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  1. I don't mind willful suspension of disbelief under these circumstances. After all, we are here merely to be entertained. If you can enjoy films featuring people who were subjected to gamma rays or radioactive spider bites, you sure as soot can enjoy Sabres hockey!
  2. Now hang on there, Hoss. I am only relating the reality of the situation without any particular analysis.
  3. Without looking at stats, I'd think the more we score, the more we're likely to give up. Typically, the only way they have those high scoring games is to open up on the offense which, of course, has consequences on defense.
  4. Are we not worried about his concussion history anymore?
  5. What a scoring machine. We're going to have to pay him $11m/yr as well.
  6. At least with Byram we are ostensibly filling a dire need which Mitts did not especially with Krebs and other forwards somewhere in the system. I suspect someone else on the D who may take up too much cap room will be gone in order to make room for Byram - if Byram works out. Quick math, but for 2024-25, assuming we retain everyone we have left for approximately the same cap hit, we'll be spending $31,633,333 on the D. If Byram is to stay, while I bet he'll want Dahlin money, let's say he takes $10m/yr for X years. For 2025-26, assuming everything and everyone stay the same (yes, I know they won't), the cap hit for the D would be $37,783,343. Is that too much for a D corp?
  7. Mitts was going to present a similar problem in that he was likely going to want 2C money.
  8. I totally thought she was referring to the logs.
  9. When you're 1 of 32, you make a far greater impact when you defy the league than if you were 1/~1000 players.
  10. We have our goalie.
  11. I have never seen a more petty call in all of sports.
  12. This is bush-league. The NHL hates the Sabres.
  13. Put him out to pasture now.
  14. Interesting. Anyway, I think this is all the source of the disagreement. There is varying instruction on how to calculate the W% for NHL coaches. Here are some comparables from the NHL list: Bowman .581 Trotz .504 Ruff .487 Nolan .397 Granato .438
  15. However, NHL Records clearly has a different formula. https://records.nhl.com/records/coach-records/wins/coach-most-wins-career They do strictly wins/games-coached.
  16. This same formula is in hockey-reference. https://www.hockey-reference.com/about/glossary.html#:~:text=Winning percentage%3B calculated by adding,then dividing by games played.
  17. WE NEED A COACH. How can the truth be slapping everyone in the face, yet everyone is completely oblivious to it? "Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed." ~Thomas Jefferson
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