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Everything posted by ...

  1. If Ottawa doesn't pick up their game pronto this will be a sweep.
  2. The Penguins seemed to turn it on during that PP. Both teams must be pacing themselves, and gauging the other team.
  3. Why does it look like they're playing this game on mud? I can't figure it out.
  4. What are they yapping about? Neil didn't touch him on that icing.
  5. Hodgson?
  6. I hope you're wearing clothes...although I guess it wouldn't really matter to the rest of us.
  7. I hate the back-t0-back schedule! I won't be able to watch game 7 tonight!
  8. You're right, how myopic of me. Let's all wander down to the Talent Grove and just select ourselves a generational talent, one who will not only be the face of the team, but the face of the league, to lead the Sabres. In fact, while we're there, let's stock up on additional talent to surround the guy with in case he goes down with a concussion. Come on, I'll meet you there! Talent abounds in the Talent Grove for all to gather up!
  9. The Sabres, they way things have been, definitely NEED a captain like that. A captain that wins a tussle against two opponents at one time...yeah, that is a captain the Sabres could use without question.
  10. Grrr...anyone got a link to the Toronto game?
  11. The Canadiens GM creeps me out; he's so angry metrosexual-ish.
  12. Centre Bell is awfully quiet. Poor, poor Budaj.
  13. All four East teams look like they're dogging it tonight. I guess between the two games, I would expect the Habs game to get interesting as it winds down and the Habs get frustrated.
  14. This Kings/Blues series is great because both teams are playing hard, honest hockey. Plus, we get to watch Quick and, new for me this season, Steen. Steen is a hell of a player - in this series at least. This is hockey, never say never, even though you're probably correct.
  15. Fabulous game, though. I bet Reimer doesn't get beat like that again.
  16. Wow, Toronto wants this win bad. Haha! Loved the shot of Reimer's family. Awweewwyyyuck.
  17. Whichever of those two win, they're going to be slaughtered in round 2.
  18. Anyone else find the Rangers/Caps series the least exciting of the playoffs so far?
  19. The playoffs are generally pretty interesting this year. I'm drawn to more games this year than the past few seasons. Gotta give props to NBC, too, their coverage is excellent.
  20. Boston is such a dirty damn team.
  21. I'd like to see the Leafs go deep if their roster can handle it. They are playing a good game right now and this series is hot. The Sabres' division is going to be a bitch next season.
  22. R U Faster than a Redneck. I'm hooked like I was hooked on Cops back in the day. Well, not really, but...
  23. I thought you opposed the Tea Baggers?
  24. If I was a hockey puck...
  25. Violent and gritty, yet not dirty. Really good hockey. I'd like to see the Blues in the second round but Quick was amazing tonight.
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