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  1. Meatballs' approach is sheer genius, just every one of you doubters wait and see. Baptism by fusion blast is the only way!
  2. I turned up the volume so I could hear the Sabres fans at the game boo.
  3. Look at the way we play. The refs would give Rodney Dangerfield more respect.
  4. Well, at least that'd be one step in the right direction.
  5. He needs a few weeks out in the desert with a Navajo shaman and peyote.
  6. He's a number 1 pick who'll win a trophy some day!
  7. That's the exact kind of bone-headed play I'm talking about when I say Power hurts the team. He's done a lot of that so far this year.
  8. He's a waste of roster space who should be replaced with due haste.
  9. Sabrez in the locker room pregame: "girls, we can't let the darn football take away from our success...we have to go out there tonight and show this city which team is the real train wreck!"
  10. Is he wearing the stupid puffy vest under the sport coat again? If so I wouldn't draw attention to my fashion nescience either.
  11. Two seasons ago I might believe they had it in them to win out the rest of the season or come close. Not this year by a long shot.
  12. He said many times something like "you can't give the other team the ball at the negative 41" and "holding on to the ball is in the job description ".
  13. McDermott showing his true colors throwing one player under the bus to explain the loss during the post game. Wow. "There was some good coaching." What ever is going on inside that locker room must be really ugly.
  14. Is Josh having a breakdown up there?
  15. There is clearly some sort of internal "culture" problem. McDermott can not keep things together, Diggs stomps around like a little kid on the verge of a tantrum, Josh lately looks like he was told the night before he was going to be a father by a woman whose first name he is unsure of, and there are a large handful of princesses who parade into the stadium in outfits that must take a lot of focus to select, tailor and acquire.
  16. This is the worst part of the game.
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