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  1. Did I miss something with Omark? Did he do something horrible (in contrast to the rest of the roster)?
  2. Read this book and get back to me: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democracy_in_America
  3. Select a response: 1. Doh! You got me! 2. I never said it was perfect. 3. That paints a small portion of the big picture. 4. I like guacamole.
  4. I guess, in the parlance of this thread, the "social contract" that existed prior to, oh, the Great Depression.
  5. Right. I will not be a party to denying Stebb his due. I eagerly await his report.
  6. That ship sailed in the '70s. That kind of thinking doesn't work, and the countless experiments since haven't worked, either. There is no honor in ANY political system, because people are people. Capitalism requires vigilance, we were warned of that by the Founders, but it provides the best opportunity for as much freedom as possible. However, something in our system, especially early on, worked VERY well. Do we not know that? Why is our country still a world power-house? We didn't even want to be recognized as such until after WWII, when it was decided that WE would be the ones to try and keep the world safe. All of that aside, the system, as it was, worked. There is no perfection.
  7. Come on now, do tell!
  8. You got that right, that eleven, he's always resorting to childish antics.
  9. Wow, I must threaten you greatly for you to pull out your lawyers' slime tactics. Position me as the unreasonable one, so the weaker souls will doubt my position. You are protecting the state and the status quo, and you're doing so using one of the most disgusting maneuvers. I have absolutely no respect, sincerely, for you, if that's how scared you are of your world being upset by the words of someone else.
  10. In the near future, we can make sure all subjects of the new king are ideal, we'll do testing to make sure there are no inferior humans born in this kingdom. We have the technology, and we'll lack the moral fortitude to care and the intellectual strength to question it, so long as the state is not burdened with "defective" people.
  11. This "make it on your own" business, freedom and all of that, it's for crazy romantics. Please, someone come and make sure life doesn't hurt...I'll give you samples of my hair and blood, you can read and listen in on all of my communications, and you can make sure I think correctly. I promise not to criticize you and will contribute to your largess. And when I become a burden on the state, I promise to go to my "great reward" quietly with the assurance that my family will be taken care of by you, my king and your state.
  12. Sh*t, while we're at it, why don't we just all coronate a king. Life is scary all out there on our own, ya know. We need to ratify a "social kontrakt" with the new king so we all have a big daddy to look to when things get tough.
  13. Long live the unions!
  14. A "social contract" is hyperbole.
  15. That's what taxes, pre-Obamacare, were for. Blame the government and all of the hands in the piggy bank.
  16. Unbelievable. Well, no. When are we going to start censoring talk radio? Can we start that tomorrow?
  17. Exactly. At one time, employers offered health care benefits as a way of attracting and retaining employees. There was never a "social contract"...whatever that is supposed to mean, really. Who defines this "social contract", anyway? What gobbledygook. Here, under my definition of a social contract, you all are obliged to give me $1 million, so pay up. Holy socialist, comrade!
  18. If you were told you didn't have to pay half of your cable bill, but could keep all of the services you had, would you still pay the entire bill or opt to pay half? A business is not obliged to be charitable. The only option employees have is to try and find a different job with better bennies...at least for the next year or so until the health care playing field is completely leveled (except for government employees, of course). I guess the next step is to lobby your favorite politician to force businesses into being charitable and cover more health care costs. That'll show those greedy SOBs.
  19. And the players on the ice look like they were cut and pasted from an old rod hockey game:
  20. ...


    So those girls in The Blacklist earlier this week would have felt their childbirths? Yowzers.
  21. We've already experienced Obamacare fail, so, my sympathies, I guess. For me, the reasoning of those all for it is not really a comfort. Perhaps I'm wrong, but it looks like it's of little comfort to you, too.
  22. Hey weave, I don't know what this means, but I'll just say this. If the sky was to fall and injure someone, wouldn't it be better if them going into bankruptcy to fix themselves was one less worry for them?
  23. Cashews make my bathroom smell fruity.
  24. Prediction: John Scott is signed to $3.5m per for 3 years in August 2014.
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