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  1. Brad May is getting cozy in front of the camera, he handles Duffer better than Robie.
  2. Maybe he's tired of Hamilton's constant pestering and just gave in with an objective answer.
  3. I seriously don't understand all of the trade Ehrhoff talk.
  4. Thanks! That's great news, I guess. Something needs to be done.
  5. Do you think Miller is glad to be back under fire or would he prefer to warm the bench as a backup on a better team? Is there a roster of scouts in attendance?
  6. "You must cast your vote in each question of the poll." What? I did...
  7. God, I don't want to have to listen to Schopp and the Bulldog to get the skinny on this. I have avoided them, mostly, for the past near month and am happier for it.
  8. There most certainly has to be.
  9. Capitalism is dead. Long live Capitalism. Goodbye my country, my Constitution, you made me at once proud to add to your ranks, and regretful that I had done so. If it were not for you both, man would not be so spoiled, ignorant and indignant; you saved mankind and doomed it to oppression unimagined.
  10. Canada's D is pretty hot and the team's confidence is high. That's a tough combination to crack, but it's still only 1-0.
  11. Another PP, do something with it.
  12. Wow, what a game.
  13. I like the organist...Sabres game day crew take note.
  14. Good period. Each side can only attempt what amounts to a bombing raid on the other and then they're turned around. I'm loving the puck battles all over the rink.
  15. You know what we're not seeing? No dump and chase; it's all about possession and keeping possession as long as possible.
  16. You make it sound so innocent and congenial. As if Obamacare were a puppy and those who don't like it are people who kick puppies.
  17. I like Starbucks. They have changed their "house" over the years, but it's far better to me than Timmy Ho's or most other places. Actually, for my coffee, I prefer either of two sources: Wegman's whole espresso beans or Premier's Italian espresso beans. With either, I grind the beans at home and use that as my coffee. I also like REALLY hoppy beer.
  18. Praise Jesus. Praise Allah. I DON'T GET THE TIMMY HO'S COFFEE ADDICTION. That coffee just sucks major wewqjhlenaajsfnas.
  19. It's pretty obvious they lost the match at the end of the third. The entire OT fiasco would not have happened if they just kept their focus for the last 5 minutes.
  20. Someone needs to taint Team Canada's pre-game mac and cheese to assure a win for the USA.
  21. I knew when USA was hugging each other at the bench with 5 minutes to go in the third it spelled trouble. When will these coaches learn Alamo Mode is not a sound defensive strategy? USA lost this when they sat back in the last 5 of the third thinking they can D it all the way home. Doing so gave the refs the green light to influence the game and give Canada the gold. I'm sickened by the whole thing.
  22. That one girl looks like Tyler Ennis. The refs completely suck.
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