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  1. Count your blessings, then. You're just proving me correct, here; you can't possibly believe your fortunate anecdote applies broadly to all people everywhere? That's so...13-years-old.
  2. Unmarked grave in a cornfield?
  3. When I try and help my kids by advising them on what to do, or have them perform a task that is in their best interest, yet they resist, or argue, or ignore me, then I am left with two options: 1. use my mean daddy voice 2. tell them that they will have to learn the hard way and they will regret it in the (near, long term) future When it comes to politics, I have found that it's usually more than analogous, and, unfortunately, the only choice is to go with option 2.
  4. Agreed, it's pretty swank. A nice addition to a s-l-o-w-l-y reviving downtown.
  5. Yeah, you're right. They don't send checks anymore, they use cards. Totally blows his argument.
  6. Who is available this summer who is worth a lot of money?
  7. The Sabres can pay this guy the maximum allowed. They can wait until the off season. EDIT: goodness, I thought this was the Callahan thread.
  8. I almost agree fully with this, but I disagree with the position from which it is stated (the position that I infer, at least). "Ineffective" is not accurate, because this president HAS been effective at making things worse. Much like trying to say Darcy Regier wasn't effective; on the contrary, he was incredibly effective at making the Sabres an utterly miserable team. In a socio/political/economic structure like ours, the health and welfare of business is incredibly important, because when businesses are healthy and happy, our economy is healthy and happy. And when our economy is healthy and happy, the people, our society and the government are all healthy and happy. No matter the system, no matter what types of controls, there will always be outliers; negatives to oppose the positives. The best a human can do is make it so the positives outweigh the negatives. There is no Utopia, Utopia already exists; perfection is imperfection. We, as a nation and society, have swung too far from the ideal imbalance of positives outweighing negatives to an imbalance of negatives outweighing the positives. The strength of the foundation of our nation and society is such that we are all, as a collective, paralyzed to take action: at once it seems to require only a small number of changes to repair; yet it seems doing so would upset whatever comfortable portions of status quo that remain. Frankly, if only it were so "simple" as an action like the Ukrainian government took against its people, I think more people would be more decisive and less wishy-washy on what to do. The interaction of business and government - commerce - has always been there. And it's always been "ugly" to a degree. I don't find the focusing on CEO's and CFO's without any qualification particularly healthy because it serves to destroy the trust in the system - the same system that has served us very, very well for two-hundred plus years. Are all baseball players on steroids? Are all hockey players goons? Do all chefs use too much pepper? No.
  9. That's what they told the public at the time, because, at the time, it was a "sound argument". The argument for making LSD illegal changed to meet the times, but the basis of the argument is the same (fear, misinformation, ignorance). The real reason is that those in power fear they can not control those whose insight is altered by usage. Most hallucinogenic substances are physically harmless (relatively, please), but incredibly powerful mentally and spiritually. In terms of political control, it could be a mistake to legalize THC over the long term; media induced listlessness by itself doesn't bring with it intellectual and spiritual revelations. Morally, economically, and logically, there is no reason for its status to remain as it is.
  10. ...


    Do they make that much avocado at one time?
  11. I don't know why Obama is trying to shore up his legacy via economics and social engineering, all he has to do is remove cannabis and THC-type substances from the Schedule I list of drugs. Poof, instant, positive legacy. Even I would commend him for that move.
  12. God bless you, Taro.
  13. I know people have died and have been injured, but those pictures are fantastic. Those people are fighting REAL tyranny...and they mean business. The stakes are high over there. I hope they keep it up, and stay vigilant.
  14. I don't generally disagree so widely with your POV on a player, and I really want to buy into what you're selling on Foligno but I can't bring myself to it. I know about the injury. If the injury is such that he can't play his game - get him the hell out of there and put in someone else. Why isn't he on IR and having surgery?
  15. I will forever hold my piece. You're welcome to your interpretation, but, if it matters at all, I really don't care to argue about it, or discuss it; I just call it as I see it. Whether it is upsetting, or interesting (I guess), doesn't really matter to me; that's your problem, not mine. At least until the self-anointed "tolerant" people pass laws like those in the Ukraine and I'm hauled off for not conforming (the irony).
  16. OMG. Get out of my fricking head, dude. When Myers was having his bad games the last few seasons, I never bought into the idea, or got the impression watching him myself, that he was a bust. Foligno, I do. Not total bust I'll grant, but bust in the way Stafford is a bust. Stafford was supposed to score up to 30 or more goals a season. Foligno is supposed to be the guy crashing the net, and camping there making it painful for the D. He's supposed to be the guy that goes into the corners and comes out with the puck. He's supposed to make the hit in the offensive zone that changes the momentum. Where is that sh%t? It doesn't matter what line he is on, he looks like he's watching the game rather than playing it.
  17. Viktor Yanukovych is still in power. He is a Putin puppet, clearly. They're back-tracking and will try going a-r-o-u-n-d the law and the public very much the same way Obama and his gang have here. It obviously works, and, tangentially, is perhaps the only thing Putin can respect about Obama. The Prime Minister is merely a casualty - probably fell on the sword on purpose. I think Ukrainians are slightly more "awake" than us, though, so hopefully they'll be onto Yanukovych's game.
  18. What makes you think the riots are going to end? This is a temporary move.
  19. Absolutely agree.
  20. The Germanophobia on this board is stunning.
  21. I agree with this distinction. I think Enroth may be turning into a head case; he has shown he can play a brilliant game, but I think the situation in Buffalo has become a dark cloud for him.
  22. You need to apologize. Or you'll puke in your sleep.
  23. You get that out of "Herr"? That's quite the imagination you have. I think you owe the Germans on the board an apology.
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