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  1. You there, good guess, but a little far off the mark. No, this one is a tribute to Anton Chekov entitled "I Wear Black".
  2. We'll have to accept minor changes to our way of life. For example: "Dancing with the Stars" will be retitled "Dancing with the Comrades".
  3. Sharks with frickin' lazer beams attached to their heads. Just open up the old arms catalog like we always do, right, and spank that bad boy Putin on his tight little fanny.
  4. Lots of people hate cars and oil and stuff. I guess welcome bicycles as the principle mode of transportation? Get ready for real censorship and oppression. The USA has ruled the planet too long, anyway. We're so mean and evil, we deserve what we get. Vote Obama for a third term!
  5. Bucky can claim to have sources close to PLF and the Sabres.
  6. I pretty much agree. NATO will do the usual sanctions or, even worse, acquiesce to the move. The EU is going to look to us to do *something*. But, we won't, because, you know, as far as all the smart people go, the USSR is dead, the Cold War is long over, and we have no real enemies on the planet. Let's just keep whistling that tune, maybe those former KGB'ers won't try to reassemble the USSR after all. But, first, let's ignore these long range missile tests, they don't mean anything. Really. Just show. Rainbows and unicorns everyone! Oh, yeah, anyone thinking China is going to do anything but pay superficial lip service to the USSR, er, I mean, Russia, is crazy. China has an interest in collecting on their debts with physical assets. Rainbows and unicorns!
  7. Okay. You've told me. You're right.
  8. Hey kettle! You've been on a roll for 3 years. You're going to buy that. Because it's so easy to assimilate. For all we know, they developed the "crony" narrative by visiting this site, reading your theories. Anything to put this behind us.
  9. Okay, here's an example: cause: PLF has a drinking or drug dependency problem. That would go farther to explain everything we know than an internal rift would (but admittedly not by much). Be advised, I don't think this is the issue, I just present it as a way of trying to help tie together the "facts" of the matter.
  10. This is so frustrating. It was Tweeted, so it must be so. Nolan didn't say anything that anyone could hang their hat on. Obviously there is a cover up of something. It seems most people are content to keep hunting down the paths laid out for us by the "leaks", despite the clear fact that those paths lead to dead ends. But since it was said, it must be so...why? Few people seem to be willing to even consider thinking outside the box on this matter. There are so many parallels to political and social manipulation it's disgusting, but, what's more disgusting is if I bring up any examples of that, guaranteed that a few people will be distracted by the content of the example, accuse me of bringing up politics, and totally miss the point that it's only an example to illustrate a greater point.
  11. 5'8" 180 lbs. Which means he's 5'6" 172 lbs.
  12. I think this is pretty much the reality we have to live with: except that, as discussed above, the hit rate for drafts makes it an incredibly risky strategy; or, it's unlikely to pan out as well as the front office hopes it will.
  13. Well, then, go hire yourself a GM. This team and this GM have a different idea than a lot of people here, obviously. Write emails, make signs, place phone calls. What are you going to do otherwise?
  14. I will be among the last to defend Black, but, what if there really was no discord that led to his "resignation"? Everyone is so focused on this being a Sabres matter, when, everyone who can speak about it factually has denied that. The only people saying it was "internal discord" are the people speculating.
  15. When you ask for, and get, a new, aggressive GM, this is part of the deal.
  16. Fine, and, again, if the hit rate is that bad, then the Sabres are doomed. It will take years and years to get out of the basement, if they do at all. Someone somewhere has a spreadsheet saying it's a good idea.
  17. Aw, shucks, golly gee whiz, guys, what do you mean everyone doesn't love the Sabres? That makes me sore.
  18. Assuming your prognosis is correct, then the rebuild is doomed to fail before it starts taking off.
  19. I agree he looks rejuvenated, and I know he's a Nolan-type of player, but he still hasn't been scoring. I think the Sabres are stuck with him the duration of his contract.
  20. I think the outlook on next season depends on what happens between today and sometime next October. We, the Sabres fanbase, are pretty up on our prospects and AHLers...if Murray creates a stew that looks like it needs just another season to cook, I think folks would be happy to go through one more throw-away season knowing what's to come. Obviously, the Sabres would be happy to let the 2015 draft conversation continue unabated as well, as it would give the next season a definitive context.
  21. Aud, that's one of the reasons I don't like the guy. He thinks his callousness "works".
  22. I think I just read or heard that Brodeur is starting tonight. Looking at websites, listening to radio.
  23. How far we have come, or, how low we have sunk...
  24. Potentially, yes, but not assuredly unless the Sabres gobble up another 10 or so picks. This is the part of the McDavid stakes that bugs me greatly. I dig the stock-piling of picks for next year's draft, but unless the Sabres fortunes turn around, they won't win the lottery despite a cache of picks. Or, they'll announce Seattle is ready to go in 2015-16 and they get first dibs.
  25. Everyday is a day something can happen. You go out there, Tiger, and make something happen!
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