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Everything posted by ...

  1. "Good series, sorry 'bout your head, bro"
  2. Boston fans stunned by quickly deflated emotions, those dooshes.
  3. Between the crappy ice, the dooshy fans, and the biased refs, it'll be so nice to see Boston lose at home.
  4. OMG!
  5. Chicago, the NHL's clutch team.
  6. I won't tell you, the officiating has been very one sided this series.
  7. Chara, I hate you.
  8. Lazy defense by the Hawks, there. Yuck.
  9. Boston looks gassed already.
  10. You know what sucks? Is that if the Hawks win tonight in Boston's barn, the Boston fans will behave like world-class dooshes.
  12. Those last four minutes or so by Chicago was brilliant hockey.
  13. The. Hawks. Keeping Boston honest the last two minutes here. HAHA!
  14. How did I miss the Bergeron injury? What happened?
  15. Wow. Rask.
  16. Agreed. Crawford looks awfully shaky tonight. Did something spook him?
  17. Hope is the new heroin.
  18. Yeah, sweet play.
  19. Door number C...no, wait, D, no...wait, I can't decide!
  20. How Dogfish Head makes it twice in the top 30, once in the top 3 of that, while Great Lakes only makes it once in the top 40 I don't understand. I find Dogfish Head highly over-rated. Meanwhile, I am pleasantly surprised at the strong showing by Sierra Nevada; over the past year they have been my budget go-to and I am always pleased with the selection. I thought it was just me who appreciated what they've been putting out, especially for the price.
  21. Thanks! I guess I could start a blog...
  22. Finally got one of my Telecasters exactly how I want it. Glory be when your guitars are your perfect guitars.
  23. The golf game must have been excellent.
  24. Buffalo, NY - Chaos reigned today in the so-called "Meddling" trial of Terry Pegula, with the defendant admitting publickly this morning that he, indeed, does meddle in the affairs of the Buffalo Sabres. Reports of the confession were introduced to the court by none other than Judge Smell, who immediately recused himself for aiding the prosecution. Although an objection was raised by the defense, the lead defense and counsel engaged in coquetry before the bench, raising the tenor of today's chaos. The prosecution then dismissed all charges, claiming any further procedures would be an exercise in utter futility. Prosecutor Fan said after proceedings wrapped up "...my head is spinning...we knew the case was a near slam-dunk, and we were prepared to go to the mat, but now...now between Pegula's confession and the lotion discussion on the floor, I think I'm going to be drinking heavily for the next few days..." As if the events of the day weren't enough, the final moments of the proceeding were punctuated by Sheriff Deputies tackling a woman who had leapt from the gallery and started assaulting Defense Attorney Emotion. Deputies cuffed the woman and took her away, Emotion declined to comment on the altercation.
  25. "OMG, he has pretty eyes, we have to offer him $6 mil over 5..." "No way, I heard he likes to drive Fords. I don't like Ford-people..." "His Corsi numbers are off the charts..." "Will he agree to being on the Green Team? We've lost a lot of traction on that initiative since Goose was traded away..." "...and that chin, totally European..." "...he doesn't even like classic 'Stangs, I could excuse a guy with a fastback '70's 'Stang, or an original Cobra, those are cool..." "...Perry's was reluctant to do another specialty flavor, but if he's from Sweden, we could play up the chocolate angle..." "...he's small, and somewhat weak on the back check, but we've had success with players like that before..."
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