16. Erod should stop trying to pass the puck all of time and just shoot on net.
  17. Typical second game first period for Florida. I didn't realize how goon-ish Edmonton was.
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