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  1. ...

    Site Performance

    Okay, good to see. There were definitely issues during the game last night through this morning.
  2. ...

    Site Performance

    @SDS should have tagged you in the op.
  3. I'm detecting site performance issues. Basically, slow page loading times. Being an admin myself I suspect two possibilities: a server-level change or software platform issues likely related to a db cache.
  4. Other than the PP I thought they played a strong game.
  5. Is it me, or has Greenway been more noticeable? Is Lindy deploying him substantially different than Meatballs did?
  6. Organizations that can't shake their problems and revitalize their culture suffer from a top-down problem.
  7. This Adams team lacks whatever "it" is. Thompson, Power, Cozens, and Samuelsson routinely reverse any momentum the rest of the team builds.
  8. Ready to be proven correct.
  9. Will she be wearing that top?
  10. He cares about it if it's a distraction. He also cares about it if it promotes individuality within the group. I think he cares about it only to the point of getting rid of it as a thing that gets in the way of what he needs to accomplish with the group.
  11. Do you remember the Lindy years? This is par for the course.
  12. uhh, I was ill all weekend so missed this nugget. This is Adams Adamsing. Super dumb.
  13. Power, too. Trade both and some assets. We'll finally have a team!
  14. The "maybe" vote is being disenfranchised.
  15. There goes his career.
  16. Sabres: 5 - Germans: embarrassed
  17. I think the world is ready for Newd Benson.
  18. That's a bit of kitschy view of the situation and none of it reflects the meaning that you "fixed" for me (although I generally agree with your perspective). We can't keep 'em all and we're going to need big talent in here real soon I suspect. The better the C team looks, the more potential there is for a big trade.
  19. I saw the latter part of the second and the first 10+ minutes of the third. I don't know what to make of that game - we're not supposed to get excited about pre-season games and it was, what, our C squad? They played well above expectations. If nothing else, we're elevating the trade value of our depth.
  20. Formulaic. Many people are aesthetic conformists, especially those who attend sporting events. None of this is surprising. Football has replaced church and these people were singing a hymn in honor of the god of consumerism.
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